
  • Blanca Leon - Taking the leap into purpose-driven legal work | S2 E7
    Sep 3 2022

    Blanca Leon is a UK based lawyer who offers legal consulting support on commercial matters and solutions, combining purpose and values with plain language drafting and visual design to create clear, collaborative and human centric legal documents. 

    In January 2021, after nearly 10 years, she left a corporate in-house role to explore a holistic approach to practising law.

    In this episode, we talk about how Blanca came to her decision and made the leap from corporate to purpose-driven, and what her experience has been thus far.

    Show notes:

    [2:13] Blanca relates how her involvement in the Conscious Contracts® course helped her develop her vision, mission and values.

    [6:46] Blanca describes some of the tools she used to learn what her values were. 

    [9:40] In starting her purpose-driven legal practice, Blanca's vision and mission became clearer.

    [14:15] Blanca reflects on how she evolved from an inhouse paralegal , to an in-house counsel, to  where she is now and how she was driven by one of her values - curiosity.

    [24:37] Blanca talks about what her purpose-driven legal practice looks like, who her clients are, and how she is creating it - including  how she is expressing herself authentically so the 'right' people find her.

    [30:22] In discovering her purpose, and aligning with it, Blanca has also had insight into how to apply her unique gifts to her work. 

    [34:55] Blanca offers her advice to anyone seeking to take the leap into a purpose-driven legal path.

    For more please visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website.

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    41 mins
  • Sylvia Clute - The radically healing power of unitive justice | S2 E6
    Jul 29 2022

    Sylvia Clute is the founder of a revolutionary model of criminal justice, know as unitive justice. A former trial attorney, she has devoted her life to justice – but unlike many she has truly reflected on the meaning of this word - justice. 

    For Sylvia, there are two fundamental models of justice, one grounded in fear that seeks retribution and revenge and one grounded in love that seeks healing and transformation--what she calls "Unitive Justice”. 

    In this episode, Sylvia shares her vision and the work she does in not just formulating the model but bringing it to life.

    Show notes

    [1:45] Sylvia relates how she transformed from being a trial attorney who 'went for the jugular' to the founder of a kinder, more loving and healing model of justice with no punitive elements.

    [7:30] Through remaining actively practising as a trial attorney, Sylvia built up her model of unitive justice. She identified non-punitive counterparts to correspond to the 14 punitive elements she found in traditional justice models. 

    [11:35] We need new language to discuss unitive justice because we lack even the words to describe the different concepts it represents.

    [17:20] Sylvia relates how she came across 'circle processes', which she sought to take into a public housing project. This introduced her to two convicted felons who had themselves discovered the power of unitive justice concepts via a method they called 'radical tenderness'..

    [24:26] With Paul Taylor and Weldon 'Prince' Bunn, Sylvia has co-created a programme called Unity Prison Culture Change which they are piloting in prisons and eventually will take to the community.

    [28:07] We discuss the empowerment that unitive justice gives to victims, when we understand that many victims go on to become offenders, and then can use their experiences to be 'credible messengers of change'

    [35:43] Sylvia talks about the work she is doing in education, with troubled schools. arming teachers with tools to engender culture change.

    For more, please visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website.

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    39 mins
  • Law of One Series - Climate Change | E5
    Jul 9 2022

    In this series, two lawyers come together to explore what it could look like if the law as we know it shifted toward a more unified Law of One in our near future. 

    In this fifth episode, our two Lawyers, Virginia Robin and Geraldine Johns-Putra discuss climate change and whether the 'enemy' is climate change.

    Virginia, co-founder of Lawyers for Love, defies labels but is best recognised as being a lawyer, modern shaman, author and TEDx’er. Lawyers for Love offers a unique yet radically alternative dispute resolution platform that supports the discovery of our authentic selves, by using existing conflict as a catalyst to do so. 

    Geraldine is a practicing lawyer with her own firm specialising in governance, the impact economy and business & human rights. Her New Earth lawyer podcast features conversations with lawyers who are changing the practice of law to change the world. 

    Virginia believes that by replacing our existing legal system with a platform that is more compassionate and validating and most of all, directed by the more highly conscious state of love, we will create a more optimal society. 

    Geraldine advises clients who are currently engaged in positive transformation of their own businesses, the wider economy, the environment and communities. She sees a world already changing for the better and the law and lawyers adapting in the right direction.

    Show notes

    [0:49] Although climate change originates from people's concern and compassion for the planet, it results in divisive and polarised debate.

    [5:47] We can leverage expanding environmental awareness to focus away from minimising carbon towards a broader focus on regeneration. 

    [9:50] Mass consumerism and extractive thinking to fill spiritual emptiness contributes to environmental degradation.

    [10:57] Using legal compliance as a way to force companies to demonstrate their environmental and social credentials via ESG regulations encourages separational thinking rather than a unified effort towards healing the planet.  

