
  • creating with the earth - a conversation with Linda Pappa
    Feb 11 2023
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 For today´s episode I have invited the incredible artist Linda Pappa - she is one of my biggest inspirations and I am super stoked about sharing this inspiring conversation with you. Linda is sharing about her art journey, how it was always a part of her life, how nature is inspiring her, what nature teaches us about creating and how we are called to connect to the seasons. Enjoy - it's one of my favorite conversations ever :) I am excited to hear your thoughts :) _____ Explore Linda's World: https://www.lindapappa.com ESTIA (the online space we're talking about in the episode, it's already live) https://www.lindapappa.com/estia On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linda___pappa/ _____ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com Rooting Deep Retreat in Haus / Ennstal, 11.-15. Juni 2023: https://bysimonestocker.com/retreats/ Journals, Meditations, Embodiment Practices and Ritual Tools in my Shop: https://bysimonestocker.com/shop/ Apply for my 1:1 Aliveness Mentorship: https://bysimonestocker.com/11-coaching/ The Blossome Journal: https://bysimonestocker.com/blossome-journal/ _____ Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • the new measure for success - a conversation with Honey Bachan
    Jan 25 2023
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 For today´s episode I have invited Honey Bachan - Embodiment & Aligned Business Coach. Honey works with creative women that want to make a difference, connect to their full expression and take aligned action towards their vision. In this interesting episode we start off with comparison, especially in the online and creative industry, how aligned empowered decisions and actions can trigger other people around you, then we dive into Honey's past as an environmental activist that did lead to a burnout, her decision to be child free and if it is a good idea to birth a child into this world right now. We go into what the earth is calling us to do right now - especially as business owners. Then we close the conversation with a discussion about the energy of the feminine, which is often misunderstood as this soft and passive energy - which in our opinion is not the whole truth ;) Enjoy listening to our conversation and I hope you can catch some valuable insights for yourself. I am excited to hear your thoughts :) _____ Explore Honey's Offers: https://www.honeybachan.com On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honeybachancoaching/ _____ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com Journals, Meditations, Embodiment Practices and Ritual Tools in my Shop: https://bysimonestocker.com/shop/ Apply for my 1:1 Aliveness Mentorship: https://bysimonestocker.com/11-coaching/ The Blossome Journal: https://bysimonestocker.com/blossome-journal/ _____ Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • The Rebellion of my inner child
    Nov 1 2022
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 „The rebellion of my inner child" In this episode I am reflecting on my inner & business journey the last years. I am sharing about: - my childhood and how I naturally was creating all the time - why I am often sad when I think about school - my intention when I started my business 4 years ago - how, in the persuit of freedom, I created another prison for myself - the lowest point last year, where I felt like "the clothes of my life don't fit anymore" - where I lost my nature / essence in the process and how my inner child was rebelling - why I really decided to stop coaching and holding space - what nature taught me in 2022 _____ Melde dich für den kostenlosen Workshop "Embody the Seasons" an, der am 07.11.2022 um 19:00 stattfindet: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/635d3fbb647f997fb25c88ec Mach mit bei EARTHESS RISING - Anmeldung bis 14.11.2022: https://bysimonestocker.com/earthess-rising/ Stöbere in meinem Ritual Tools Shop: https://bysimonestocker.com/shop/ Blossome Journal: https://bysimonestocker.com/blossome-journal/ ___ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    51 mins
  • Creating regeneratively, slow and in tune with (our) nature - a conversation with Zoë Lind van't Hof from Wunderworkshop
    Sep 28 2022
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 For today´s episode I have invited Zoë Lind van't Hof - co-founder of Wunderworkshop. Her mission with her brand is it to support the work of small community farmers that use traditional methods that are good for the soil, environment and for the farmers themselves. They are going beyond sustainability and are creating regenerative - supporting those that nourish the soil. Because without a healthy soil, we can't live. In this episode we talk about Zoe's background, her upbringing and her personal journey. We share how we can respond to situations in different ways - either in victim mode or we can choose to see an opportunity and the bigger picture in the things that happen to us. We talk about a slow lifestyle and regenerative creation and businesses, that nourish the earth and also our spirit and our true nature. This is an inspiring conversation to empower ourselves as consumers and creators - so we can take responsibility and create real change. Enjoy listening to our conversation and I hope you can catch some valuable insights for yourself. _____ Explore Wunderworkshop https://wunderworkshop.com On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wunderworkshop/ beautiful Zoe on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoelvh/ _____ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com Apply for my 1:1 Aliveness Mentorship: https://bysimonestocker.com/11-coaching/ The Blossome Journal: https://bysimonestocker.com/blossome-journal/ Meditations, Embodiment Practices and Ritual Tools in the Shop: https://bysimonestocker.com/shop/ _____ Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • "Maybe I have to loose everything, to realize I can't loose anything." - ein verletzliches Gespräch mit Freya Bretnütz
