
  • Exploraciones fotográficas de la maternidad, con Ana Casas Broda
    Apr 14 2022
    Ana Casas Broda es fotógrafa, escritora, gestora, docente, editora y comisaria, radicada en México desde 1974. Su obra gira en torno a su autobiografía y la construcción de la identidad. Los principales temas en su trabajo son la memoria, el cuerpo, la familia, el archivo, la genealogía y la maternidad. Es autora de dos libros: Álbum, de 2000, y Kinderwunsch de 2013. Sus obras se han expuesto en México, Austria, Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Bélgica, Polonia, Uruguay, China, y Argentina, entre...
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    31 mins
  • Contra el capacitismo y los estereotipos acerca del deseo y la sexualidad. Con Diana Vite Hernández
    Feb 22 2022
    Diana Vite Hernández es de México y se autoidentifca como una mujer feminista con discapasidad visual. Vite Hernández estudió la licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales en la UNAM y la maestría en Filosofía de la Cultura en la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Ella actualmente pertenece a la Red Nacional de Feministas con Discapacidad (FEMIDISCAS) y al GT en Estudios Críticos en Discapacidad de CLACSO. Asimismo ha colaborado en diversos proyectos de la sociedad civil q...
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    41 mins
  • Histories of racism and reproductive freedom at the US-Mexico border. With Dr Lina-Maria Murillo
    Feb 3 2022
    Dr Lina-Maria Murillo is an Assistant Professor in the Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies and History Department at the University of Iowa. Her work focuses on the intersections of reproductive freedom, race, gender, class, and sexuality, as well as immigration and Latinx subjectivities. She is currently completing her manuscript titled Fighting for Control: Reproductive Care, Race, and Power in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. In this episode, we discuss her research into the twentieth ...
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    43 mins
  • A 'Counter-geography of violence': Maternal activism and resistance at the US/Mexico border. With Dr Elva F. Orozco Mendoza
    Jan 19 2022
    Elva F. Orozco Mendoza is Assistant Professor of Political Science and Women and Gender studies at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Orozco Mendoza was a 2020 Junior Faculty Fellow at The Institute for Citizens & Scholars. Her work has been published by Theory and Event, New Political Science, The Journal of Latin American Geography, and Philosophy and Global Affairs. In this episode, we discuss Dr Orozco Mendoza’s interdisciplinary research on femicide in Ciudad Juárez, reproductive pol...
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    36 mins
  • Challenges to reproductive rights in El Salvador: Part 2 with Agrupación Ciudadana por la Despenalización del Aborto
    Jan 7 2022
    En este episodio hablamos con Sara Garcia Gross. Sara es activista Feminista, psicóloga y máster en derechos humanos. Actualmente es Coordinadora de alianzas e incidencia política de Agrupación Ciudadana por la despenalización del aborto en El Salvador. En este episodio, Sara explica los objetivos de la organización, el contexto de criminalización del aborto y de las emergencias obstétricas en el que trabaja. Tambien hablamos de cómo ha exacerbado la pandemia las inequidades sociales en relac...
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    44 mins
  • Challenges to reproductive rights in El Salvador: Part 1 with Dr Rebecca Smyth
    Jan 7 2022
    Dr Rebecca Smyth is a Lecturer in Law at Birmingham City University, specialising in international human rights law. She focuses on women’s and LGBTQ* rights, and the (sometimes productive) tensions arising from historically oppressed groups engaging with the language and mechanisms of human rights. Her research has been published in the journal Feminist Review, and in the 2020 edited volume Gender Justice and the Law: Theoretical Practices of Intersectional Identity. In this episode we discu...
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    47 mins
  • Eugenics, Disability and Latinx Communities. With Dr Natalie Lira
    Dec 7 2021
    Dr. Natalie Lira is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Latina/Latino Studies in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. Dr. Lira’s research looks into the largely neglected racial aspects of California’s eugenic sterilization program by providing evidence of the disproportionate institutionalization and sterilization of Mexican-origin women and men in state hospitals for the disabled during the first half of the twentieth century....
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    47 mins
  • Abortion rights and biopolitics in Chile. With Dr Lieta Vivaldi
    Nov 18 2021
    Lieta Vivaldi works at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Law Department. She has a Ph.D. in Sociology from Goldsmiths College, University of London, a Masters in sociology from the London School of Economics, a diploma in gender and violence from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of Universidad de Chile, and is qualified in Law, by the same institution. She also works as a researcher in the Center of Applied Ethics (CEDEA) at Universidad de Chile, and as an associate researcher of the F...
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    35 mins