• Bennett’s Birth Story
    Apr 21 2023

    Sarah shares Bennett’s birth story.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Season Finale: Reflections on One Year of Inner Archeology – and What’s to Come
    Feb 22 2023

    The finale of season 1 of Inner Archeology is here!

    Emily and Sarah look back at over one year of podcasting and share their reflections on the journey, what they have learned, and what’s making them excited about the future.


    Key Points In Episode:

    • The first season finale of Inner Archeology is here, and it’s been a fun one-year ride! Time for some reflections.
    • Emily has enjoyed how raw and honest the whole experience has been.
    • How many podcast hosts cry before hopping on a call to start recording an episode? Emily and Sarah do! #PodcastersLife
    • One of the things Sarah learned during this journey has been putting more of her personal story out there and feeling good about it.
    • For Emily, it wasn’t easy to put herself out there talking about religious trauma – but the emails and Instagram DMs she got after the episode was published made it all worth it. #Reflections
    • Emily shares that what’s been so valuable about sharing stories is that we love finding ourselves in other people, and that gives us permission to just be ourselves… Do you agree?
    • The podcast had an impact on the Your Way to Freedom annual event too, because it felt as if everyone felt comfortable going deeper.
    • Sarah opens up about having felt like a bad friend lately, and talks about what her birth class teacher calls ‘the red thread back to self’.
    • Seeing Ben as a dad is something Sarah is really looking forward to.
    • Who says that being a mother means you’ll be sleep deprived and feel miserable? Definitely not Sarah! She isn’t afraid of all of that, not one bit.
    • Being sleep deprived isn’t easy but your mindset about being sleep deprived makes the whole situation what it is, says Emily. Do you feel the same?
    • Season 2 of Inner Archeology is going to be great! Make sure to stay in the loop to learn more about it as soon as it launches.


    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Inner Archeology Email

    Sarah Turner on Instagram

    Emily Pennystone on Instagram

    @Inner.Archeology on Instagram


    InnerArcheology.tv (video version)


    Inner Archeology on YouTube

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    31 mins
  • Staying True to Yourself by Changing Your Beliefs
    Feb 15 2023

    Sarah and Emily take a deep dive into the world of judgment, belief, and change.

    In this episode, they talk about how your beliefs are formed, what has an impact on them, and what to consider and do to change your beliefs and achieve positive change.


    Key Points In Episode:

    • This episode of Inner Archeology is the second to last episode of the season because Sarah’s going on maternity leave – but don’t worry, the show will be back in a few months!
    • Plus, you can get more exclusive content on the Inner Archeology Patreon page.
    • Sarah feels that the desire to appear consistent is a core human desire.
    • Want to be open to changing your beliefs? Then, you need to have conscious awareness of that, no doubt. Because yes, you CAN change your mind.
    • Super interesting point by Emily: ‘if there’s a belief about your identity, you’ll automatically just reinforce that. Even if it’s complete B.S., you’ll double down just to preserve the sense of identity and familiarity.’ Do you agree? 
    • It’s so empowering to bring your beliefs and to have conscious awareness of the fact that they can change – and you have the power to decide and change them.
    • Glennon Doyle is someone who has had the guts to change her beliefs and to do so publicly. Look at her for inspiration.
    • Many of the beliefs Sarah has changed are paired with judgments, ideas, or expectations she had. Before the beliefs could shift, those ideas and expectations had to change first.
    • For most of her life, Sarah didn’t want to have kids… and look at her now, about to become a mother!
    • Sarah has stopped making 5-year plans because so much can change in a year (just look at the last couple of years).
    • If you’re trying to figure out what your beliefs are, make sure to make a distinction between beliefs that were just handed to you and those you have intentionally chosen to adopt.
    • Emily shares that she had to earn the right to participate in her creative expression because it was a luxury, not something she necessarily deserved. #ChangedBelief
    • Sarah had judgments toward pole dancing, thinking it wasn’t a hard thing to do… turns out she was wrong.
    • Ever felt like working out is punishment? Or that you work out because you don’t like your body? Emily thought the same but, by her own admission, things couldn’t be further from the truth.


