• 234. The Most Successful Teens Have Parents Who Do These Four Things
    24 mins
  • 233. Why Does My Teenager Hate Me? And What You Can Do About It
    Sep 17 2024

    Feeling like your teen "hates" you? You're not alone. One of the most frequently Googled questions by parents is: Why does my teenager hate me? From eye rolls to harsh words, lies, and disrespect, it can seem like your teen is constantly at odds with you—and even their siblings. But why do teens sometimes act so mean, and how can parents respond in a way that fosters love, respect, and kindness?

    In today’s episode, we break down the reasons behind your teen's behavior and provide actionable strategies to rebuild a more loving and harmonious relationship.

    In This Episode, You'll Learn:

    • Why Your Teen “Hates” You: Common reasons within your control, stemming from your actions, reactions, or unspoken expectations.

    • Your Teen’s Perspective: What’s going on in their mind that makes them act out, and why it often has nothing to do with you.

    • How to Respond with Love: Practical ways to address negative behavior and guide your teen towards kindness and mutual respect.

    Actionable Steps You’ll Walk Away With:

    1. Identify Root Causes: Determine whether your teen’s frustrations are linked to something within your control or their own internal struggles.

    2. Shift the Dynamic: Learn how to stop the cycle of disrespect and frustration with specific communication strategies.

    3. Create a Positive Home Environment: Implement proven techniques to transform conflict into connection and restore a sense of harmony in your household.

    Ready to take immediate, effective action? Book a FREE 30-minute consultation where we’ll address your specific situation and create a personalized roadmap to improve your relationship with your teen. Click here to book your call.

    Would you like the free PDF “Cheatsheet” with over 30+ responses and questions to turn every potential argument into a connected interaction that can better your relationship? Click HERE and it’s yours. xoxo

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    27 mins
  • 232. Why do Teens Cut? And How You Can Best Help Them
    Sep 10 2024

    Today we delve into a difficult yet essential topic: Why do teens cut? Self-harm can be a frightening and confusing issue for parents, but understanding the underlying reasons is key to offering the most helpful support. This episode will explore the emotional and psychological triggers that lead teens to cut, shedding light on the often hidden pain behind their actions.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • A better understanding of their reasons and how it makes sense to them. (It’s not to manipulate or seek attention.)
    • Practical strategies for approaching this sensitive subject with your teen.
    • How to foster open communication when emotions are so difficult, to best provide the help they need to heal.
    • How to create a supportive environment that promotes your teen’s emotional well-being.
    • Confidence that you haven’t failed and your teens future isn’t doomed.

    If you’re dealing with self harm in your home, both you and your teen need support. To schedule a free consultation, click HERE and we can discuss how you can best help your child and if I’m a good fit to be part of your professional support team.

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    21 mins
  • 231. Why do Teens Do Drugs? And How You Can Best Parent Them
    Sep 3 2024

    In this episode of Pivot Parenting, we tackle a tough but crucial question: Why do teens do drugs? You might think there are countless reasons, but it all boils down to one clear core reason. By understanding this reason, you'll gain clarity on your teen's behavior and learn how to better address substance use with empathy and effectiveness.

    Join me as I reveal powerful parenting techniques to support your teen without pushing them away, offering the tools you need to build a stronger relationship and guide them towards healthier choices. Don’t miss this essential episode for parents looking to understand and help their teens in the face of substance challenges.

    What You’ll learn in this episode:

    • Why teens use substances: there is only one reason, and when you know it you can better understand the situation for greater peace and clarity amidst the storm.

    • How parents can best help their teens struggling with substance abuse. (And what isn't helpful.)

    To book a free call and troubleshoot your specific situation, click HERE. In 30 minutes you’ll walk away knowing your next best step and the exact process to get you to your parenting and family goals. xoxo

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    27 mins
  • 230. Building Trust with Your Teen is an Essential Parenting Strategy for Success
    Aug 27 2024

    In this episode, I'm diving into the five common misunderstandings about trust that can trap parents and harm their relationships with their teens. Trust is a big issue, especially when teens engage in risky behaviors like lying, sneaking out, using substances, and other reckless actions. But what if we’re looking at trust all wrong? Here’s what we’ll cover:

    • Why teens break our trust: Understanding the reasons behind lies, sneaking, and other unwanted behaviors.
    • What trust really is (and isn't): Clarifying misconceptions about trust in parenting.
    • What builds trust and what breaks it: Key actions that can either strengthen or damage your relationship.
    • Why trust and love are separate—and why this is great news: How separating trust from love can change your perspective and improve all of your parenting interactions.
    • How trust isn’t necessary to parent well: Discover why trust isn’t the foundation of effective parenting you might think, and what to focus on instead for best results.

