
  • 3 Nephi 8 - 11 The Great Destruction and Divine Encounter
    Sep 22 2024

    Catastrophic events cause terrible destruction in the Western Hemisphere, attesting to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. Chapter 8 details the overwhelming natural disasters that swept across the land, transforming the landscape and causing widespread devastation.

    As the people of Nephi grapple with the aftermath, they hear the voice of Christ proclaiming the destruction of their cities because of their wickedness. After some time, the remaining righteous of the people gather together at the temple and witness a profound event: the appearance of Jesus Christ. Amidst their astonishment and sorrow, the Savior speaks to them, offering a message of repentance and redemption. This divine encounter marks a pivotal moment, transforming mourning into joy and leading to the establishment of an increased spiritual foundation for the survivors.

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    45 mins
  • 3 Nephi 1 - 7 The Night Without Darkness: Signs and Miracles Fulfilled
    Sep 15 2024

    The prophecies of Christ's birth from Samuel the Lamanite begin to unfold. Nephi, son of Helaman, disappears, leaving his son, also named Nephi, in charge of the sacred records. The non-believers, in their fervor to discredit the prophecies, set a deadly ultimatum for the believers.

    Nephi prays fervently for his people, and the sign is miraculously fulfilled, astonishing everyone as the night remains bright as day. The non-believers are struck with fear, leading to widespread conversion and peace. However, the peace is short-lived as pride, greed, and the influence of the Gadianton robbers cause turmoil once again. This episode highlights the cyclical nature of faith and wickedness among the Nephites and sets the stage for the upcoming arrival of the resurrected Christ.

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • Helaman 13 - 16 Samuel the Lamanite Calls for Repentance
    Sep 8 2024

    A Lamanite prophet named Samuel appears among the Nephites around 6 BC. His mission is to call the Nephites to repentance amidst their deepening wickedness. Despite being thrown out of the city of Zarahemla, Samuel returns, climbing the city wall and delivers God's warnings and predictions.

    Samuel boldly prophesies of the coming of Jesus Christ and the devastating consequences for the Nephites if they do not repent. His bold declarations included the appearance of a new star, other miraculous signs in the heavens, and a period of three days of darkness at the time of Christ's death. Samuel's words were met with a mix of belief and violent rejection, leading to a miraculous escape from Zarahemla.

    The episode concludes with Samuel's powerful message of repentance and the eventual fulfillment of his prophecies, setting the stage for the coming of Christ and the subsequent transformation of the Nephite and Lamanite societies.

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    48 mins
  • The Legacy of George Washington: A Reflection on America's Founding Principles
    Sep 4 2024

    Join us in this compelling episode featuring Dr. Skousen, the renowned author of "The Naked Communist" and "The Naked Capitalist," and the founder of the Freeman Institute. Dr. Skousen shares his profound insights on the origins of the United States, the founding fathers, and the enduring principles that have shaped the nation.

    Dr. Skousen takes us on a journey through the life of George Washington, illuminating his unwavering faith, leadership, and the divine interventions that marked the American Revolution. He delves into Washington's character, recounts the struggles at Valley Forge, and highlights the miraculous events that led to the nation's independence.

    As he reflects on the challenges faced by the early republic and the crafting of the U.S. Constitution, Dr. Skousen underscores the importance of returning to the foundational values that made America great. This episode is a tribute to the heroism and vision of the founding fathers and a call to preserve their legacy for future generations.

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    37 mins
  • Helaman 7 - 12 Nephi's Tower: A Cry for Repentance
    Sep 1 2024

    In this episode, we recount the poignant journey of Nephi, the son of Helaman, as he returns to Zarahemla after six years of missionary work in the north. Shocked by the rampant wickedness and corruption of the Nephites, Nephi laments the state of his people.

    Witness Nephi's heartfelt prayer from his garden tower, which draws a curious crowd. Seizing the moment, Nephi passionately calls for repentance, condemning the influence of the Gadianton robbers who have seized power. His plea is a stark reminder of the consequences of turning away from God's commandments.

    The episode captures Nephi's sorrow and determination as he confronts the corrupt judges and delivers a powerful sermon, urging the Nephites to return to righteousness. Join us for an intense exploration of faith, prophecy, and the relentless pursuit of truth in the face of overwhelming adversity.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Helaman 1 - 6: Turmoil and Transformation in Nephite and Lamanite Societies
    Aug 25 2024

    The Nephite society faces political instability following the death of Chief Judge Pahoran, leading to contentious elections and the rise of rebellion. As political factions vie for power, Kishkumen's secretive band of murderers emerges, culminating in the assassination of Pahoran and his successor. Meanwhile, Coriantumr, an apostate Nephite, leads a massive Lamanite army to a surprising victory over Zarahemla, only to be outmaneuvered by Moronihah's strategic brilliance.

    Amidst the chaos, Helaman's sons, Nephi and Lehi, embark on a mission to preach the gospel. Their efforts lead to astonishing conversions among the Lamanites, who surpass the Nephites in righteousness. However, the Gadianton robbers infiltrate Nephite society, driving it into deeper corruption while the Lamanites strive to eradicate the band from their midst.

    Despite brief periods of peace and prosperity, the Nephites' increasing wickedness and the rise of secret combinations spell impending doom. This episode highlights the stark contrast between the declining Nephite nation and the spiritually ascending Lamanites, emphasizing themes of repentance, righteousness, and the power of faith amidst adversity.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • Alma 53 - 63 The Mighty Nephite Generals and the Rise of the Stripling Warriors
    Aug 18 2024

    In this riveting episode, witness the strategic brilliance of Nephite generals Moroni and Lehi as they manage their prisoners and fortify the city of Bountiful. Marvel at the deep bond between Moroni and Lehi, forged through countless battles.

    Discover the stirring account of the 2,000 stripling warriors, young men of unwavering faith and valor, who step forward to defend their land under the leadership of Helaman. Follow their journey as they march to aid the Nephite armies and face the Lamanites in fierce combat, driven by the teachings of their mothers and their devotion to God.

    Explore the cunning tactics employed by Moroni to outmaneuver the Lamanites and reclaim Nephite cities, culminating in the dramatic liberation of Nephihah and the eventual restoration of peace in the land. Amidst the turmoil, witness the steadfastness of Helaman's stripling warriors, who, despite their youth and inexperience, fight with tremendous faith and valor.

    This episode is a testament to the power of faith, unity, and righteous leadership in the face of overwhelming odds.

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    2 hrs and 6 mins
  • Alma 43 - 52 The Battle for Liberty: Moroni's Triumph and the Fall of Amalickiah
    Aug 11 2024

    In Alma chapter 43, we are thrust back into the heart of the Nephite-Lamanite conflict after Alma's poignant instructions to his sons. Outraged by the Nephites' sheltering of Zoramite converts, the Zoramites and Lamanites plot a massive attack on Jershon. The pacifist Ammonite converts are moved to Melech, while Alma, his sons, and other missionaries rally the Nephite spirits for the impending war.

    The Lamanites, led by Zarahemna, face a well-prepared Nephite army under the new, young leader, Moroni. The Nephites, fortified with breastplates and shields, outmaneuver the Lamanite forces, leading to a strategic victory. Moroni's brilliant tactics and the Nephites' spiritual resolve shine through in this gripping chapter, as they defend their liberty, families, and faith against overwhelming odds.

    As the chapter unfolds, we witness the intensity of the conflict and the Nephites' unwavering commitment to their cause. The chapter concludes with the Nephites rejoicing in their deliverance, a testament to their faith and unity in the face of adversity.

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    2 hrs and 8 mins