    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Inner Archeology Email

    Sarah Turner on Instagram

    Emily Pennystone on Instagram

    @Inner.Archeology on Instagram


    InnerArcheology.tv (video version)


    Inner Archeology on YouTube

    Glennon Doyle

    The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron

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    37 mins
  • Lessons from Stutz Pt. 2
    Feb 8 2023
    Sarah and Emily continue their conversation about Jonah Hill’s documentary Stutz (if you haven’t already, check out the latest episode of Inner Archeology for part 1). In this episode, they talk about some powerful therapeutic modalities and tools from Stutz: part X, the string of pearls, and your shadow. Key Points In Episode: This episode of Inner Archeology continues the conversation around Jonah Hill’s documentary Stutz that Emily and Sarah began to discuss last week. They now focus on therapeutic modalities.Emily just L-O-V-E-S how visual Stutz’s therapy tools are – particularly the little note cards with visual representations he draws, despite having Parkinson’s, and that he gives to all of his clients.A big #truth from Emily: ‘Having visual components is an incredibly powerful tool to make an abstract concept more tangible in somebody’s mind.’ Do you agree?The string of pearls is another powerful tool Stutz uses. Each pearl represents the next action you take in your life, be it getting out of bed, or launching a business.This is the important part. The pearls all hold equal value and the same weight, no action is more important than the other! That’s why it’s important to just take action, even an imperfect one.Emily thinks that if you were to assign the same value to each action in your life, you’d be able to remove a ton of self-judgment. Agree or disagree?We tend to evaluate our days based on the “big things” we accomplished without thinking that things like getting out of bed or drinking water can be what was needed to help you move forward so that in the future you could have those big accomplishments. #QuoteOfTheDayIt’s about moving the storyline forward (yup, it’s as simple as that!). You can’t have future pearls without these ones.Sarah and Emily talk about the role that simple little actions like drinking a can of Coke play in life.Think about it for a second: if something is so meaningful and carries the same weight, then it’s meaningless. Every action holds the same value as the next one.Part X is another of Stutz’s therapeutic modalities. It’s a very judgmental part of you that keeps you small, a voice of impossibility. But at the same time, its negativity propels you into growth.There’s a quote that really stood out for Emily: ‘The highest creative expression for a human is being able to create something new right in the face of adversity.’For Sarah, nothing is more empowering than creating in the face of adversity… is that the same for you?Emily believes that you can reframe your relationship with Part X and that it doesn’t have to be so abrasive to you.Part X is different from the shadow, which is the part of your life that you were ashamed of (and that made Sarah burst into tears!).For Stutz, it isn’t just about acknowledging your shadow but it’s about understanding and trying to love it too.Have you signed up for the Inner Archeology Patreon page, yet? There may be some meditation with Emily’s shadow coming soon on there!Emily and Sarah discuss shadow work and inner child work – and their potential correlation.   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Inner Archeology Email Sarah Turner on Instagram Emily Pennystone on Instagram @Inner.Archeology on Instagram InnerArcheology.com InnerArcheology.tv (video version) patreon.com/InnerArcheology Inner Archeology on YouTube Previous episode - Lessons From Stutz Pt. 1 Jonah Hill’s Stutz  Edge of Tomorrow The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines Into Massive Success and Happiness by Jeff Olson The Shadow Work Workbook: Self-Care Exercises for Healing Your Trauma and Exploring Your Hidden Self by Jor-Er Caraballo Genesis music video by Grimes
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    32 mins
  • Lessons from Stutz Pt. 1
    Feb 1 2023

    Sarah and Emily share some of the biggest takeaways they got from Jonah Hill’s documentary Stutz.

    Check this episode out and learn about the 3 aspects of life, the pyramid to activate your life, how 85% of issues people deal with can be solved, and whether it’s better to listen to or get advice from your friends.

