• [10-HR] नींद की दुआ, तस्बीह और कुरान। आरामदायक। सुखदायक । Sleep Duaa Tasbeeh Quran | عشر ساعات دعاء النوم تسبيح فاطمة الزهراء المعوذات
    Apr 26 2024

    [10 HR]

    इस शांतिपूर्ण पॉडकास्ट एपिसोड में, जिसका शीर्षक है "Sleep Duaa & Tasbeeh & Quran. Relaxing. Soothing | دعاء النوم وتسبيح فاطمة الزهراء والمعوذات," हम अपने श्रोताओं को एक सुखदायक ध्वनि परिदृश्य में ले जाते हैं जो मन को शांत करने और आत्मा को सुख देने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। इस एपिसोड में चुनिंदा दुआ (प्रार्थनाओं), फातिमा अल-ज़हरा की तस्बीह (भक्ति संबंधी जप) और कुरान के मु'अव्विदात (सुरक्षा के छंद) के सुखदायक पाठ प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं, जो रात्रि में आध्यात्मिक आराम के लिए आदर्श साथी हैं। जैसे ही आप रात को सोने के लिए तैयार होते हैं, इन पवित्र ग्रंथों की कोमल, गूंजती हुई ध्वनियों को आपको शांति और तनावमुक्ति में लिपटने दें, जिससे आध्यात्मिक शांति में लिपटी एक आरामदायक नींद फोस्टर हो। चाहे आप लंबे दिन के बाद विश्राम की तलाश में हों या सोने से पहले शांति का क्षण चाहते हों, इस एपिसोड को आपकी आरामदायक रात के लिए आध्यात्मिक सुख के सुखद आलिंगन में आपका मार्गदर्शक होने दें।

    In this tranquil episode of our podcast titled "Sleep Duaa & Tasbeeh & Quran. Relaxing. Soothing | دعاء النوم وتسبيح فاطمة الزهراء والمعوذات," we immerse our listeners in a serene soundscape designed to calm the mind and soothe the soul before sleep. Featuring a curated selection of Duas (prayers), Tasbeeh (devotional chants) of Fatimah al-Zahra, and soothing recitations of the Quranic Mu'awwidhat (verses of protection), this episode is a perfect spiritual companion for nighttime relaxation. As you settle in for the night, allow the gentle, reverberating sounds of these sacred texts to envelop you in peace and tranquility, fostering a restful sleep enveloped in spiritual well-being. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or seeking a moment of peace before drifting into slumber, let this episode be your guide to a restful night enveloped in the comforting embrace of spiritual serenity.

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    10 hrs
  • नींद की दुआ, तस्बीह और कुरान। आरामदायक। सुखदायक । Sleep Duaa & Tasbeeh & Quran. Relaxing. Soothing | دعاء النوم وتسبيح فاطمة الزهراء والمعوذات
    Apr 23 2024

    इस शांतिपूर्ण पॉडकास्ट एपिसोड में, जिसका शीर्षक है "Sleep Duaa & Tasbeeh & Quran. Relaxing. Soothing | دعاء النوم وتسبيح فاطمة الزهراء والمعوذات," हम अपने श्रोताओं को एक सुखदायक ध्वनि परिदृश्य में ले जाते हैं जो मन को शांत करने और आत्मा को सुख देने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। इस एपिसोड में चुनिंदा दुआ (प्रार्थनाओं), फातिमा अल-ज़हरा की तस्बीह (भक्ति संबंधी जप) और कुरान के मु'अव्विदात (सुरक्षा के छंद) के सुखदायक पाठ प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं, जो रात्रि में आध्यात्मिक आराम के लिए आदर्श साथी हैं। जैसे ही आप रात को सोने के लिए तैयार होते हैं, इन पवित्र ग्रंथों की कोमल, गूंजती हुई ध्वनियों को आपको शांति और तनावमुक्ति में लिपटने दें, जिससे आध्यात्मिक शांति में लिपटी एक आरामदायक नींद फोस्टर हो। चाहे आप लंबे दिन के बाद विश्राम की तलाश में हों या सोने से पहले शांति का क्षण चाहते हों, इस एपिसोड को आपकी आरामदायक रात के लिए आध्यात्मिक सुख के सुखद आलिंगन में आपका मार्गदर्शक होने दें।

    In this tranquil episode of our podcast titled "Sleep Duaa & Tasbeeh & Quran. Relaxing. Soothing | دعاء النوم وتسبيح فاطمة الزهراء والمعوذات," we immerse our listeners in a serene soundscape designed to calm the mind and soothe the soul before sleep. Featuring a curated selection of Duas (prayers), Tasbeeh (devotional chants) of Fatimah al-Zahra, and soothing recitations of the Quranic Mu'awwidhat (verses of protection), this episode is a perfect spiritual companion for nighttime relaxation. As you settle in for the night, allow the gentle, reverberating sounds of these sacred texts to envelop you in peace and tranquility, fostering a restful sleep enveloped in spiritual well-being. Whether you're looking to unwind after a long day or seeking a moment of peace before drifting into slumber, let this episode be your guide to a restful night enveloped in the comforting embrace of spiritual serenity.