    [14:22] Additionally, compliance driven thinking leads to greenwashing., which is fear-based thinking.

    [17:11] Unfortunately, our media's focus on climate change has led to climate hysteria and an increase in depression and anxiety  especially among young people, 

    [18:30] Centring in love and peace and having compassion for other's choices rather than fighting is more effective as a spiritual tool to achieve any aim.​  

    [22:39] If we regard ourselves as cells of a body, then we each have our unique role to play and express ourselves which will result in equilibrium and optimal health of our home.

    [30:52] By being more unified and loving, we will also create space for inspired ideas to blossom that will lead to better and cleaner technologies, including clean energy, that will help protect our planet.  

    For more, please visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website. 

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    36 mins
  • Ariadni Athanassiadis - A conscious reimagining of IP laws | S2 E5
    Jun 25 2022

    We can use laws to nurture our common humanity or create divisions between us. 

    Intellectual property laws offer us a fine example of how we can unite, rather than separate. 

    Ariadni Athanassiadis is a Canadian intellectual property and contracts legal professional practising to support solopreneurs, creatives and small business. Her passion has always been to creatively empower others. Her wisdom path as a professional nomad has guided her to appreciate how our joyful expression in relationship with one another can bring about creative harmonics and generative outcomes for communities

    In this show, we delve into Ariadni's reimagined IP paradigm, which is a much more effective and productive approach to nurturing the wellspring of creativity that lies in each of us, for the collective good.

    Show notes

    [2:17] Ariadni describes her vision of intellectual property laws which honours the creativity of our Source essence and empowers the flow of that wellspring of creativity through us.

    [11:22] Ariadni explains how she deals with notions of fear, scarcity and protection through her unique method which blends coaching and legal advice.

    [19:37] How Ariadni's vision can be maintained even by large corporations dealing with IP in addition to solopreneurs and smaller enterprises.

    [27:16] A beautiful retelling from Ariadni of how she shaped her vision of a new approach to IP laws, taking in Indigenous approaches and her own Greek heritage.

    [39:14] Ariadni has practical advice for lawyers looking to practise IP law differently - get out into the community and learn from your clients!

    For more information, please visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website. 

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    45 mins
  • Law of One Series - Dealing with Crime | E4
    Jun 10 2022

    In this ten part series, two lawyers come together to explore what it could look like if the law as we know it shifted toward a more unified Law of One in our near future. 

    In this fourth episode, our two Lawyers, Virginia Robin and Geraldine Johns-Putra contrast the punitive based criminal law system with the unifying premises found in the Law of One.

    Virginia, co-founder of Lawyers for Love, defies labels but is best recognised as being a lawyer, modern shaman, author and TEDx’er. Lawyers for Love offers a unique, alternate dispute resolution platform that supports the discovery of our authentic selves, by using existing conflict as a catalyst to do so.

     Geraldine is a practicing lawyer with her own firm specialising in governance, the impact economy and business & human rights. Her New Earth lawyer podcast features conversations with lawyers who are changing the practice of law to change the world.

     Virginia believes that by replacing our existing legal system with one that is more compassionate and validating and most of all, directed by the more highly conscious state of love, we will create a more optimal society.

     Geraldine advises clients who are currently engaged in positive transformation of their own businesses, the wider economy, the environment and communities. She sees a world already changing for the better and the law and lawyers adapting in the right direction

    Show notes

    • [0:01] Virginia reflects on how our criminal law systems embody separation, judgment and enforcement of rules, instead of love and understanding.
    • [6:01] In a transition towards unity consciousness, criminal law needs urgent reform. It addresses how we deal with free will but could do so in a fairer and wiser way.
    • [10:38] We can start by taking a holistic approach and collective responsibility for crimes, as some Indigenous groups do.
    • [13:29] Criminal law currently separates the individual by pitting the machinery of the State against him or her.. Restorative justice is an example of redressing this imbalance.
    • [17:12] Trauma-informed law is another reform that extends compassion to those who commit and are affected by crimes.
    • [21:22] A reformed criminal law system that aligns with the Law of One would encourage a multi-dimensional approach from lawyers.
    • [26:48] Privatised correctional facilities also encourages an industry of creating criminals and recividists, 
    • [29:44] In stigmatising crime, our current system punishes and separates,​  
    • [34:27] Criminalising social issues, like drugs and abortion, removes the opportunity to examine why we have created those issues as a collective.
    • [41:32] The opportunity to examine why a criminal incident has been created extends to the victim.  A restorative justice or truth and reconciliation path helps victims to be heard, but there is a deeper healing for victims to be supported to understand why they co-created the incident in the first place.

    For more information, please visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website.

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    51 mins
  • Chuck Menahem Kanafi - Mindful ways of addressing legal conflicts | S2 E4
    May 24 2022

    Chuck Menahem Kanafi is a values-based, purpose driven lawyer. He specialises in conflict prevention and management and contracts. 

