• Transcending your Career by Tapping into your Passion & Intuition
    Apr 28 2024

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    "Transcending Your Career by Tapping into Your Passion & Intuition" featuring Fran Medina, a Holistic Nurse Coach:

    1. Introduction to Fran Medina: Learn about Fran's background in nursing and how she discovered her passion for holistic healing.
    2. Following Your Passion: Fran shares her journey of how she pursued her passions despite the traditional constraints of the medical industry.
    3. Creating a Career of Dreams: Explore how Fran turned her passions into a fulfilling career that aligns with her values and beliefs.
    4. Harnessing Intuition: Discover the role of intuition in career development and how Fran incorporates it into her nursing practice by following synchronicity.
    5. Challenges in the Medical Industry: Fran discusses the profit-driven nature of medical corporations and the need for individual empowerment to drive change.
    6. The Power of Individual Change: Explore how personal transformation can lead to broader systemic shifts in the healthcare industry.
    7. Closing Thoughts: Reflect on the key takeaways from the conversation and how listeners can apply them to their own professional journeys.

    Email Contact: Fran@franmedinacoaching.com
    Instagram: @franmedinacoaching
    Realign & Recharge: 1:1 Coaching Special Package $697
    This 3 session coaching package is for you if you are ready to experience rapid transformation! Together we will focus on one area of your life that is either weighing you down or lifting you up. You will leave your sessions with practical tools that will recharge your energy and support you to move forward with greater alignment. Time to recharge!
    $100 off with Coupon USE THIS LINK: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/catalog.php?owner=11416718

    HOW TO CREATE A SPIRITUAL WEBSITE TO ATTRACT YOUR PERFECT CLIENTI will show you 5 easy steps to create a spiritual website to attract your perfect client.
    Tune in on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sacredeyedent

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    21 mins
  • Spirit Animals & Feng Shui: How to use spirit animals to help the energy in your home
    Apr 25 2024

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    In this episode of Compass for Your Life, join Mary Ladybird and guest Ona Christa Martin as they dive into the fascinating intersection of spirit animals and Feng Shui. Explore the ancient wisdom of the four celestial animals and their directional and elemental significance in Feng Shui practices. Ona Christa Martin shares her metaphysical insights into spirit animals, discussing how they serve as guides and messengers from the spiritual realm. Discover practical tips on incorporating spirit animals into Feng Shui to harmonize the energy flow in your home. Plus, experience an intuitive spirit animal reading as Ona pulls cards from her Spirit Animal Oracle deck. Tune in for a transformative journey into the realm of spirit animals and Feng Shui.

    Go here to sign up for Ona's class: https://www.spokenearth.org/spirit-animal-secrets

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    42 mins
  • The Energy of Money: It isn't what you think it is....
    Feb 8 2024

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    1. Exploring the Depths of Lack: Join us on a journey as we delve deep into the sensation of lack, uncovering the surprising gratitude that emerges from fully immersing ourselves in the feeling of scarcity.
    2. Shifting Perspectives on Abundance: Discover how examining our beliefs around safety and support can lead to profound shifts in our relationship with money, guiding us to recognize the abundance already present in our lives.
    3. Transmuting Energetic Blockages: Explore techniques to release ancestral and societal programming that perpetuates feelings of insecurity and lack, empowering us to align with the frequency of abundance.
    4. Unity Consciousness of Money: Tap into the interconnectedness of currency, realizing that even a single dollar carries the energetic resonance of vast wealth, and learn how to leverage this awareness to manifest financial abundance.
    5. Embodied Healing and Manifestation: Listen to the wisdom of your body as it communicates its energetic state, guiding you towards healing and alignment with the frequencies of prosperity and worthiness.
    6. Intentional Manifestation for the Highest Good: Harness the power of intention to manifest wealth not just for personal gain, but for the collective well-being of humanity and the planet, fostering a sense of unity and purpose in your financial pursuits.

    Join us as we navigate the realms of lack and abundance, offering insights and practices to catalyze profound transformation in your relationship with money and prosperity.

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    11 mins
  • Sacred Play
    Jan 3 2024

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    Meet Susanne Joie: Frequency shifter, while we discuss the subject of Sacred Play and how you can integrate more play (and less stress) into your life!