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    27 mins
  • सुबह और रात की सुरक्षा के लिए अल-मा'उथत तीन बार | al-Ma'authat Three Times For Morning & Night protection | المعوذات ثلاث مرات للتحصين في الليل والنهار
    Apr 22 2024

    Unlock the power of spiritual protection with "Al-Ma'authat Three Times." In this audio, delve into the profound significance and benefits of reciting the three Quls - Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas - three times each, as a form of seeking refuge and spiritual fortification. Discover the soothing rhythm and melodious recitation that accompany these sacred verses, fostering a sense of tranquility and connection with the divine. Join us on a journey of faith and spiritual renewal as we explore the timeless wisdom encapsulated within the recitation of the Ma'authat, invoking divine protection and blessings upon the listener.

    اكتشف قوة الحماية الروحية مع "المعوذات ثلاث مرات". في هذا الصوت، استكشف أهمية وفوائد تلاوة القولات الثلاث - سورة الإخلاص، وسورة الفلق، وسورة الناس - ثلاث مرات لكل منها، كشكل من أشكال اللجوء والتحصين الروحي. اكتشف الإيقاع المهدئ والتلاوة الممتعة التي ترافق هذه الآيات المقدسة، مما يعزز الشعور بالهدوء والاتصال بالإله. انضم إلينا في رحلة الإيمان والتجديد الروحي حيث نستكشف الحكمة الخالدة الموجودة في تلاوة المعوذات، داعين إلى الحماية الإلهية والبركات على المستمع.

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    9 mins
  • 45. Surah al-Jathiyah | سورة الجاثية
    Mar 20 2024
    This chapter was revealed in Mecca; and all Meccan chapters discuss or describe the fundamentals of faith. Its title comes from verse 28 in which the kneeling of all people on the Day of Judgment is described. This 37 verses chapter address some of the arguments put forward by those who are skeptical about the truthfulness of the Quran. Emphasis is placed on God’s signs in the universe and on the painful punishment that will be the fate of those who refuse to believe. The arrogance of the disbelievers is compared to the Greatness of God.Verses 1 – 6 Signs of God’s powerChapters 40 to 46 of the Quran begin with the Arabic letters Ha and Mim. The use of these Arabic letters at the beginning of a chapter is a narrative device used in a total of 28 chapters of the Quran. The reason for this is the subject of much scholarly debate, however, the precise answer is known only to God. Following these letters, something about the Quran is usually revealed. In this chapter, we are told that this book, the Quran, is revealed by God. Those who believe, see the signs that point to this in the heavens and on the earth. The creation of the human being and all other creatures is also a sign of God Almighty’s power for those with certain faith. The alternation of day and night, the rain that falls at God’s command reviving a previously dry barren earth, and winds blowing at God’s discretion are signs for those who can use their power of reasoning. These are the true verses from God recited to Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him. If they do not believe in these revelations what will they believe in?Verses 7 – 17 Be grateful for God’s gifts to humankindGod promises anguish to the lying, sinful people who hear His words recited yet persist in arrogance as if they did not hear anything. These people ridicule God’s verses, and for doing so, they will receive a humiliating punishment. Hell is before them, and what they did of good in this world will not help them at all, nor will the things they set up as partners with God. Their punishment will be great. This Quran, this revelation, is guidance, and those who reject will face nothing but a painful torment. It is God who controls the seas, and your ships sail on them by His command, in order that you can seek His bounty and give Him thanks. Everything in the heavens and the earth is at your disposal; they are for humankind’s benefit—it is a gift from God. Should you not be grateful? This too is a sign for those who think and reflect. Prophet Muhammad, tell the believers that they should forgive those who do not believe or expect God’s days of retribution. God Himself will recompense them for how they behaved in the world, according to what they earned. Whoever behaves well does so for his own benefit, and whoever does evil harms only himself. And then, all will be returned to Him.The Children of Israel were given scripture, wisdom, and prophethood. They were provided with all kinds of good things; God even preferred them over others. They were given clear proof about matters of religion. After knowledge came to them, they differed amongst themselves and became rivals. On the Day of Judgement, God will judge between them. Verses 18 – 26 Is good equal to evil?Prophet Muhammad is told that he has been set on a clear path. He must follow it and not be distracted by those who have no knowledge, and they cannot help him in any way. The wrongdoers have only each other, the believers however, are under God’s protection. This revelation is insight for many, and it is a source of guidance and mercy for the believers.Do those who commit evil really think that God will deal with them in the same way that He deals with the righteous? Do they imagine that their living and dying will be the same? It is evil to assume this. God created the heavens and the earth for a purpose; to reward each person according to their deeds. Have you seen the person who takes his own desires as a