    ​He is a Certified Mediator and brings an intentional and mindful approach to mediation. He is a Certified Conscious Contracts® practitioner and trainer.

    We discuss his insights into new ways of addressing conflicts in mediation and ​through Conscious Contracting® as well as his plans to assist impactful businesses through more compassionate contracts.

    Show notes

    [2:17] Chuck describes how transformative mediation works to deliver better solutions than traditional dispute settlement.

    [8:00] Chuck relates how he came to mindful meditation and his inclusion of mindfulness practices including meditation and Vipassana yoga.

    [14:09] We drill into how legal representatives can help or hinder transformative mediation. and how best for lawyers to train for this approach.

    [20:03] Chuck shares about his journey to becoming interested in Conscious Contracts® which started with Brexit. 

    [27:48] Chuck explains how Conscious Contracts® help prevent conflicts, and how traditional lawyers react to them, in his experience.

    [33:07] Chuck's latest plans are to assist conscious businesses, such as B-Corps and social enterprises, to integrate Conscious Contracts® into their operations, so they don't omit their conscious approach from their legal frameworks.

    To learn more, please visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website.

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    42 mins
  • Law of One Series - The energetic dynamic of money | E3
    Apr 30 2022

    In this ten part series, two lawyers come together to explore what it could look like if the law as we know it shifted toward a more unified Law of One in our near future.

    In this third episode, our two Lawyers, Virginia Robin and Geraldine Johns-Putra consider approaching our engagement with money from an energetic perspective, and its relationship with our current systems.

    Virginia, co-founder of Lawyers for Love, defies labels but is best recognised as being a lawyer, modern shaman, author and TEDx’er. Lawyers for Love offers a unique yet radically alternative dispute resolution platform that supports the discovery of our authentic selves, by using existing conflict as a catalyst to do so.

    Geraldine is a practicing lawyer with her own firm specialising in governance, the impact economy and business & human rights. Her New Earth lawyer podcast features conversations with lawyers who are changing the practice of law to change the world.

    Virginia believes that by replacing our existing legal system with a platform that is more compassionate and validating and most of all, directed by the more highly conscious state of love, we will create a more optimal society.

    Geraldine advises clients who are currently engaged in positive transformation of their own businesses, the wider economy, the environment and communities. She sees a world already changing for the better and the law and lawyers adapting in the right direction.

    Show notes

    [0:01] We share our individual stories of our relationship to money, from our childhoods and through adulthood. Almost everyone has a strong energetic attachment to money.

    [9:26] Collectively, we are taking the next step by working through our fear-based associations with money. We are learning to see money as energy.

    [18:43] The mainstream messaging around money challenges us, so we would do well to switch off from external messaging and focus on our own personal value.

    [22:31] We have fears around having enough money for the future and as a collective it keeps us stagnant and prevents money from being consciously invested in meaningful projects.

    [27:58] Philanthropy often comes with strings attached - if we have excess money to give away we should do so out of love and with intent.

    [33:12] The value of money should incorporate a love-based element, such as the impact it has on the planet and people, This would extend to investment returns.

    [41:09] A systemic change is underway as young people switch to impact investing and wish to earn their money from working for companies that care.

    [48:58] A reflection of the awakening is that people are beginning to think about how the things they buy have real repercussions on others such as workers in the supply chain and the planet.

    To learn more, visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website.

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    1 hr
  • Nigel Clark - New Law models that promote flexibility and freedom | S2 E3
    Apr 16 2022

    Nigel Clark is the CEO of nexa law, an innovative and fast-growing UK-based law business. 

    He is an international lawyer and an expert in New Law business models. He has had a curiosity about legal business structures for many years and managed cross-border legal services businesses in cities from London and Beijing for a large international law firm. 

    ​Nigel most recently co-founded and managed Peregrine Law in London which was acquired by nexa law in January 2020. 

    In this episode, I pick Nigel's brains on New Law structures and learn more about what nexa law offers - especially how it promotes choice and collegiality.

    Show notes

    [2:27] Nigel describes how he came to develop the nexa law model with his initial business partner as a back-office platform and connector for lawyers.

    [6:33] Nigel talks about the difference between rainmakers and technicians, and how the nexa law model tries to meet the needs of both while growing its business platform.

    [9:14] Nigel explains the New Law market and some of the different models and drivers.

    [14:03] Connex, the nexa law combined practice offering, balances the rainmakers with technicians.

    [17:13] A huge advantage of nexa is choice - choice for lawyers and choice for consumers of legal services from City to High Street.

    [21:01] nexa lawyers work in teams and as individuals - Nigel explains how. COVID and innovations in precedent development has accelerated alternative law models.

    [26:54] We talk culture, collaboration and collegiality - alll strengths of nexa.

    [29:47] Alternative models like nexa also promote diversity - from gender to age to career paths.

    For more, please visit the episode page on the New Earth lawyer website.

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    41 mins