
  • Jesus Knows Me, This I Love
    Sep 11 2024

    Who knows you better than anyone else on earth? Does that person know absolutely everything about you? Would you want them to?

    The Bible teaches us that we don't actually even know everything about ourselves... but God does. We may fear disclosing our deepest secrets to others because we feel they will reject us. But God, who knows us better than we know ourselves, has promised that He will "never leave us nor forsake us."

    Resources cited in this episode:

    "Telling Yourself the Truth" by William Backus and Marie Chapian

    Psalm 139:1-12; Isaiah 44:1-2; I Samuel 12:19-22

    "If You Look," a song written by Jeff Hamlin and performed by Glad. https://genius.com/Glad-if-you-look-lyrics

    Psalm 139:23-24

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    21 mins
  • Surviving Covid & the Casino
    Aug 14 2024

    In this episode, Cookie Vasquez of Bakersfield, California shares her survival story. Saved from addiction, a survivor of Covid, and a great storyteller, Cookie has a story to tell! Join her and host Ruth McDonald as they chat about Cookie's varied experiences and a fun Covid-induced hallucination.

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    46 mins
  • To Final Breath
    Jul 11 2024

    Kristen Crabtree is a pastor's wife and palliative care nurse who shares her experiences and insights into how we as Christians can care for people "from the cradle to the grave." Sooner or later, we all walk through "the valley of the shadow of death" with our loved ones, and Kristen gives wonderful and -- yes, encouraging! -- advice to help us with this most certain of human experiences.

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    49 mins
  • Hope for the Hurting
    Jun 26 2024

    Note: This episode contains material that is not appropriate for children and young listeners.

    "The only place where there is no hope is hell," says Cindy Cunningham, Director and Founder of Village of Hope Uganda. For even the most unimaginable trauma, there is hope in Christ.

    Village of Hope provides hope, healing and practical help of every kind for children who has been traumatized by war. Child soldiers, children of rape, orphans, and abandoned children by the thousands have been transformed by the love of Christ expressed through the Body of Christ.

    If you would like to support this amazing ministry, please follow this link to give and to pray:


    In addition to highlighting Village of Hope, Ruth and Cindy talk about trauma, particularly childhood trauma, and the hope that is available through Christ. Both recount how the Lord has healed and helped them throughout their walk with Him.

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    37 mins
  • You're God's Favorite!
    Jun 12 2024

    You're not going to want to miss this episode! In this oh so very important message, Ruth McDonald shares about the unfailing, unconditional, and totally undeserved love that God has for you. If you struggle with believing -- truly believing -- that God is delighted with you, you need this message.

    The amazing thing about His grace is that it's 0% about what we do and 100% about who He is!

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    21 mins
  • In it for the Long Haul
    May 29 2024

    In this episode, Ruth McDonald sits down with veteran missionary to Spain Lea Edgmon to discuss a very important topic: how to you hang in there for the long haul? Between the two, Ruth and Lea have over 60 years of experience as overseas missionaries and church planters. Listen in as they share tips and advice on how to hang in there... even when you don't feel like it!

    Lea shares about some difficulties she has faced during her years overseas including the loss of her unborn triplets and other losses and trials. She gives testimony to the beauty of teammates who loved and supported her through tough times and cited the Scriptural basis for all the "one anothers." She urges us to encourage others by our actions, prayers, and words.

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    54 mins
  • Parenting is Not What I Expected
    May 8 2024

    One in 36 children in the U.S. has been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. In this episode, Ruth McDonald talks with April Jimmeye about how we can care for children with special needs -- both as parents and as the church. April is a mother of 3 children, 2 of whom have diagnoses of autism. She is also a graduate of Liberty University and earned a Masters from University of West Florida. She is a certified Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who shares a wealth of information from her own personal journey and her acquired knowledge.

    Most parents -- whether they have special needs children or not -- will resonate with April's message, as all of us have thought "this is not quite what I expected at the baby shower." Her perspective and advice are so vital for all of us who love and care for children.

    If you are involved in a church, you will find April's message challenging and helpful as you try to ensure that your ministry is accessible to every family and every child.

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    59 mins
  • Watch One, Do One, Teach One: Reproducible Discipleship
    Apr 18 2024

    In this episode, Ruth McDonald interviews missionary to Bulgaria, Amy Postlewaite, about the simplicity of discipleship as a natural lifestyle. Amy and her husband Jonathan live with their 3 children in Pleven, Bulgaria, where they are involved in church planting, evangelism and discipleship. Their lives are filled with discipling Bulgarian children and adults as well as international students from many nations.

    Amy focuses in on the importance of making discipleship reproducible, and you will hear many examples of how that is possible in a natural and lifestyle-based approach to helping others in their walk with Christ.

    You will be encouraged by the story of how Amy's 11-year-old daughter is already busy discipling her friends in a regular home small group. Anyone who loves Jesus can disciple others!

    You may learn more about the Postlewaites' ministry at: https://iminc.org/im-missionaries/jonathan-and-amy-postlewaite/

    One resource that Amy and her family recommend in this podcast is Discipleship Essentials by Greg Ogden: https://www.amazon.com/Discipleship-Essentials-Guide-Building-Christ/dp/0830821287/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ZPUD5S4IMTRY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.o3bWHe01a7H7AjJDFWyYPWB7jrTDOxa1fhwTB2PwTgc3V1xjtOo8ychBUs4HoDZCkUkbg3JRKXETL3VzPY2ytqpnQ6UXlp0OvAznkcLK1sT2Jy_f88I4OYXMfc3IBdqeJs1o8n8kFOKwI2ozbiXoDvI8vCaDKIpJK5CAGGggDpH5O7grNv2W6-UrWfudqYFk1DQsPX5HYBFQOIOcOibOz29Ex-wMLs21CIPBNQYVD_Y.r6KP2id8qoBv4QomQEBhRaGxzMITAGVGWg3lebqLSqo&dib_tag=se&keywords=discipleship+essentials+by+greg+ogden&qid=1713380962&sprefix=discipleship+essentials%2Caps%2C91&sr=8-1

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    32 mins