FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Strum and Shine: Conquering Stage Fright in Ljubljana
    Jan 10 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Strum and Shine: Conquering Stage Fright in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-10-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Dnevi v internatu v Ljubljani so bili polni živahnih priprav.En: The days in the dormitory in Ljubljana were full of lively preparations.Sl: Sneg je nežno padal na hribe okoli zgodovinske zgradbe, kjer so živeli Matej, Jana in Anja.En: Snow gently fell on the hills around the historic building where Matej, Jana, and Anja lived.Sl: Bližal se je čas zimskega talent šova, ki je vsako leto privabil veliko dijakov.En: The time for the winter talent show, which attracted a lot of students every year, was approaching.Sl: V veliki dvorani so že začeli obešati svetleče lučke, ki so prostoru dajale čaroben občutek.En: In the large hall, they had already started hanging twinkling lights, giving the space a magical feeling.Sl: Matej je sramežljivo sedel v kotu sobe s svojo kitaro.En: Matej sat shyly in the corner of the room with his guitar.Sl: Bil je nadarjen glasbenik, a ga je bila misel na nastop pred množico strašansko.En: He was a talented musician, but the thought of performing in front of a crowd terrified him.Sl: Jana, navdušena in samozavestna organizatorka, je hitela gor in dol po hodnikih, usklajevala vse.En: Jana, an enthusiastic and confident organizer, rushed up and down the hallways, coordinating everything.Sl: Njen smeh je odmeval, ko je pomagala ostalim pri pripravah.En: Her laughter echoed as she helped others with the preparations.Sl: Anja, Matejeva najboljša prijateljica, se je približala in sedla poleg njega.En: Anja, Matej's best friend, approached and sat next to him.Sl: "Matej, zakaj si tako zaskrbljen?En: "Matej, why are you so worried?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: "Strah me je," je priznal Matej.En: "I'm scared," Matej admitted.Sl: "Kaj če naredim napako pred vsemi?En: "What if I make a mistake in front of everyone?"Sl: "Anja ga je pogledala s toplimi očmi.En: Anja looked at him with warm eyes.Sl: "Vem, da si živčen, ampak veš, da ti lahko zaupaš svoji glasbi.En: "I know you're nervous, but you know you can trust your music.Sl: Jana in jaz ti lahko pomagava.En: Jana and I can help you.Sl: Ne skrbi, do tega šova bova ob tebi," je rekla.En: Don't worry, we'll be by your side for the show," she said.Sl: Matej je počasi začel verjeti v njene besede.En: Gradually, Matej started to believe in her words.Sl: Odločil se je, da bo zaupal Anji in Jani.En: He decided to trust Anja and Jana.Sl: Skupaj so preživeli ure v vajah v dvorani.En: Together, they spent hours rehearsing in the hall.Sl: Jana mu je kazala, kako stopiti na oder, Anja pa ga je vedno spodbujala.En: Jana showed him how to walk onto the stage, while Anja constantly encouraged him.Sl: Skupna energija prijateljstva je Mateju vlivala pogum.En: The shared energy of friendship instilled courage in Matej.Sl: Končno je prišla noč talent šova.En: Finally, the night of the talent show arrived.Sl: Dvorana je bila polna, na odru pa so lučke nežno sijale.En: The hall was full, and the lights softly shined on the stage.Sl: Matej je stal za zaveso, srce mu je hitreje bilo.En: Matej stood behind the curtain, his heart beating faster.Sl: Jana mu je pomežiknila izpod odra, Anja pa mu je tiho zašepetala, da verjame vanj.En: Jana winked at him from below the stage, and Anja whispered quietly that she believed in him.Sl: Dihal je globoko in stopil na oder.En: He took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.Sl: Po začetni tremi in nekaj lažjih zadihov se je Matej zbral.En: After initial stage fright and a few calming breaths, Matej composed himself.Sl: Njegovi prsti so z nežnim