• Healing the Past Through Ancestral Clearing with John Newton
    Jul 2 2024
    What if you could finally find peace with past trauma that began unconsciously undermining you before you were even born? In today's episode, the extraordinary John Newton makes an irresistible invitation to explore the miracle of Ancestral Clearing. John Newton is the CEO of Health Beyond Belief and a former TV and cinema actor on a mission to help people end their suffering and wake up to their true nature. Becoming a successful actor and building a comfortable life that paid the bills but didn't heal John's wounds from his traumatic childhood. It wasn’t until he began walking his own spiritual path that he began living from the soul and living in the Miracle Zone. As a professional actor for over 25 years, starring in movies like "Alive," "The Untouchables" or TV successes like "Melrose Place" “Desperate Housewives” and “Superboy,” John enjoyed his ride as a public figure, yet he always knew his purpose was in the spiritual realm. Today, after walking away from his successful acting career, John helps people resolve negative imprints from their past and achieve holistic well-being and a miraculous life. Throughout this episode, you'll hear about John's Ancestral Clearing and how it can help you overcome physical, emotional, and spiritual burdens steaming from your lineage. John also shares details of his own journey from suffering to spiritual awakening, discusses the impact of unresolved ancestral trauma on your well-being, and practical methods to clear those imprints. Additionally, he talks about his experiences helping others with profound healing, performs a clearing session, and much more! "It's our birthright to heal. Nowhere is it written that we have to suffer. And if it was written, it was written by a human who had their own stuff. I don't feel like the creator's like: "I want humans to suffer." Now, is there a grand plan for things? Absolutely! But I stay truthful and simple in each experience of the moment. And life is so sweet when I make it that simple; when I allow it to be that simple." - John Newton. What we talked about: Marci’s unexpected anxiety attacks while traveling in Russia and Ukraine and how John helped her release ancestral trauma in just one session (2:30) How John traveled from North Carolina to New York City to pursue an acting career in his 20s and how that led to a surprising spiritual awakening that ultimately led to the creation of Ancestral Clearing (3:25) The truth about epigenetics and why you can be affected by trauma that happened generations in the past plus what you can do to resolve it (7:18) Miraculous examples of the shifts people have experienced after Ancestral clearing including coming out of comas, regaining eyesight, and releasing chronic pain. (12:48) What to do when you feel like you’re constantly taking two steps forward and three steps back when using Law of Attraction (14:59) Two reasons why what you desire doesn’t show up and what to do about it (16:35) What to do to free yourself from beliefs such as “I’m not good enough” or “It’s my fault” (18:08) John performs a clearing session to help you release and live more in the Miracle Zone! (19:36) Why healing is your birthright. John's insights for a life in the miracle zone and , embracing joy as a natural state (34:15) Favorite quotes from the episode: Your natural state is joy. And when you clear and resolve everything else, joy shows up. ~John Newton We all have a program that limits our life to varying degrees. We want to rewrite that, and it's not held in the mind. We want to address where it's held. So we work in those realms and clean it up so that we have the space of possibility that what's in our hearts can come forward. ~John Newton Identify what's in your heart. I don't feel it's like we have to find this path out there, the perfect relationship, the perfect job. I really don't feel it works that way. I feel like that's all already in your heart. So we want to peel away everything that's blocking us from seeing, perceiving, and matching frequency with that, which is inside of us.~John Newton We want to resolve these old pieces so that we can get our life back and that can help us with every single area of life. But a big part of the work is spirituality and a higher power of our hearts. It's understanding whatever that is for you; if it's consciousness, if it's God, if it's a specific deity, whatever it is, is beautiful, but accessing that omniscient source of energy gives us the ability to do miraculous things with our bodies and lives. ~John Newton A lot of times as children, we make it about us, even though, consciously, as adults we know of course it wasn't our fault. It's not about us, but still, there's some version of us that can carry those old beliefs, and they can affect our life in the contemporary, in the present, and it happens all the time. ~John Newton We call it health beyond belief because it is beyond what our ...
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    37 mins
  • Trusting In Divine Timing with Marci Shimoff
    Jun 25 2024

    Have you ever felt that you’re behind in life? Whether it’s in the area of career, relationships, family, or some other kind of personal achievement, do you have a nagging feeling that you’re not quite where you’re supposed to be?