god? God allows him to stray even when he is surrounded by knowledge. His ears and heart are sealed, and his eyes are covered. Where could he find guidance after God has done this? What more do you need to take heed?They say that there is nothing but the life in this world, but how do they know that? It is only a guess they have no real knowledge. When God’s revelations are recited to them, they ask for their forefathers to be returned to them. Prophet Muhammad should answer their request by saying that it is God who gives life and causes death. He will then gather everyone on the Day of Judgment. That is a day of which there is no doubt, but most people do not understand this. Verses 27 – 37 Kneeling before GodControl of everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to God, and when the fateful Hour comes, those who follow falsehood will lose. Every community will be seen ...
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    11 mins
  • 44. Surah al-Dukhan | سورة الدخان
    Mar 19 2024
    This chapter was revealed in Mecca; and all Meccan chapters discuss or describe the fundamentals of faith. The title, The Smoke, is derived from verse ten in which a smoke-filled day is depicted. The majority of scholars believe that this refers to a sign of the Day of Judgment. Its fifty-nine verses highlight the mercy of the Quran and address the stubbornness of the powerful and wealthy oppressors among the Meccan elite. It compares them to the people of Pharaoh and the people of Tubba. We are told that the righteous will enjoy the bliss of Paradise while the oppressors, and those who considered themselves mighty in this world, will find torment waiting for them in Hell.Verses 1 – 16 God warns us about the smokeChapters 40 to 46 of the Quran begin with the Arabic letters Ha and Mim. The placement of Arabic letters at the beginning of a chapter is a narrative device used in a total of 28 chapters of the Quran. The reason for this is the subject of much scholarly debate, yet the precise answer is known only to God. When we read these letters, we usually find that something about the Quran is mentioned directly after them. God tells us that the Quran is a scripture that makes things clear. God sent the Quran down to humankind on a blessed night, the Night of Decree, that occurs in the last part of the month of Ramadan. This is the night in which God uses His Wisdom and Knowledge to decide every matter. God has always sent messages, and this Quran is another message. God hears and knows everything. He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, therefore pay attention to this if you consider yourself to be a true believer. There is no deity but He, the One who controls life and death. He is your Lord and the Lord of all your ancestors. Some people are in doubt and amuse themselves, but they should be watchful for the day that is filled with smoke. The smoke will envelop the people causing them to cry out that it is a terrible torment. Then they will beg their Lord to remove the punishment at the same time declaring their belief. How will this sudden faith help them? They were sent a prophet, but they belied him and called him mad. God will hold back the torment, but indeed the disbelievers will slip back into disbelief. The Day will come when they will be seized and assaulted. God will then exact retribution.Verses 17 – 33 The people of MosesGod explains that the people of Pharaoh were also tested. He sent the messenger Moses to them. Moses asked that the believers be set free from bondage. He also explained that he was a trustworthy messenger from God. He asked the people of Pharaoh not to be haughty then sought refuge with God from any harm they might cause him. They became aggressive even though Moses asked them to leave him alone, so he supplicated to God requesting that he be rescued from the people of Pharaoh, who were indeed criminals and evildoers. God answered his supplication and advised Moses to organize the Children of Israel and enable them to slip away from their tormentors under the cover of night. They were pursued, however, the Red Sea parted for them. When Pharaoh’s people entered the divided sea, it closed over them, and they drowned. Nothing in the heavens or the earth wept for them. The people of Pharaoh left behind gardens and springs, cornfields and buildings, and many other things that delighted them. God ordained that it all be inherited by another people. The Children of Israel were chosen above all others, even though God was aware of their weaknesses, and they were given revelations that contained clear tests.Verses 34 – 42 The people of TubbaThe elite of Mecca said that they would not be resurrected after death and asked that God return their forefathers if the resurrection was in fact true. God responds by asking if they imagined that they were better than the people of Tubba and those before them? (Tubba was an honorific title used by the kings of Yemen for several generations.) The disbelievers of Makkah have not been able to attain the prosperity and splendor that these people attained, yet because of their moral degeneration they were destroyed, and their worldly splendor could not save them. God was not playing a pointless game when He created the heavens and the earth. They were created for a purpose, but most people fail to understand this. The Day of Judgment is the appointed time for them all. It is a day when relations and friends cannot help one another. The only ones helped will be those to whom God shows Mercy.Verses 43 – 59 Contrasting Paradise and HellThe food for the sinners will be from the tree of Zaqqum. It is like murky oil that churns inside their bellies, like the boiling of hot water. One will be seized and dragged into the middle of the Hellfire, where scalding water will be poured over his head. Here he will be taunted and told that this is all the ...
