
  • Why Are Christians So Afraid to Talk About Climate Change?
    Sep 24 2024

    Christians are not known for stewarding the earth. Instead, the majority of Christians appear to care very little about the planet and are often more concerned about discrediting any view that human activity is a factor in the changing climate. What is behind the refusal of so many Christians to work toward the scriptural mandate to care for the earth? Do political views end up having more of an influence on our action or inaction than our God-given vocation to steward the planet? In this episode, we meet Dr. Steven Fitch, who has led several Christian organizations that have planted more than a billion trees in an effort to reforest impoverished countries through employment resulting in poverty relief and sustainable economic development. Through his example and the observations made on this episode, our goal is to show how Christians should be leading the way in tackling these issues as those God has entrusted to manage His creation.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Should We Display the American Flag in Church?
    Sep 16 2024

    We may not even be aware how our attitudes about the flag and its display in houses of worship conflates our faith with our positive feelings about the country. One of the ways we can assess our own hearts on this issue comes when we consider what happens when we relocate the flag or remove it altogether. In this episode, we examine how the flag becomes commingled with our Christian faith, often representing a belief that God has blessed the United States in a way that He has not blessed other countries. Even a majority of pastors believe that patriotic elements should be incorporated into the worship services on certain holiday weekends, while those same pastors report that their congregations sometimes love the country more than they love God. We ask whether American Christians have a unique fondness of flags and pledges, creating new ways to praise Christians flags and the Bible, and how these well-intentioned but misplaced allegiances can take us from the person of Jesus.

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    31 mins
  • You Asked: Does the Bible Condone Slavery?
    Jun 4 2024

    We respond to a listener’s question and wrestle with the fact that the Old Testament did not abolish slavery, but actually endorsed the slavery of foreigners. While most of the slavery described in the Old Testament was debt-servanthood, and the Old Testament law provided protections and limitations around the practice that included the forgiveness of all debts and the six-year redemption of those in bond servanthood, the Old Testament also endorsed the chattel slavery of neighboring countries and foreigners living temporarily in the land of Israel. We discuss how the serious scholarship on this subject dispenses with many of the arguments advanced by Christian apologists, while discussing our honest confusion over the fact that the Bible does not contain an outright abolition of slavery. At the same time, we point out that it was the very teachings of Jesus and the New Testament writers, built on the legacy of the Old Testament law, that laid the foundation for our modern views related to human rights, anti-discrimination, equality, and dignity of all persons, and that ultimately to the abolition of slavery. Our goal in this episode is to demonstrate our willingness to study deeply, wrestle with troubling issues honestly, and still faithfully follow Jesus by trusting that – while our knowledge of God will always be incomplete – we are ultimately putting our trust in the person of Jesus, and not in having certainty about the answer to every question we may ever pose about the Bible.

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    40 mins
  • Do American Christians Suffer from Main Character Syndrome?
    May 27 2024

    Americans are known for their rugged individualism. But our value of individualism and wanting to be at the center of every narrative can derail our efforts to follow Jesus. In this episode, we examine the ways that our culture – and even our churches – have reinforced the idea that we are the main character in our worship and in our reading of the biblical narrative. We discuss how this focus on ourselves shows up in subtle and not so subtle ways, and our discussions seeks to show how inserting ourselves at the center robs us of the richness found in being an integral part of the united people of God. Our affirmation is that Jesus is the main character of the scriptures and of all of cosmic history, and that finding our true place as part of His body is an important part of following Jesus as our Lord.

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    37 mins
  • Jesus Drank Wine, Would He Smoke Marijuana?
    May 20 2024

    Recreational use of marijuana will soon be legal in a majority of states. Is legalization the standard for followers of Jesus, or does the way of Jesus require that we exercise our freedom in favor of being sober minded? In this episode, we start with the experiences of those we know who have regularly used marijuana, and we ask whether marijuana is a form of drunkenness that we are commanded to abstain from by scripture.

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    38 mins
  • You Asked: Is Homosexuality Addressed in the New Testament?
    May 12 2024

    We respond to a viewer’s question about whether the verses we commonly cite from the New Testament to address homosexuality are properly translated, and whether the issue was a significant concern for the biblical authors. We look at some of the passages where the issue is addressed and review the work of several scholars to conclude that while homosexuality is addressed, this treatment comes as part of a much broader context that addresses all people and the various ways that we respond to God. Even conservative scholarship on the subject admits that homosexuality is a minor concern for the biblical authors, and that a truly biblical morality must avoid overemphasizing peripheral issues. Instead, we should be as charitable with one another – with those inside and outside the church, and with those who agree with us and those who don’t – in the same manner that Christ has been with us. Each of us is urged to remember that God’s kindness, patience and forbearance are what brings anyone to repentance, while those who are hard-hearted and pass judgment on others bring judgment on themselves (Romans 2:1-5).

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    36 mins
  • Would Jesus Attend a Gay Wedding?
    May 7 2024

    The title of our episode is one of the most frequently asked questions that pastors hear from their congregations and a topic that is often discussed in online forums. While there is room to debate the answer, the way we approach this question – and the way we treat those who might come to a different conclusion – says more about us than it does about Jesus or the question itself. Why has this become such a litmus test of orthodox Christian faith? Why doesn’t the fact that we are so scandalized by the issue serve as a warning that we have become the very legalists that we often decry in the pages of scripture?

    In this episode, we examine the heart of Jesus in coming close to those who needed him the most, and we contrast his actions with the Pharisees who made sure to publicly and privately keep their distance from the very same people. We ask whether Jesus would do the same today, and point out the ways that many Christian leaders seem to more closely resemble the behavior of the Pharisees rather than that of Jesus. We also examine the many arguments that are stated about what makes a wedding different from other public events, and we break down those arguments to better understand the motivations behind them. In the end, we want to center our answer on Jesus: if he would attend, then we should; and if he would not, then we should not.

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Are Christians More Gullible Than the Average American?
    Apr 14 2024

    Studies are mixed on whether people of faith are less intelligent than the average person in the general public, or even those that have no faith at all. Regardless, it does seem that Christians go out of their way to believe the strangest things that are not only entirely unrelated to the Christian faith, but which are demonstrably false.

    Our thesis is simple: if people can easily see that our beliefs are verifiably false about things that can readily be tested, why would anyone believe our witness about things that are unseen, like the claims of Christ, the truth of scripture, or the work of God in our life?

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    42 mins