    Join me as we unpack these points and learn how to navigate trust issues with confidence, keeping your relationship with your teen strong and resilient.

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    35 mins
  • 229. "Pick Me" Parenting: How Seeking Your Teen's Approval Can Harm Your Relationship
    Aug 20 2024

    In this high-value episode of Pivot Parenting, we explore the concept of "Pick Me" parenting and its impact on your relationship with your teen. Are you unknowingly seeking your teen's approval by trying to be the "cool parent" or competing for their attention? While it might seem like a way to connect, this approach can lead to common parenting pitfalls and undermine your authority.

    Join host, Heather Frazier as she uncovers the signs of "Pick Me" parenting and offers practical strategies to avoid it. Learn how to set clear boundaries, maintain your parental authority, and build genuine respect with your teen. Discover effective communication techniques and parenting strategies to foster a healthy, balanced relationship.

    We’ll explore how these dynamics play out, the long-term impact on both you and your teen, and provide actionable strategies to shift from approval-seeking to fostering a truly connected relationship. Learn how to stop seeking validation from your child and start building a bond based on mutual respect and understanding. Don’t let the need to be liked get in the way of being the parent your teen truly needs.

    What you’ll learn in this episode:

    • How to identify harmful parenting habits of seeking validation from your kids

    • Recognize the harm these habits are causing

    • Learn what to do instead to have an authentic, healthy relationship with your teen

    To implement what you learn with more efficiency and effectiveness, book a free 30 minute consultation HERE and we can discuss your situation and your next best step in building the relationship you want with them. xoxo

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    24 mins
  • 228. The Always Right Parenting Trap: Why It's Hurting Your Relationship with Your Teen
    Aug 13 2024

    In this episode of Pivot Parenting, we tackle the pervasive "always right" parenting trap. Are you finding yourself interrupting, being impatient, and insisting on things being done your way? Do you feel judged while also judging others, struggle to understand your teen, or face challenges with authentic engagement from your kids and spouse?

    The need to always "be right" can disrupt your happiness and hinder your ability to connect with your kids and partner. It’s a common issue, yet many don’t realize how their need to be right negatively affects their family dynamics. It creates angry, apathetic and stubbornly silent teens. It promotes lying and arguing. It kills necessary vulnerability to connect on more than a surface level, and keeps the “right” parent on everyone's “wrong” side.

    In today’s episode, I delve into:

    1. Understanding "Always Right" Parenting: What it truly means and why it’s problematic.

    2. Identifying the Signs: How to recognize "always right" behaviors in yourself. (this doesn’t make you bad or wrong, just human like the rest of us)

    3. Effective Solutions: Practical steps to overcome this mindset and improve your relationships.

    4. Gain REAL control: No more nagging and micromanaging your teens to feel good. We both know they don’t like to play along. I’ll show you control in the best way that you and your family will love.

    By mastering these key points, you can foster more peace and fun within your family. Be prepared to discover surprising insights that could transform your parenting approach and enhance your family's well-being.

    To book a free 30 minute call with me where we discover your next best parenting move, book at heatherfrazier.com

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    34 mins
  • 227. Divorce Guilt with Karin Nelson
    Aug 6 2024

    Divorce is a common pain point for many parents. It can feel like your life is out of your control, your kids are suffering, and everything is turned upside down. Divorce expert, Karin Nelson and I will discuss the guilt portion of that today. Whether you're divorced, in the process, or are happily married, you'll get valuable info from the conversation. We cover being unable to protect your kids from harmful parents, blaming yourself for their suffering, if you made the right decision, "broken home" sigmas, and sneaky, unseen ways that guilt plays out that you probably aren't even aware of but it's negatively impacting your family.

    To book a free 30 minute call with me, come to Heatherfrazier.com

    About my guest: Karin Nelson is a mom, a Taylor Swift enthusiast, and a trauma-informed divorce grief specialist, that specializes in helping women move through the grief and pain of their divorce by reconnecting with themselves, create lasting emotional resilience and stepping into their power as an independent woman to live a life even better than when they were married. You can find out more about Karin and the work she does through her podcast ‘Becoming You Again’.

    Here are the links you can find Karin at:

    Website Becoming You Again Podcast Instagram
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    34 mins