dotikom zaigrali po strunah kitare, zvok pa se je razlezel po dvorani.En: His fingers gently played the guitar strings, and the sound spread throughout the hall.Sl: Počasi je izgubil strah pred občinstvom in se prepustil glasbi.En: Slowly, he lost his fear of the audience and gave in to the music.Sl: Ko je zadnji ton potihnil, je nastala tišina.En: When the last note faded, there was silence.Sl: Potem pa glasen aplavz, ki je napolnil dvorano.En: Then a loud applause filled the hall.Sl: Matej je z olajšanjem in zadovoljstvom objel svojo kitaro.En: Matej embraced his guitar with relief and satisfaction.Sl: Zmaga nad strahom mu je dala novo samozavest.En: Conquering his fear gave him new confidence.Sl: Pozneje, ko so se luči ugasnile, so ga prijatelji objeli.En: Later, when the lights went out, his friends hugged him.Sl: Anja mu je rekla: "Vedela sem, da zmoreš," Jana pa je pohvalila njegovo pogumno srce.En: Anja said, "I knew you could do it," and Jana praised his courageous heart.Sl: Matej je vedel, da se je pomembno pogumno soočiti z izzivi.En: Matej realized how important it was to face challenges bravely.Sl: Z nasmehom na obrazu je razumel, kako dragoceno je bilo stopiti iz cone udobja.En: With a smile on his ...
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    16 mins
  • Winter Fair Fumbles: A Comedy of Cold Weather Blunders
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Winter Fair Fumbles: A Comedy of Cold Weather Blunders Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-09-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Obala Blejskega jezera je bila prekrita s svežo snežno odejo.En: The shore of Blejski jezero was covered with a fresh blanket of snow.Sl: Poti so bile zaledenele, a čudovite stojnice z zimskega sejma so bleščale v sončnem jutru.En: The paths were icy, but the beautiful stalls of the winter fair were glistening in the morning sun.Sl: Matej je z nosom rdečim od mraza nosil škatle z dekoracijo proti stojnici.En: Matej, his nose red from the cold, was carrying boxes of decorations toward the stall.Sl: "Pozdravljena, Anja," je veselo zaklical, ko je videl, da Anja že zlagoma ureja stvari.En: "Hello, Anja," he called cheerfully when he saw that Anja was already leisurely arranging things.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!Sl: Zamikamo!En: We're moving along!"Sl: " Anja je popravila šal okoli vratu.En: Anja adjusted her scarf around her neck.Sl: Njena velika skrb so bili jasne in lepo urejene stojnica.En: Her great concern was having the stalls clear and nicely arranged.Sl: Matej je oboževal njeno zagnanost, čeprav ga je velikokrat prestrašilo, da ne bi vse izpadlo popolno.En: Matej loved her enthusiasm, though he was often afraid that everything might not turn out perfect.Sl: Matej je takoj začel montirati lučke.En: Matej immediately started setting up the lights.Sl: Roke so mu drhtele od mraza in malce od živčnosti.En: His hands trembled from the cold and a bit from nervousness.Sl: Želel je narediti dober vtis.En: He wanted to make a good impression.Sl: A že se je prvič zaletel v mizo, na kateri so ležali skrbno urejeni izdelki.En: But he already bumped into the table where the carefully arranged products laid.Sl: "Ops, Anja, oprosti," se je nasmehnil, ko je pobiral raztresene sveče.En: "Oops, Anja, sorry," he grinned as he picked up the scattered candles.Sl: "V redu je, Matej.En: "It's okay, Matej.Sl: Več previdnosti," je rekla Anja s kančkom smeha.En: More caution," said Anja with a hint of laughter.Sl: Ko je vzdignil polico s čokoladnimi izdelki, mu je spolzela iz rok.En: When he lifted the shelf with chocolate products, it slipped from his hands.Sl: Anja je sunkovito obrnila glavo.En: Anja sharply turned her head.Sl: "Nič hujšega," se je Matej trudil, da bi situacijo obrnil na šalo: "Zdaj imamo sladke tla.En: "No