    Well, today, I want to share a profound and comforting concept with you, inspired by the teachings of the wonderful anthropologist and educator, Angeles Arrien, who was one of my biggest personal mentors and influences.

    It’s the idea that in life, “you’re right on time.” This simple yet powerful belief can help you to embrace where you are right now in your life’s journey, giving you greater peace of mind. And this also helps you get into greater energetic alignment with the miracles that you’re calling in.

    Listen to today’s episode and experience a short and easy process you can do to feel more at peace with exactly where you are in life so that you can get into greater energetic alignment with the miracles that are seeking you. This is one of the most precious gifts you can give to yourself and those around you.

    Celebrating you being right on time!

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    • Find Your Miracle Superpower

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    15 mins
  • Unlocking Longevity: Anti-Aging Secrets for Your Brain and Body with Debra Poneman
    Jun 18 2024

    No matter what age you are, how would you like to look and feel 10 or even 20 years younger? Today, we discuss the secrets of stopping and even reversing aging's clock with my dear friend and co-creator in Miracles, Debra Poneman.

    Debra is an international best-selling author, success speaker, and meditation teacher, and the co-founder of Yes To Success, Inc. For over 50 years, Debra has been transforming lives through seminars, spiritual teachings, and metaphysical revelations. Known by many as "the mentor of mentors," Debra's work in the 80s was so relevant and ground-breaking that her teachings were adopted in dozens of cities across the US and in over 14 countries.

    Debra has been my soul sister for more than 40 years! We’ve been through thick and thin and I got my start in public speaking because of her. This woman will have you laughing out loud one minute and then gasping in awe at her wisdom in the next. I invite you to pull up a chair with your favorite beverage and sit down with us while we swap stories about brain research, Richard Branson and miracles.

    In this episode, Debra shares insights and practical tips on how to slow down and even reverse the aging process by making simple adjustments to your sleeping and eating habits, mindset, and social connections. We also discuss how to avoid mental decline, how to reframe your thoughts on aging, what lifestyle choices can help you live in the miracle zone, and much more.

    “When you're talking about reversing aging, it also has to do with just feeling better in general. When you're feeling better, that's when you're open to being in the flow. That's where you're open to being in the miracle zone.” - Debra Poneman.

    What we talked about:

    • The true story of how Marci quit graduate school to become Debra’s assistant

    • The heartbreaking moment of Debra’s first spiritual experience on a playground in Skokie, Illinois and how that changed the course of her life towards the miracle zone

    • Debra’s unexpected journey into the field of anti-aging and how she enlisted the help of a Harvard trained mind/body researcher whose work was featured on the cover of Newsweek

    • What eight men in their 70s did to improve both their physical and cognitive acuity in just five days

    • One of the worst offenders when it comes to brain inflammation and how that accelerates memory loss

    • Why stress management is another crucial anti-aging agent

    • A powerful breathing exercise you can do to counteract the effects of stress

    • Debra talks about an often overlooked yet essential aspect of aging with grace: social connections (28:10)

    Connect with Debra:

    • Yes to Success with Debra Poneman

    • Get a copy of her ebook for free: Ancient and Modern Secrets for Lifelong Radiance

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    • Join the Anti-Aging Secrets for Your Brain, Your Body, and Your Future course with Debra Poneman & Ronnie Newman

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    40 mins
  • The Happiness Benefit with Marci Shimoff
    Jun 11 2024

    Were you taught to believe the thought, “I’ll be happy when _____________”?

    Many of us fill in that blank every day. I’ll be happy when I…get out of debt, meet my soulmate, land that dream job. Ultimately, we believe that success will make us happy.

    But what if I told you it’s actually the other way around? That being happy can lead you to unprecedented success and open up a world of possibilities and miracles?

    In today’s episode, I share with you a powerful concept that has transformed not just my life, but the lives of hundreds of thousands around the world. It’s called "The Happiness Benefit." I’ll walk you through a simple step-by-step process to bring more joy into your life starting today.

    In my book Happy for No Reason, I explore this paradigm-shifting idea that you don’t need a reason to be happy — happiness is a state you can choose, regardless of your circumstances. And choosing happiness doesn't just feel good, it actually sets you up to receive more of life's beautiful gifts.

    True story: I began studying happiness because I had been unhappy nearly all my life. I felt like I was born depressed and I wanted to figure out why other people were happy and I just wasn’t. This desire took me on a deeply rewarding journey and I knew I had to share what I learned with as many people as possible. And boy does this message resonate, especially now!