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    32 mins
  • Awakening to Darkness
    Dec 5 2023

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    Today we explore darkness in this yin time in the northern hemisphere. There is no fear about going in to discussing the more complex heavier topics. It can be difficult, but is necessary to look at the parts of ourselves that we don't want to look at. I encourage you to explore the idea of removing negativity from the word darkness. Let's fall in love with the dark again.

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    22 mins
  • Top 5 Tips & Tools for Space Clearing!—How to Clear the Energy in a Room
    Jun 9 2023

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    How to Space Clear your Home: Top 5 tips to space clearing your home from a professional!

    Tip 1: 1:28
    Tip 2: 4:26
    Tip 3: 6:23
    Tip 4: 8:10
    Tip 5: 9:37

    Website to find Crystal Tuner, Feng Shui Crystal Ball, and crystals :

    🌟 Frequencies for your highest potential
    🌟 Listen to your soul talk
    🌟 brings in galactic and soul frequencies
    🌟 expands your heart, cleanses your mind and heals your body
    🌟 Light Language: bypasses the mind and speaks directly to your soul
    learn more @ladybirdspiritlight

    Light Language is a potent spiritual modality similar to other forms of sound and energy healing. It can be used to raise your vibration, rid the atmosphere of any negative energies and even to heal. Light Language is a form of communication that bypasses human limitations around the meaning of words. Light Language is a vibrational expression that speaks directly to our soul and DNA. At the soul level, Light Language can help us heal emotionally and physically, connect to our innate wisdom, activate dormant gifts and truths, and connect to our purpose.

    light language,light codes,frequencies,soul frequencies,attunement,light language meditation,light language activation vibration,light language transmission,light channelings youtube,channeling source,channeling energy,channeling your energy,channeling frequency,channeling spirit guides,space clearing,space clearing sounds,space clearing hz,energy clearing,clear your energy,reiki,energy clearing tools,how to clear energy,top 5 tips,tip to clear energy

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    12 mins
  • What is Emptiness?
    Feb 11 2023

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    When we space clear a home we all experience a good feeling but what really happened? Did we really clear something? Is the home empty now? In this episode I ponder on that and the concept of emptiness. I look to the Yin & Yang symbolism to help understand what is happening.

    There is so much that I do to incorporate Feng Shui and spirituality: ascension coaching, bringing in 5D light codes, dowse for stuck energy, light language space clearings, crystal healing for people and homes, help you realize thematic stories, and help you manifest and shift to higher timelines.

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    12 mins
  • What is Spiritual Feng Shui?
    Jan 12 2023

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    In this episode I explain what Spiritual Feng Shui is, how I use it in my practice, and tips on how you can incorporate it into yours. Learn about this water season and how to bring in fire energy. I also talk about how I integrate the spiritual side into my client's consults. There is so much that I do to incorporate Feng Shui and spirituality: ascension coaching, bringing in 5D light codes, dowse for stuck energy, light language space clearings, crystal healing for people and homes, help you realize thematic stories, and help you manifest and shift to higher timelines.

    Support the Show.

    LADYBIRD 🐞🌟 marylladybird@gmail.com

    Channeler » Spiritual Feng Shui » Soul Aligned Designer

    Soul Aligned Web Design: www.sacredeyedentity.com

    Spiritual Feng Shui: www.wonderspacefengshui.com

    Channeling: https://www.youtube.com/@ladybirdspiritlight

    Mary Ladybird, Spiritual Feng Shui Consultant
    🌟 Spiritual Feng Shui & Space Clearing
    🌟 A new way to Feng Shui #spiritualfengshui #fengshui
    🌟 Start a new life by clicking the link below

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wonderspacefengshui


    Feng Shui Consults, Space Clearings, Crystal Healing Sessions, Light Language Healing, Ascension Coach, light language, light codes, light language activations, frequencies, soul frequencies, attunement, channeling, daily messages, light language meditation, light language activation meditation, light language activation vibration, light language transmission, light channelings YouTube, channeling source, channeling energy, channeling your energy, channeling frequency, channeling spirit guides, Theo, Daniel Scranton, Lee Harris, channelers, bashar, 5d, 5d ascension, 5d new earth...

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    14 mins