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    9 mins
  • 43. Surah al-Zukhruf | سورة الزخرف
    Mar 19 2024
    This eighty-nine verse chapter was named after the golden ornaments mentioned in verses thirty-five and fifty-three. It was revealed in Mecca and thus addresses the fundamentals of the faith. God refutes some of the claims made by the disbelievers including the notion that a true prophet would be wealthy and that God had taken some of the angels as His daughters. The Meccan disbelievers were steeped in superstitions, and God exposes and refutes them. Verses 1 – 25 The errors of the disbelieving MeccansThe first verse consists of two disconnected Arabic letters. Ha Mim. God has not conveyed any particular meaning to these letters; however, they have been the subject of much scholarly debate. Usually after these letters we are taught something about the Quran. God swears by the glorious Book (the Quran) that makes things clear. He has made it an Arabic Quran for ease of understanding for those to whom it was first revealed.[1] It is from the original book, The Preserved Tablet that is kept with God and in which all the revelations are written. Should God turn this revelation away from the Meccan disbelievers because they are insolent? There have been many transgressors before them, each rejecting and mocking their prophets, and many were stronger and wealthier than the disbelievers of Mecca. God destroyed them. It is God who made the world a habitable place, added rivers and highways, and sent down rain from the sky to revive barren lands. He created all things in pairs and gave humankind ships and livestock to enable them to move from place to place. All things were created for the use of humankind, yet they do not remember or are thankful; rather they attribute partners to Him.The disbelieving Meccans believe that Allah took angels as His daughters, yet they are dismissive of their own daughters and pray only for sons. If one of them is told of the birth of a daughter, he becomes sad. They believe the angels are female, but they were not witnesses at their creation. They claim that if God had not wanted them to worship angels, they would not have done so. But God asks sardonically if perhaps they were given another book He does not know about. Following their ancestors is their excuse, and many before them have claimed the same thing. The prophets brought better guidance than what their people found their forefathers upon, but many disbelieved them. In the end those who disbelieved were punished.Verses 26 – 45 There is only One GodAbraham renounced what his father and people worshipped. He worshipped God alone, and he bequeathed those words to his descendants so that they could always return to the truth. As time passed the people of Mecca forgot and then God sent Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him. They accused him of being a sorcerer and wondered aloud why the Quran was not sent to a greater, more distinguished man. God gives the honor of prophethood to whomever He wills. Worldly riches and possessions have no significance in the sight of God; had there been no danger of people being inclined towards unbelief in pursuit of this world, He would have filled every disbeliever's house with riches. These things are nothing more than comforts of this worldly life. God reserves the bounties of the Hereafter for the righteous.Those who turn away from the revelations are assigned a devil as a companion. They think they are guided to the right path, but on the Day of Judgment, they will wish the devilish companion had never come near them. Those companions cannot save them from punishment. And having companions in the punishment will not console them. Prophet Muhammad is told that he cannot make the deaf hear or the blind see. If they choose not to listen to the message, he cannot force them to change their minds. They will be punished whether he lives to see the punishment or not. Just spread the message, he is told, because he is on the straight path, and he and the believers will be questioned. Verses 45 – 78 Moses and JesusMoses was sent to Pharaoh, and his people were afflicted with scourge after scourge. They expected Moses to pray to God to lift the afflictions in return for their following the guidance, but they broke their promise time after time. Pharaoh claimed he was better than Moses and questioned why Moses did not wear gold ornaments or come with angels. The Egyptians were defiantly disobedient; God drowned them and made them an example for the nations that followed.When Jesus, the son of Mary, was mentioned as an example of a person being worshipped with God, the disbelievers laughed between themselves as to who is better, the son of God or the daughters of God. They argued trying to provoke and challenge the believers. Jesus was a servant of God and an example of God’s infinite power (by creating him without a father) for the Children of Israel. He is a sign of the ...