    If you want a deeper understanding of happiness, my fun and easy to follow program “30 Days to a Happier Life” is on sale for the next 72 hours. Find out more and save 50% here.

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    10 mins
  • How to Create Miracles with the Power of Intention with Lynne McTaggart
    Jun 4 2024
    Today I’m so delighted because I’m joined by a very dear friend and an extraordinarily brilliant and wise woman, Lynne McTaggart. Lynne is an award-winning journalist and the international best-selling author of seven books. Through her in-depth research and the quality of her writing, she has achieved truly ground-breaking work in intention and consciousness. Her seminal books on this new science of intention, The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment, and The Bond, have been translated into more than 30 languages. On top of all that, Lynne is consistently voted one of the world's top 100 spiritual leaders for her inspirational speaking style, and steadfast and uncompromising role as a new thought leader and a spiritual change agent. I’ve had the great fortune of knowing Lynne for close to 20 years since we first met as members of the Transformational Leadership Council. Every time I’m with her, I learn something new and anytime I have a question around health and healing, she’s my go to person! In this episode, Lynne shares her unique and dramatic journey into the Miracle Zone. She opens up about her early years as an intentional child and a “disruptor”, her first journalistic breakthrough, and the miracle that resulted from that first success. Lynne reveals her newest and ground-breaking experiments in the science of group intention, witnessing miraculous healing and growth in relationships, emotions, and even serious illnesses. She guides us step-by-step through the world of intention and consciousness, showing us where we go wrong when asking the universe for help and how to properly harness the power of intention to achieve your own miraculous life. I’m not kidding when I say she’s a total rockstar! “A single collective directed thought is all it takes to change the world.” Lynne McTaggart In this episode: Lynne opens up about her early years, her determination to be a writer, and campaigning for John F. Kennedy in her pro-Nixon Republican town. Lynne reveals how early failures in journalism taught her the value of intention which led to her breakthrough scoop on international baby-selling and an award-winning career (4:09) The importance of faith and resilience and how Lynne’s early breakthrough miraculously saved her and her husband from economic ruin (8:50) The crucial role altruism plays in harnessing the power of intention and how one woman saved her career by shifting her focus from her own debt to caring sincerely for others (13:14) Lynne dives into her pioneering work in intention experiments and describes how intention alone produced miraculous results including purifying water and healing post-traumatic stress disorder (15:58) The right way to ask the Universe for help: Lynne delves into how to be more specific in our needs and the “mental rehearsal” exercises elite athletes use to propel their success (17:12) The miraculous “Power of Eight”: Lynne shares how her workshops with groups of eight people produced healing miracles for people with multiple sclerosis, stage 4 cancer, and blindness. She also shares her excitement at the newest discoveries in intention science. (23:22) Plus Lynne shares exciting news about her latest intention experiments which focus on healing the divisions between people and even political groups (28:45) Favorite quotes from the episode: There are angels there when you are intentional who take care of you. Trust the process and focus on using your intention to be resilient and to get through those challenges and then you will prevail – Lynne McTaggart Living in any miraculous time or zone or being intentional in your life doesn't mean you're free of challenges ever. But what it does mean is that you can get into that place, you can use intention, you can trust the process – Lynne McTaggart Miracles truly do happen, where people step into people's lives when they need it. But it all has to do with an altruistic act – Lynne McTaggart Altruism is like a bulletproof vest. You live longer, healthier, happier lives when you do things for other people, no matter how small – Lynne McTaggart When… we haven't been specific, it doesn't work. If you need to heal the big toe on your right foot, that's your intention. And believe me, if you need other kinds of healing, the universe doesn't just stop there – Lynne McTaggart People try to….. do an intention to win the lottery. You don't need to do that.. tell the universe what you need right now and you'll see what happens – Lynne McTaggart The universe isn't against you, it loves you. But sometimes it's a little wiser than you are and it sees you may need something more – Lynne McTaggart Connect with Lynne: Learn about Lynne’s Programs and Resources New Intention Essentials Course - Starts June 15th Take the Intention Challenge - Free Connect with Us: SUBSCRIBE to Our YouTube Channel to Receive Miracle Moments,...
