• Sarah Longwell and Simon Rosenberg with Larry Mantle | A Closer Look at the 2024 Elections
    Sep 19 2024

    Sarah Longwell, a Republican political strategist, is the founder and
    producer of The Bulwark, a conservative anti-Trump news and opinion
    website launched in 2018. Together with Bill Kristol and Charlie Sykes,
    Sarah has consistently presented outstanding podcasts, programming and
    articles for Republican never-Trumpers, a movement which Longwell
    helped to form and continues to lead. Longwell is the founder of
    Republican Voters Against Trump, which spent millions of dollars to defeat
    then-President Donald Trump in 2020. She also heads Republicans for the
    Rule of Law which advocated for the impeachment and removal of Trump
    in 2019. Sarah Longwell, and The Bulwark continue to pursue their
    mission of warning of the dangers to our democracy posed by MAGA and

    Simon Rosenberg is a highly regarded Democratic political strategist and
    commentator with more than 3 decades of experience in national politics
    and television news. He has built a new home for his political analysis,
    commentary, and live political discussions at Hopium Chronicles, an
    engaging new project on the Substack media platform. In 2022 Rosenberg
    was the single political analyst who refuted the notion that the 2022 election
    would result in a “red wave”…and he got it right.

    Simon and Sarah were guests on America at a Crossroads in December,
    2023 looking ahead to the 2024 elections. Now that the 2024 elections are
    upon us, we have asked them to return to take A Close(r)Look at the
    2024 Elections. It will be fun, exciting and informative. Moderated by
    LAists’ Larry Mantle

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    59 mins
  • Gidi Grinstein with Rabbi Ed Feinstein | Israel in Crisis Briefing #17
    Sep 17 2024

    Gidi Grinstein has spent most of his career promoting Israeli-Palestinian
    and regional peace in the Middle East. In his recent book (In)Sights:
    Peacemaking in the Oslo Process thirty Years and Counting, Grinstein
    illuminates systemic issues relating to the failed efforts to arrive at a two-
    state solution. Ambassador Dennis Ross, a frequent guest on America at a
    Crossroads, and longtime US Special Middle East Coordinator, described
    (in)Sights as the single best book on understanding the issues …
    illuminating new dimensions” and said it was an “essential [read] for future
    US peace intervention.”

    Since October 7, America at a Crossroads has invited a variety of veteran
    diplomats, journalists, and scholars to provide occasional briefings about
    the situation in the Middle East, focusing on the hostages, the Gaza War,
    and on US engagement and diplomacy in the region.

    On September 16, Gidi Grinstein, a foremost expert on Israeli-Palestinian
    relations, the Oslo Process and the Permanent Status Agreement, will be
    joining America at a Crossroads to provide our 17 th Israel in Crisis a briefing
    since the heinous attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023.

    Grinstein will discuss the status and progress of hostage and cease fire
    negotiations and his views on what the future holds in terms of Israeli
    Palestinian relations.

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    1 hr
  • Aaron David Miller with Larry Mantle | Israel in Crisis Briefing #16
    Sep 13 2024

    Since October 7, America at a Crossroads has invited a variety of veteran
    diplomats, journalists, and scholars to provide occasional briefings about
    the situation in the Middle East, focusing on the hostages, the Gaza War,
    and on US engagement and diplomacy in the region.
    On September 12, expert Middle East analyst Aaron David Miller, a senior
    fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a
    commentator on the subject for CNN, MSNBC and Bloomberg will be
    joining America at a Crossroads to provide our 16 th Israel in Crisis a briefing
    since the heinous attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023.
    Miller spent 24 years working with and often leading the Middle East team
    at the US Department of State. He has advised both Democratic and
    Republican presidents and secretaries of state and has participated in
    American efforts to broker agreements between Israel, Jordan, Syria and
    the Palestinians.
    Miller will discuss the status and progress of hostage and cease fire

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    58 mins
  • Larry Diamond and Jeffrey Koseff with Larry Mantle | "It's in the air": Antisemitism and anti-Israel bias on college campuses, and how to address it.
    Sep 6 2024

    The severe uptick in antisemitic and anti-Israel incidents on college
    campuses since the October 7 Hamas massacre in Israel has been widely
    documented. In late 2023, Stanford University’s President appointed our
    America at a Crossroads guests, Larry Diamond, a senior fellow both at
    Stanford’s Hoover Institution and at the Freeman Spogli Institute for
    International Studies and Professor Jeffrey Kosseff, to co-chair a
    Committee to study antisemitism and anti-Israel bias on campus. The
    Committee conducted more than 50 different listening sessions and as
    many individual interviews; hundreds of undergraduates, graduate
    students, faculty, staff, alumni, and parents participated. The Committee
    issued a Report that they found widespread and pernicious antisemitism as
    well as a failure on the part of the University to respond to complaints. This
    program reviews the findings contained in the Stanford Report and the
    speakers discuss similar findings on other campuses. A key element of the
    Committee’s work was to make recommendations as to what must be done
    to address this serious and growing problem.

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    57 mins
  • Max Boot with Warren Olney | From Reagan's GOP to Trump's MAGA: Where are we headed?
    58 mins
  • Leon Panetta with Patt Morrison | An Expert's View of our World in Chaos
    58 mins
  • Linda Greenhouse with Patt Morrison | A U.S. Supreme Court on the Edge: An Expert's Analysis
    58 mins
  • Mike Mullen with Warren Olney | The World at War: Is There a Chance for Peace?
    59 mins