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    18 mins
  • 42. Surah al-Shura | سورة الشورى
    Mar 19 2024
    The Consultation is a fifty-three verse chapter revealed in Mecca. The name is derived from the word consultation that is mentioned in verse thirty-eight describing the characteristics of a community of believers. Being a Meccan chapter revealed before the migration to Medina it concentrates on the fundamentals of faith, in this case, God’s all prevailing power and wisdom. Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, is reminded that he cannot force people to believe and that he is only required to deliver the message.Verses 1 – 9 All power belongs to GodThe first two verses are Arabic letters. Ha Mim, Ayn Seen Qaf. They are five letters from among various combinations of fourteen letters that open twenty-nine chapters of the Quran. God did not reveal what meanings they may or may not have. Usually after these letters we learn something about the Quran. In this case, God says that He sent His revelation (Quran) to Prophet Muhammad, as He sent revelation to other messengers before him.The heavens almost break apart because of their awe of God’s majesty. The angels glorify and praise God; while begging forgiveness for the people on earth. As for those who worship other than God, God is watching what they do, and Prophet Muhammad is not responsible for them.Thus this Quran is revealed in Arabic.[1] It warns the residents of Mecca and surrounds that there will be a Day of Judgement when some will go to Paradise and others will go to the blazing Fire. If God wanted He could have made you a single nation, but He did not. He takes into His mercy those who desire His guidance and the wrongdoers have no one to help them. God gives life to the dead, and He has power over all things.Verses 10 – 19 The truth is made clearGod judges all disputes. He makes mates for you from among yourselves (and the animal kingdom too) in order to multiply your numbers. The keys to the heavens and the earth belong to Him. And He gives abundantly or sparingly to whomever He wills.God has ordained for you, the same way of life (Islam) that he ordained for Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus. Those who associate others with God find it difficult to accept what you (Prophet Muhammad) invite them to. Long ago they were one religion but became divided out of rivalry. So invite them back to God.Tell them (Prophet Muhammad) that you believe in what God has revealed and say that there is no need for argument, the truth has been made clear and those who refuse do so out of stubbornness and worldly desires. Those who argue with the truth will have a terrible punishment. God has sent down the Quran in truth and justice so what will make you understand that the Hour is near. It is only those who do not believe in it that want to hasten its coming. Those who believe in it are fearful.Verses 20 – 31 A harvest in the HereafterThose who desire Paradise in the Hereafter will have their rewards increased many times over, but those who desire the luxuries of this world with no thought of the Hereafter will have what they desire but they will have no share in Paradise. Or have those that they worship besides God ordained a religion God does not know about? They think they are living a great life, free of morals and manners, but on the Day of Judgment their punishment will be a painful one. Those who believe and do good deeds will be in the gardens of Paradise. This is good news and a great bounty. Prophet Muhammad asks for no reward for this good news, and those who do good deeds will be repaid many times over.How can people say Muhammad has invented a lie about God? God blots out falsehood and vindicates the truth. He knows what is in the hearts, accepts repentance, answers prayers, and gives more to those who believe and do good deeds. If God sent plentiful provision for everyone some would act insolently, so He provides in due measure. He sends relief after people have lost hope and He spreads mercy. The creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures are among His signs. He can gather them together at any time. You cannot escape God and He is your only Protector.Verses 32 – 43 Forgiveness is betterShips sailing on the seas are among His signs. They drive through the ocean like mountains, but He can bring them to a standstill or sink them with violent winds. Whatever pleasure you have been given is no more than a fleeting enjoyment of this worldly life—what is in the Hereafter is better and more lasting. It is for those who believe and put their trust in Him, avoid major sins, forgive when they are angry, establish prayer, determine their affairs by consultation, spend from what God has given them, and defend themselves from tyranny.The retribution for an evil act is one like it, but forgiveness and reconciliation are better. But those who avenge themselves are not blamed. The blameworthy are those who oppress others and act with injustice. They will have a painful punishment.Verses 44...