    Key Points In Episode:

    • This episode of Inner Archeology revolves around the documentary Sarah and Emily brought up in the last episode – Jonah Hill’s Stutz – and around what isn’t covered in Stutz.
    • Sarah shares a #truth. She would have never watched Stutz if it wasn’t for the many friends suggesting she watches it.
    • Emily talks about how Jonah Hill’s therapist Stutz, who appears in the documentary, is unconventional and about his relationship with Jonah Hill.
    • Give yourself permission to be creative in whatever work you do! This is one of Emily’s biggest takeaways from Stutz.
    • Have heard of the activation of your life force? It’s a pyramid that has your relationship with your body at the bottom, your relationship with other people at the center, and your relationship with yourself at the top.
    • Use the pyramid whenever you’re having it rough. Let it be your guide and start from the bottom: focus on your relationship with your body. #PersonalGrowth
    • Did you know that addressing your relationship with your body can typically help you solve 85% of the issues you’re dealing with? That’s something Stutz shared in the documentary.
    • If you have had experiences with therapy, and not-so-good ones, then you can sympathize with Sarah.
    • She has had a ton of experience with therapy, most of which hasn’t been that beneficial. Her solution is to actually do things with your body rather than just sit around and try to “figure your brain out”.
    • Question for you: do you listen to your friends or get advice from them? And if you have a therapist, what do you do – listen or get advice from them?
    • Jonah Hill prefers to listen to his friends and get advice from his therapist (though, unfortunately, friends typically want to give advice and therapists tend to just listen).
    • Another #GoldenNugget from the Stutz documentary: there are 3 aspects of reality that you can’t escape from, that are always going to be present – pain, confusion, and constant work.
    • Emily recently got to teach her daughter that.
    • Make sure to come back for the next episode of Inner Archeology to hear about more tools from Stutz, like Emily’s favorite one: the string of pearls!


    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Inner Archeology Email

    Sarah Turner on Instagram

    Emily Pennystone on Instagram

    @Inner.Archeology on Instagram


    InnerArcheology.tv (video version)


    Inner Archeology on YouTube

    Previous episode - Setting Intentions

    Jonah Hill’s Stutz 

    Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

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    31 mins
  • Setting Intentions
    Jan 25 2023

    Sarah and Emily continue their reflections on what last year was all about and they discuss their life goals for 2023.

    Listen to hear about what they want more of in the new year, what has been holding them back from achieving those things, and what their top three priorities for 2023 are going to be.

    Key Points In Episode:

    • In the last episode of Inner Archeology, Emily and Sarah reflected back on 2022 and talked about making active choices about how you look at the past.
    • Emily opens up about what she wants more of in the new year: safety, stability, and security – a strong foundation altogether.
    • What does stability mean to you? For Sarah, different people have different definitions (she and Ben, for example, have different definitions of stability).
    • For the new year, Sarah wants a great sense of calm because things will get more complex. #NewYearResolutions
    • Sarah admits that she had to relearn that ‘Calm isn’t boring.’ Do you agree?
    • Emily and Sarah address the questions ‘How can I be more fully me in 2023?’ and ‘What has been holding you back?’.
    • Emily wants to bring horseback riding back! It was part of her teenage years but it wasn’t there for the last 15 years. She wants to change that.
    • Another thing that she always wanted to do? Take jazz piano lessons. #Goals
    • There are certain things that Emily and Ben have helped Sarah realize – and she wants to focus on those in 2023.
    • Sarah had been thinking about the baby, all the logistics, about Ben’s identity as a father but she hadn’t thought about her identity as a mother until she saw a necklace (saying ‘Mama’) her sister gave her as a gift.
    • Are you about to become a mother? Think about what you want to be as a mom but also what you DON’T want to be. #Motherhood
    • Emily and Sarah share their top three priorities for 2023.
    • Here are some questions for you to reflect on (feel free to go through them with someone you love):
      1. What are your intentions for the new year?
      2. What do you want to cultivate more of in 2023?
      3. What has been holding you back from achieving that?
      4. What are your top three priorities for the new year?