    Sep 14 2022
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 "Maybe I have to loose everything, to realize that I actually can't loose anything." Dieses Zitat ist das Thema für das heutige Gespräch mit der lieben Freya Bretnütz. Freya ist meine Manifestor Sister und eine unglaublich inspirierende Frau - ich freu mich total, dass sie die nächste Season von „SHE" eröffnet. Wir sprechen über... … wie auch wir in den "hustle pool" reingesprungen sind ... wie uns das Universum dieses Jahr öfters eine "Watschen" gegeben hat - und was wir daraus gelernt haben ... was wir dadurch alles hinterfragt haben Danke, dass du da bist. Ich freue mich auf die gemeinsame Reise mit dir! Ab jetzt hörst du mich hier jeden Mittwoch mit einer neuen Folge. P.S.: Entschuldigt uns die schlechtere Qualität der Aufnahme. In der Zukunft wird das besser sein. _____ Hier findest du Freya: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freya.bretnuetz/ _____ Melde dich noch heute zum Retreat auf Mallorca an: https://bysimonestocker.com/retreats/ Bewirb dich für das 1:1 Aliveness Mentorship: https://bysimonestocker.com/11-coaching/ Das Blossome Journal: https://bysimonestocker.com/blossome-journal/ Meditationen, Embodiment Practices und Ritual Tools im Shop: https://bysimonestocker.com/shop/ _____ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    1 hr and 43 mins
  • „Finding beauty in simplicity" - Life Update November 2021
    Nov 17 2021
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 „Finding beauty in simplicity" In dieser Folge lasse ich euch an meinen Gedanken teilhaben, welche mich die letzten Wochen begleitet haben. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich viel verstanden habe, viel Klarheit in mir war und ich inspiriert durch das Leben gegangen bin. Das wohl prägnanteste Thema der letzten Wochen war "Einfachheit". Ich spüre in mir drin einen starken Wunsch vieles - vor allem Materielles - loszulassen und den Fokus auf die für mich wichtigen Dingen zu legen. Wie ich versuche, dies zu erreichen und wie es überhaupt dazu kam, erfährst du in dieser Episode. Ich wünsche dir viel Inspiration beim Hören der Folge. Über ein Abo und eine Bewertung bei iTunes freue ich mich sehr. _____ Melde dich für "The Garden" an: https://bysimonestocker.com/product/the-garden-humans-circle/ Stöbere in meinem neuen Shop: https://bysimonestocker.com/shop/ Blossome Journal: https://bysimonestocker.com/blossome-journal/ ___ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    28 mins
  • How to become a natural Superhuman with Carl Massy
    Nov 3 2021
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 For today´s episode I have invited Carl Massy - coach and author. He guided me on my path to become a coach and build my business, as he was my mentor for 1,5 years. We talk about the past and share some stories about our coaching relationship. You will get to know Carl as a person and get insights on his beautiful work. Carl also shares his wisdom on how to connect to and actually hear the voice of your inner guidance / your intuition. Carl also talks about how this program came together and what the intention is behind it. Have fun listening to our conversation and I hope you can catch some valuable insights for yourself. _____ Discover Carl´s program "Become a natural Superhuman": - https://carl-massy.mykajabi.com/BNSH _____ Melde dich für die Retreats im nächsten Jahr an: https://bysimonestocker.com/retreats/ Blossome Meditations- und Embodiment Pack: https://blossomejournal.com/products/blossome-meditation-embodiment-pack Das Blossome Journal: https://blossomejournal.com/products/blossome-journal _____ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com - Sign up for my loveletter: https://bysimonestocker.com/sign-up-for-my-loveletter/ Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • „Make the space in your life for possibility to unfold.“ – Warum du Raum schaffen musst um Neues einzuladen
    Oct 20 2021
    „SHE" - LEAVE HER WILD 🧝‍♀️🌙 „Make the space in your life for possibility to unfold.“ In dieser Folge möchte ich gern zusammen mit dir reflektieren, was passiert, wenn wir unser Leben zu vollpacken. Dabei berichte ich über meine aktuellen Struggles aus dem Alltag, wenn wir uns selber und unserem Leben keinen Raum geben. Denn ohne Raum hetzen wir von einer Sache zur Nächsten und sind oft doch nur mit dem halben Herzen dabei. Doch in der Stille liegt die Magie und der Zauber des Neuen. Warum also nicht Altes, was uns nicht mehr dient, loslassen um Platz für Neues zu machen? Ich hoffe, ich kann dir in dieser Folge Tipps geben, damit auch du für dich reflektieren kannst, was dir aktuell nicht mehr dient und wie du mutig diese Dinge loslassen kannst. Viel Spaß dabei! Über ein Abo und eine Bewertung bei iTunes freue ich mich sehr. _____ Bewirb dich für die 1:1 Coaching Journey noch bis zum 24.10.: https://bysimonestocker.com/11-coaching/ Stöbere in meinem neuen Shop: https://bysimonestocker.com/shop/ Blossome Journal: https://bysimonestocker.com/blossome-journal/ Hier gehts zum Earthess Rising Online-Kurs: https://bysimonestocker.com/earthess-rising/ ___ Connect with me: - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simone_stocker/ - Website: https://bysimonestocker.com Impressum: https://bysimonestocker.com/impressum/
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    28 mins