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    17 mins
  • 41. Surah Fusilat | سورة فصلت
    Mar 19 2024
    This is a fifty-four verse chapter revealed in Mecca and thus it examines the fundamentals of faith. The title ‘Explained in Detail’ refers to an Arabic term used to describe the Quran in verses three, and forty-four. The chapter presents some of God’s signs and warns against denying them. It also explains what happens to the unbelievers that refuse to acknowledge the truth and submit to God.Verses 1 – 12 God creates the universeChapter forty-one begins with the letters ha, meem. They are two letters from among various combinations of fourteen letters that open twenty-nine chapters of the Quran. God did not reveal what meanings they may or may not have. Usually after these letters we learn something about the Quran itself. In this case, God says that this Quran is a revelation from Him in the Arabic language and it is a book in which the verses are explained in detail. It gives good news and a warning, but most people do not listen. They make up all sorts of excuses. God says, ‘Do whatever you want,’ and so will He.Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, calls to the disbelievers telling them he is just a man. God revealed that He is One, so take the right path and beg for His forgiveness. Woe to those who associate anything with God, those who refuse to pay the obligatory charity, and those who refuse to believe in the Hereafter. As for those who believe and do good deeds their reward is never-ending. Prophet Muhammad asks how they can deny the One who created the earth in two days. How could they set up rivals to Him? He is the Lord of all creation! He placed mountains on the earth and bestowed and measured out all His blessings in four days before He turned His attention to the heaven. In two days He made the heaven into seven heavens and each had its task. Verses 13 – 25 Learn from the pastThose who turn away are warned about a blast like that which struck the communities of Ad and Thamud. When Ad was warned they didn’t listen, behaved arrogantly, and denied their messenger. They were given a humiliating punishment. The people of Thamud were offered guidance, but they too preferred to remain blind. A thunderbolt struck them, and God saved the believers.On the Day when God’s enemies will be gathered and led to the Hellfire, their ears, eyes, and skins will testify. They will ask their skin, ‘Why did you testify against us?’ And it will reply that God gave them the faculty of speech. You didn’t bother to hide what you were doing from your eyes, ears, and skin, thinking they would never testify against you, but nothing is hidden from God. What you thought led you to ruin and you became losers. The Fire will be their home, and they cannot make amends.God is fully aware of their corrupt hearts, so He allows evil companions to befriend them and convince them that what they are doing is fair and good. They are lost.Verses 26 – 44 Consider your optionsAnd the disbelievers say, ‘Don’t listen to the Quran and be disruptive when it is recited.’ For denying God’s revelations they will be punished with Hell. The disbelievers there will ask to be shown those who misled them so that they can trample them underfoot. As for those who say Our Lord is God, and follow the straight path, the angels will descend upon them and say, ‘Have no fear, rejoice in the good news of Paradise. We are your friends in this world and in the world to come where you can have anything your heart desires as a welcome gift from your Lord.’Who speaks better than someone who calls people to God, does what is right and declares his devotion to God? Good deeds are not equal to evil ones. Repel the bad deeds of others with your good deeds; the person who was your enemy will become your close friend. But only those who endure patiently and are fortunate will attain this quality. If you are tempted by Satan seek refuge in God. The night, the day, the sun, the moon, are just a few of God’s signs. Do not bow down to them but rather bow down to God, the One who created them, if you are truly His worshippers. If the disbelievers are too arrogant, remember O Prophet Muhammad that the angels who are with God glorify Him tirelessly—He is in no need of creation. And among God’s signs is the barren land. When God sends down rain, it stirs itself into life. He who gives the land life is surely capable of raising the dead back to life on the Day of Resurrection.Those who distort God’s message are not hidden from Him. Consider who is better, the one who is hurled into the Fire or the one who goes through the Day of Resurrection safely? Do whatever you want because God sees everything you do. The Quran is unassailable, falsehood cannot touch it; it is a revelation sent down from the One worthy of praise. If the Quran was revealed in a foreign language, they would have said why was it not revealed in ...
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