big deal," Matej tried to turn the situation into a joke: "Now we have sweet floors."Sl: "Anja je vzdihnila, vendar je bila Matejeva zabavna narava tisto, kar ji je bilo pravzaprav všeč.En: Anja sighed, but it was Matej's playful nature that she actually liked.Sl: Čeprav se vedno spraševala, ali bi mu morala oporekati, je nekako šlo.En: Even though she always wondered if she should oppose him, somehow it worked out.Sl: Nenačrtovana avantura se je zgodila, ko je poskušal razvozlati novo škatlo z lučkami.En: An unplanned adventure happened when he tried to untangle a new box of lights.Sl: Malo po malo, namesto da bi razvozlaval, je Matej začel vezati lučke okoli sebe.En: Bit by bit, instead of untangling, Matej began wrapping the lights around himself.Sl: Kmalu je bil privezan ob velike snežaka.En: Soon he was tied to a large snowman.Sl: Poskušal se je izviti in ob tem skoraj povlekel celotno stojnico za seboj.En: He tried to free himself and in doing so almost pulled the entire stall along with him.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!"Sl: " Anja je presenečeno vzkliknila, a se nato, ob njegovem klovnovskem obrazu, najprej nasmehnila, potem pa začela glasno smejati.En: Anja exclaimed in surprise, but then, seeing his clownish expression, first smiled, then began to laugh loudly.Sl: Matej si je premislil.En: Matej reconsidered.Sl: "Nič hudega, lep snežakova kapica samo!En: "No worries, just a nice snowman hat!"Sl: " Poln pozitivne energije, je z obema rokama teatralično dvignil še preostali del dekoracije.En: Full of positive energy, he theatrically lifted the remaining decorations with both hands.Sl: Anja se je smejala in ji ni ostalo drugega, kot da se zmehča.En: Anja laughed and had no choice but to soften.Sl: "Veš kaj?En: "You know what?Sl: Mogoče pa lahko gremo kar s tokom.En: Maybe we can just go with the flow.Sl: Mraz je, smeh naj nas ogreje.En: It's cold; laughter should warm us up."Sl: "Matej, še vedno nekoliko zavozlan v lučke, je pokimal zadovoljno.En: Matej, still somewhat tangled in lights, nodded contentedly.Sl: Ta dan nista dosegla popolnosti, kakršno si je zamislila Anja, toda njuna sposobnost za humor in improvizacijo je osnovala novo prijateljstvo - in morda kaj več.En: That day they did not achieve the perfection that Anja had imagined, but their ability for humor and improvisation laid the foundation for a new friendship—and perhaps something more.Sl: Z mrzlim vetrom, ki je pelu mimo, sta nadaljevala delo, vendar z drugim pogledom na ...
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    17 mins
  • Snowflakes of Memory: A Heartwarming Visit with Grandpa
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowflakes of Memory: A Heartwarming Visit with Grandpa Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-09-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je hodila po ozkih hodnikih bolnišnice.En: Mateja was walking through the narrow corridors of the hospital.Sl: Zunaj so snežinke počasi padale na zemljo, tihi opomin na zimsko idilo kraja, kjer je preživela toliko lepih trenutkov z dedkom.En: Outside, snowflakes were slowly falling to the ground, a silent reminder of the winter idyll of the place where she had spent so many lovely moments with her grandfather.Sl: Na poti do njegove sobe je Mateja v rokah stiskala album fotografij.En: On her way to his room, Mateja clutched a photo album in her hands.Sl: Srce ji je bilo tesno, vendar je bil njen obraz odločen in nasmejan.En: Her heart felt tight, but her face was determined and smiling.Sl: Ko je vstopila v sobo, je njen dedek, star in utrujen, dvignil glavo in ji namenil šibek nasmeh.En: When she entered the room, her grandfather, old and tired, lifted his head and gave her a weak smile.Sl: "Živjo, Mateja," je rekel s hripavim glasom.En: "Hello, Mateja," he said with a hoarse