    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Inner Archeology Email

    Sarah Turner on Instagram

    Emily Pennystone on Instagram

    @Inner.Archeology on Instagram


    InnerArcheology.tv (video version)


    Inner Archeology on YouTube

    Previous episode - Reflecting on 2022

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    34 mins
  • Reflecting on 2022
    Jan 18 2023
    What happens when you’re aware of the pain you create for yourself through mental images? And how do you choose to remember last year? In this episode of Inner Archeology, Sarah and Emily look back at their 2022 and share their goals for the new year, including Sarah’s willingness to embrace simplicity and Emily’s strive to cultivate intentionally – plus, a couple of tips from Jonah Hill’s new documentary Stutz. Key Points In Episode: If you’re afraid of running out of things to cover as a content creator, don’t sweat it! As Sarah says, you won’t run out of things to say (trust her, she’s been a copywriter for 10+ years).Sarah’s mantra for 2023 is ‘I’m not going to unnecessarily mentally torture myself.’Being aware of the fact that we often create pain through the images we create for ourselves is powerful. Keep that in mind the next time it happens.For Emily there are two layers: it’s about stopping the pain that comes as a result of the thoughts and stories we create, and the second is about actually cultivating joy, healing, and trust through our way of thinking.What does Sarah think about simplicity? ‘It’s booooriiiing!’ However, focusing on doing less and simplifying things is what her next few months are going to be about.Emily has been in survival mode for the last two years and she wants to change things in 2023. She wants to raise the baseline of the overall quality of her life, as well as cultivating music and art in her life. #LifeGoalsAs you’re thinking about your goals for the new year, try to be specific. If you’re thinking about baselines, try to define that as much as you can. Are you referring to health? To nutrition? To working out? To something else?Btw, specific baselines are covered in Sarah’s upcoming book! #ComingSoonSarah brings up a big lesson from Jonah Hill’s documentary Stutz: always work on your life force by starting on your relationship with your body.An unexpected joy for Emily last year? Dancing! For Sarah, there are two: how her relationship with Ben has unfolded (which surprises her all the time), and having a ton of F-U-N doing an event with Emily.For 2022, Sarah chooses to remember it as the year where she stopped being small in business and in life. For Emily, that’s TBD.Another golden nugget from Jonah Hill’s Stutz: pain, uncertainty, and working on yourself are three constants that are always there. The key is to continue to move forward and even embrace them.Emily said it: ‘It’s never all dark. Even when darkness seems everywhere, there’s ALWAYS some intrinsic light in it.’ #InspiringWords   Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Inner Archeology Email Sarah Turner on Instagram Emily Pennystone on Instagram @Inner.Archeology on Instagram InnerArcheology.com InnerArcheology.tv (video version) patreon.com/InnerArcheology Inner Archeology on YouTube Sarah’s YouTube channel 30 Rock Daughter Drink This Water: A Book of Sacred Love by Jaiya John Jonah Hill’s Stutz
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    38 mins
  • Funny Ways Scarcity Shows Up
    Jan 11 2023

    What’s scarcity all about? And how can you make sure that, paradoxically, it isn’t something that takes away, but rather, adds and gives?

    In this episode of Inner Archeology, Sarah and Emily talk about the role of scarcity within their personal and professional life, and they share some of their experiences with scarcity.

    Key Points In Episode:

    • There are some fun “roasting bits” coming soon, so consider subscribing to the show! Plus, there are more hilarious bonus episodes available at Patreon.com/InnerArcheology.
    • Have you ever found yourself in a hotel room dying for some water but debate about taking the one from the minibar (clearly overpriced!) or get it elsewhere?
    • When you’re in the car and the AC is on, do you go for windows closed or open? During summer, Emily looooves to drive with her windows down and the AC blasting!
    • Emily opens up about her “fruit scarcity” and “fruit hoarding” issue, and what that led to when she was living in Scotland.
    • Emily and Sarah talk about having scarcity toward things – having them but not really using them…
    • Sarah and Emily share the journal scarcity “episode” they recently had.
    • You know the feeling about something that feels irreplaceable? When you think about it, and you think hard, you may end up noticing a sign of scarcity and then realizing it wasn’t irreplaceable. #FoodForThought
    • Sarah and Emily go over embracing the feeling of scarcity, what Sarah’s experience with a bad accountant led to, and the question ‘If I lost everything you owned, how would I be?’
    • Stay away from scarcity dating!


    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Inner Archeology Email

    Sarah Turner on Instagram

    Emily Pennystone on Instagram

    @Inner.Archeology on Instagram


    InnerArcheology.tv (video version)


    Inner Archeology on YouTube

    Shanola journals

    Moleskin journals

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    39 mins