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    35 mins
  • Tapping Into the Energy of Love, Healing and Miracles
    May 28 2024
    Today we dive deep into the role energy plays in living a miraculous life. I’m joined by not one, but two fabulously special people, the amazing husband and wife team of Donna Eden and David Feinstein. Donna Eden is a pioneer in energy medicine and one of the most sought-after, joyous, and respected experts in the world. Gifted clairvoyantly for as long as she can remember, she can see the body's energy fields and her healing abilities are legendary. While being able to see the body's energies comes naturally to her, she became passionate about developing a system that anyone can use to work effectively with their own energies. Her Energy Medicine Masterclass has had more than 6 million views, and both the Energy Medicine Research Institute and the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology awarded Donna Lifetime Achievement Awards for her amazing career. Her classic book Energy Medicine has been a textbook in hundreds of healing classes. Donna is an energy OG and the real deal! Donna’s fabulous husband, David Feinstein, is a licensed psychologist and a pioneer in developing innovative therapeutic approaches. He's received nine national awards for his books on consciousness and healing and his book on relationships, The Energies of Love, which he co-authored with Donna, is a New York Times bestseller. Together, Donna and David have built one of the world's largest organizations teaching the hands-on use of energy medicine, and have served tens of thousands of clients all around the world. I’m honored that they’ve also been Guest Experts for my Year of Miracles program. In this episode, Donna and David share the transformative insights of their newest book, Tapping: Self-Healing with the Transformative Power of Energy Psychology. They dive deep into the role that energy plays in living a miraculous life. They provide simple, practical tips to use energy tapping to improve health and wellbeing and heal relationships. Above all, they share the secrets to attracting those beautiful synchronicities that define living in the Miracle Zone. “When all your energies are brought into harmony, your body flourishes. And when your body flourishes your soul has a soil in which you can blossom in this world. These are the ultimate reasons for energy medicine - to prepare the soil and nurture the blossom.” – Donna Eden What we talked about: Donna and David share the story of their unique journeys to the Miracle Zone. Donna opens up about her lifelong ability to see energy, being afflicted by childhood allergies and multiple sclerosis, and the day she decided to heal herself. David shares his scientific journey from confessed “miracle skeptic” to healing thousands of people around the world, and how he now sees the miraculous in everyday life (7:08) A deep dive into the concept of “intelligent” energy\ which broadcasts to us and which we can tune into to improve both physical health and spiritual wellbeing and find synchronicities larger than our sensory-based perspectives (20:30) The inspirational story of how Donna and David used tapping to help a woman who was reliving her traumatic fear of storms to achieve a new state of calm and well-being (23:09) Tapping tips for living in the Miracle Zone. David breaks down the science of how tapping works. Donna shares her favorite acupuncture points and mantras to overcome overwhelming stress or hopelessness that you can do in a meeting without anyone knowing (28:12) How energy tapping can shift your relationships. Donna and David open up about the conflicts in their early relationship and share how to “tap down” personal triggers so that they can be discussed and spur healing and growth (36:53) Practical advice on healing from their brand new book. Donna and David explain how to treat PTSD, depression, sadness, and addictions by combining immediate self-help techniques with the best practices in therapy rather than choosing one or the other (41:15) What excites Donna and David in their lives? Donna celebrates the rising interest in energy medicine and how people use it to bring health and vitality to their lives. Despite being in her 80s she can’t wait for the next phase in her life. Dave celebrates the growth in personal empowerment and how our species surviving so many crises inspires him to love music, culture, and life (45:23) Favorite quotes from the episode: Aging can be quite wonderful. I really love my age – Donna Eden (81) When you start understanding that energy is everything and that you can move it, you can manipulate it in a positive way and change what's going on, I mean, it changes everything, not only just in your physical health but how your spirit is doing – Donna Eden It probably took up to two years to have perfect health. But when that happened, I just wanted to share it with everybody – Donna Eden I believe Einstein said there are two ways to live ...
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    44 mins
  • The Miraculous Power of Receiving with Marci Shimoff
    May 21 2024

