• EP 50 | Advanced | A Homesick Poem | 中秋节
    Sep 13 2024

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    #MidAutumnDay #ChineseAcientPoem #Chinese AcientPoetry #moon
    今年的中秋节马上就要到了。我在这里祝所有生活在国外的中国人 中秋节快乐!中秋节是中国第二个重要的传统节日,一般来说这一天家人们会团聚。中秋节是在农历的八月十五日,每个月的农历十五号是月亮最圆的一天,所以在中秋节你会听到看到很多关于月亮的事情。比如说:吃月饼,晚上散步赏月,讲月亮上的一些传说故事。今天我为大家带来一首有月亮的古诗,这首诗叫《静夜思》,是唐代诗人李白在26岁的时候写的。那时候李白住在扬州的旅店,一天晚上他看着天空中的月亮,想念自己的家乡和家人,写下了这首诗。

    静夜思( Jìnɡ yè sī)
    唐 李白( Tánɡ Lǐ Bái)
    床前明月光,( chuánɡ qián mínɡ yuè ɡuānɡ ,)
    疑是地上霜。( yí shì dì shànɡ shuānɡ 。)
    举头望明月,( jǔ tóu wànɡ mínɡ yuè ,)
    低头思故乡。( dī tóu sī ɡù xiānɡ 。)

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    7 mins
  • EP49 | Intermediate | Compound Complements of Direction | 复合趋向补语
    Sep 10 2024

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    The simple complements of direction can be used after another verb as the verb's complement, that is, a Compound Complements of Direction that indicates the movement of the action.
    V. + 上、下、进、出、过、回 + place + 来/去
    V. + 上、下、进、出、过、回 + sb./sth. + 来/去
    V. + 上、下、进、出、过、回 + 来/去 + sb./sth.

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    Wendy Zhang (buymeacoffee.com)

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    10 mins
  • EP48 | Intermediate | Simple Complements of Direction | 简单趋向补语
    Sep 3 2024

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    In Chinese, a group of directional verbs can be placed right after other verbs to indicate where the actions are directed. They play a role known as Complements of Direction.
    The most frequently used pattern is "verb+来/去", it is called Simple Complements of Direction - 简单趋向补语。
    Pattern: verb + 来/去

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    Wendy Zhang (buymeacoffee.com)

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    12 mins
  • 🔒 EP47 | Intermediate | Complements of State/Manner | 状态、情态补语
    Aug 27 2024

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    The complement describes how one does something or how something is done.
    S+V+ 得 +(adv.) +adj.
    S+v+o+v+ 得 +(adv.) +adj.

    #Comparative Sentences with “得”

    #Complex Complements of State(复杂的状态补语)
    adj./v.+ 得 + verb phrase

    #One-on-One Online Chinese Lesson:

    #Other Support Ways and Leave a Message:
    Wendy Zhang (buymeacoffee.com)

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    12 mins
  • EP46 | Intermediate | Complements of Result | 结果补语
    Aug 20 2024

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    A verb/adjective is used after the predicate verb to indicate the result of an action.
    S. + V. + v./adj. + (O.)

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    Wendy Zhang (buymeacoffee.com)

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    9 mins
  • EP45 | Pre-Intermediate | Complements of Frequency | 动量补语
    Aug 13 2024

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    Verbal measure words are used to indicate the frequency of an action, this is the Complements of Frequency.
    The patterns of complements of frequency
    S. + V. + frequency + O.(something)
    S. + V. + frequency + O.(someplace); S. + V. + O.(someplace) + frequency
    S. + V. + O.(somebody-pron.) + frequency;
    S. + V. + O.(somebody-pron.) + 一下;S. + V. + 一下 + O.(somebody-pron.)
    S. + V. + O.(somebody-n.) + frequency; S. + V. + frequency + O.(somebody-n.)

    #Comparison between Duration and Frequency Complements

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    Wendy Zhang (buymeacoffee.com)

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    8 mins
  • EP44 | Pre-Intermediate | Complements of Duration | 时量补语
    Aug 6 2024

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    When durational nouns are positioned after verbs or adjectives, they serve as complement to indicate the length of an action. This is Complements of Duration.

    The pattern of complements of duration
    S. + V. + duration + O.(something)
    S. + V. + O.(someplace) + duration
    S. + V. + O.(somebody) + duration

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    #One-on-One Online Chinese Lesson:

    #Other Support Ways and Leave a Message:
    Wendy Zhang (buymeacoffee.com)

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    7 mins
  • 🔒 EP43 | Upper-Intermediate | My Grandma 2 | 外婆(下)
    Jul 30 2024

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    #One-on-One Online Chinese Lesson:

    #Other Support Ways and Leave a Message:
    Wendy Zhang (buymeacoffee.com)

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    17 mins