voice.Sl: "Živjo, dedi," je odgovorila Mateja, skušajoč obdržati svoj glas jasen in vesel.En: "Hello, grandpa," Mateja replied, trying to keep her voice clear and cheerful.Sl: Sedla je na stol ob njegovi postelji, odprla album in začela listati po spominih.En: She sat on the chair by his bed, opened the album, and began leafing through the memories.Sl: "Veš, dedi, danes sem našla nekaj posebnega.En: "You know, grandpa, today I found something special.Sl: Se spomniš, ko sva šla z mamo in Zoranom na Bled?En: Do you remember when we went to Bled with mom and Zoran?Sl: Bil je tako lep zimski dan, kot je danes.En: It was such a beautiful winter day, like today."Sl: " Mateja je pokazala na fotografijo, na kateri so z dedkom in bratom Zoranom stali ob obali Blejskega jezera.En: Mateja pointed at a photograph where she was standing with her grandfather and brother Zoran by the shore of Bled Lake.Sl: V ozadju se je zrcalil grad, obdani z zasneženimi gorami.En: In the background, the castle was mirrored, surrounded by snowy mountains.Sl: Ata je pozorno pogledal sliko, nato pa njegove oči zasijale s toplim spominom.En: Her grandfather looked at the picture intently, and then his eyes sparkled with a warm memory.Sl: "O, seveda, se spomnim.En: "Oh, of course, I remember.Sl: Takrat smo gradili snežaka," je odgovoril in Mateja videla iskrico, ki mu je po dolgem času spet osvetlila oči.En: We built a snowman then," he replied, and Mateja saw a twinkle that had illuminated his eyes again after a long time.Sl: "Da, in sneženi človek je bil skoraj tako velik kot ti, hihi.En: "Yes, and the snowman was almost as big as you, hehe.Sl: Vedno sem mislila, da si ti najboljši arhitekt," se je zasmejala Mateja.En: I always thought you were the best architect," Mateja laughed.Sl: Njena notranja napetost je popuščala ob vsakem njegovem nasmehu.En: Her inner tension eased with each of his smiles.Sl: Renata, Matejina mama, je kmalu prisedla in skupaj so obujali spomine na tiste dni.En: Renata, Mateja's mom, soon joined them, and together they reminisced about those days.Sl: Mateja je pripovedovala zgodbe o zimskih sprehodih okoli jezera, o vroči čokoladi, ki so jo srkali v majhni kavarni ob obali, in o ladjici, ki jih je peljala do otoka.En: Mateja recounted stories about winter walks around the lake, about the hot chocolate they sipped in a small café by the shore, and about the boat that took them to the island.Sl: Ob koncu dneva, ko je Mateja morala zapustiti bolnišnico, je njen dedek izgugal: "Hvala, Mateja.En: By the end of the day, when Mateja had to leave the hospital, her grandfather murmured: "Thank you, Mateja.Sl: Danes si mi polepšala dan.En: You've brightened my day."Sl: "Odhajajoč iz sobe je Mateja vedela, da je naredila nekaj pomembnega.En: As she left the room, Mateja knew she had done something important.Sl: V sebi je premagala strah in negotovost, saj je videla, da ga lahko skozi ljubezen in spomine napolni z upanjem.En: She had overcome fear and uncertainty within herself because she saw that she could fill him with hope through love and memories.Sl: Počutila se je hvaležna za trenutek sreče, ki sta ga delila, kar ji je dalo novo moč za prihodnje dni.En: She felt grateful for the moment of happiness they shared, which gave her new strength for the coming days.Sl: Snežinke so še naprej nežno padale, a zdaj so se zdele toplejše, kot bi Ledenka objela Bled z mehkim, belem objemom spominov in ljubezni.En: The snowflakes continued to fall gently, but now they seemed warmer, as if the frost embraced Bled with a soft, white embrace of memories and love. Vocabulary Words:corridors: hodnikisnowflakes: snežinkeidyll: idiloclutched: stiskaladetermined: odločenhoarse: hripavimcheerful: ...
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    15 mins

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