    We come into this world vulnerable and wholly dependent on others to take care of us and keep us alive. In short, as babies, we are masters of receiving!

    But if you get uncomfortable when a dinner guest offers to clear the dishes, or a friend compliments you on how radiant you look or even when a stranger offers you kindness… that might mean you may have unknowingly created blocks to your ability to receive based on old stories, experiences or beliefs

    In today’s episode, I reveal what might be blocking your ability to receive as well as walk you through a simple exercise you can do to open yourself up to joyful receiving on the spot.

    Receiving joyfully is a confirmation of you knowing your worthiness and of deepening in self-love - these are the higher vibration of the Miracle Zone.

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    10 mins
  • Unlocking the Codes for Healing, Freedom, and Fulfillment with Dr. Sue Morter
    May 7 2024
    Today I’m thrilled because we’re diving into the bioenergetics of miracles with our esteemed guest, Dr. Sue Morter. Let me give you her official bio first. An international speaker and a doctor of 30 years experience, Dr. Sue is a master of bioenergetic medicine and a quantum field visionary. In books such as The Energy Codes and in her lectures, seminars,and workshops, she is truly committed to teaching self-healing techniques based on ancient wisdom and cutting edge quantum science that really work for people. And beyond all of that, Dr. Sue has been a very, very, very dear friend and soul sister of mine for more than 25 years and she has been a co-teacher with me for the past 6 years in Your Year of Miracles. She’s the real deal and truly lives a miraculous life! In this episode, Dr. Sue talks about her own journey to the Miracle Zone and the profound effect it has had on her and on others. She shares her transformative insights into the energy fields that make up the mind and body and how we limit ourselves by living just in our heads. Best of all, she breaks down the simple techniques we can all use to activate that hidden energy and integrate the mind and body to heal pain, make wiser decisions, and above all live in that state of creativity,love and flow that is the essence of living i the Miracle Zone. “When energy is flowing in the body, we are self-healing. And we're more creative and we're more ingenious. And we are operating in this life as creators instead of reactors. And that's what it's ultimately all about. We're here to learn how to generate, not just react to what somebody else generated” – Dr. Sue Morter What we talked about: How Dr. Sue’s severe migraines led to her first attempts at meditation and her ultimate breakthrough to a level of consciousness beyond anything she had ever imagined. This led her to decode how to build the neurocircuitry necessary to access pure consciousness at will so that you can awaken to a new life of healing, possibility, and creativity (03:28) Dr. Sue’s core concept of embodiment and why learning to reinhabit our physical bodies is key to transcending our everyday concerns, fully experiencing the world, and discovering new possibilities in life (08:41) 3 simple core techniques - belly breathing, listening to the body, and hugging the body - which reconnect the mind to the body (12:17) Inspiring examples of healing and the rejuvenation that result when you allow energy to flow freely through the body (24:48) A deep dive into the nature of ourselves as pure energy and how manifesting in the body accesses the true self (28:00) Dr. Sue’s next big project, the Heal Yourself, Heal Your Life Program (33:24) Dr. Sue’s Final Words (35:36) Favorite quotes from the episode: “We're not broken. There's nothing missing. There's nothing wrong. We have all of the parts that we need to absolutely live beautifully in the miracle zone” - Dr. Sue Morter “What we would now reference as the miracle zone…was something that was coming alive in me, a place of possibility. Instead of looking from survival perspectives, I was now looking into life from a place of possibility and creativity and adventure, rather than safety and survivorship and being okay” – Dr. Sue Morter “If we're thinking so rapidly that we can't feel anything, we can't feel what we truly mean or what has heart and meaning to us,we end up creating lives that are really smart, but they're not so wise, they're really flashy and productive, but they're not necessarily fulfilling and deeply healing to us” – Dr. Sue Morter “The invitation for self-healing is let's enjoy it every step of the way…. We're having a great time manifesting, having a great time healing, having a great time developing new friendships and relationships and being available to life as it's happening instead of looking in the rearview mirror or casting our attention way down the road in the future hoping that it gets better someday” – Dr. Sue Morter “Our true nature is to be fulfilled, and if we don't feel fulfilled we're not living in our bodies, we're still living in our heads… Am I happy? Am I joyous? Do I feel better today than I did yesterday? Am I looking forward to this day and tomorrow? Am I loving how I operated yesterday? Did I have loving, conscious feelings inside of me? I have everything that I need to be able to do that… I know that I'm okay and that this is meant to be and that my next step is the perfect next step for me to be taking and I'm adventurous and joyous instead of worried and afraid” – Dr. Sue Morter “When we know we are energy beings, we begin to live away from the fear-based stories our minds create and start living from the other option that is available to us, the perspective of our true eternal nature as the soulful self” – Dr. Sue Morter Connect with Dr. Sue: Learn about Dr. Sue’s programs and free resources ...
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    38 mins