• Finding Spirit - Episode One - Belief
    May 14 2023

    Sometimes you need an unconventional guide. . .

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    19 mins
  • Do You Believe God?
    May 7 2023

    Sometimes it seems easy to believe God - what He asks us to do, or what He says about us. But sometimes it is difficult. When we realize that it is our faith that pleases Him most, believing God becomes so important to our walk with Him. Listen as we discuss the idea of believing God - and the exciting ways our lives could change if we do!

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    33 mins
  • Learning To Walk In God
    Mar 26 2023

    Before our own babies learn to walk, we don't force them to stay sitting down just because we know they will fall when they try to walk. So why do we hold ourselves - and others - back from learning to walk in God, being led by His Spirit, just because it is possible we might fail? Listen as we talk about the incredible love and grace that is waiting for us as we allow ourselves to learn to walk into the amazing adventures God has for us - even if we're not perfect.

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    44 mins
  • Simplify Your Life in Christ
    Jun 19 2022

    Our lives are very often busy and complicated. When we add to that our seemingly constant attempt to live a righteous life in our own strength, life gets very complicated, indeed. But Jesus said His yoke was easy and His burden light - and that is how our lives should be, too. How do we simplify the Christian life? Listen as we discuss the peaceful, easy walk God has called us to. . .

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    40 mins
  • What If They Don't Follow God?
    May 3 2022

    There is no greater joy than walking hand in hand with another as you both do the will of the Father. God created us to need each other and to be connected to others in His body. But what if those you are walking with decide to walk away? What happens when they decide to NOT follow God? Though this is heartbreaking, there is hope!

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    49 mins
  • An Evening Prayer: Cast Into The Flow
    Apr 24 2022

    A prayer for the end of our day. . .cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. . .

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    8 mins
  • Christi's Connection: This Is Eternal Life
    Apr 11 2022

    Eternal life, everlasting life, living forever - these are the promises that scripture points to as the benefit of giving our lives to Christ. Most often we think that Jesus and the way He has made for us is the "means" to the "end": eternal life. But Jesus Himself say differently. . .listen to His definition of eternal life. . . .

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    12 mins