• Episode 12: Legacy
    Sep 28 2024

    Dean and Jack finally get a reading that starts with the lower chakras, where root and sacral chakras meet, the dance of earth and metal which forms beautiful works of art. This groundedness is then challenged by the imbibing of the universe and the projection of the heart, sending out that sense of self and security to those around us. With all of this beautiful energy and effort, we are quickly reminded that it is our power which drives any of our actions, and that shame is the barrier to using that power to create these emanations. Our hearts are marked by the passing of time, the passing of friends, the passing of love and family. Those marks are not bad or good, they are shapes that influence the way we focus that cosmic energy. It is because of them, not in spite of them that we still love, we still have peace, and we can project joy. Finally, there is a simple reminder that none of these came with ease, without sorrow and grief, and without the act of falling down again and again and again. It is because we rise that we can soar.

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    53 mins
  • Episode 11: Soulwork
    Sep 21 2024

    Dean and Jack begin with the impossible connection, the crown touching the crown, the universe touching itself and yet here in it we are. The idea of dynamic balance being better than static perfection. That within our connection to something divine we are actively striving to be. The reading became one of external understanding and internal soul work. First it is okay to simply be still. You don’t always have to be doing something to be something. Next that what you experience of the world is also grounded deeply within you. Like water molding wet clay, or seeping down into the earth. From there you have a nourished empty plot of land into which you may plant seeds and see growth, an existential moment of nothing and becoming. To end there was the final reminder that what you feel and what you are connect at the core of your being. That you need to to feel yourself as yourself, but you also need to feel your soul as your inner child, ready for comfort, ready for a hug.

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Episode 10: Collaboration
    Sep 15 2024

    Dean and Jack have another very high energy reading, the intersection of third eye and crown to set the stage. A profession of wanting to see more, to understand more, to gain insight into that which is beyond us. Curiosity influences the way we see the world. Dean’s deck then reminded us to find ourselves within ourselves, as the deep source of waves, the water from which all emotions flow. With ourselves conscious of our being within the context of the great ether, we have a truth to speak to the universe but one that collaborates with others, forming a wave of understanding within an ocean of connection. Which is beautifully summed up in the idea of the first ripple, the very first movement that connects and resonates within all of us. Finally the reading comes to a close with the understanding of how the heart and third eye work together to find collaboration with others, to connect us to the greater idea, the greater truth.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Episode 9: Mass
    Sep 7 2024

    Dean and Jack are immediately greeted by the idea of balance between self and the universe, an intersection of the crown and the root that speaks to cathedrals reaching high above us, still grounded and yet aspiring to be with the ether above. And then the idea of stillness and celebration. A pause on the journey that is a place to reflect, to dance and sing, to be whole and focused purely on right now. All this while the sky above us sings to the heavens, prayers that rise up like smoke and fill the sky with dancing colors. But in all this above and below, there is a call to balance, to actively sink down so that we can rise up. From that balance the truth can be found as our eyes open to the light around us and the dawning of the morning, there is pure joy in seeing things as they truly are.

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Episode 8: Knowledge
    Aug 31 2024

    Dean and Jack struggle to find meaning in this reading. We love learning, especially from the wisdom of others. But that wisdom is not always easy to ingest, to understand and to bring into action. Sometimes it’s hard to open our eyes to the truth of what we’re experiencing. Truth itself is hard, not always what we want it to be, and not always able to be grasped. Like the majesty of two stars orbiting each other, sometimes truth is so big it can’t be known, only experienced. But we have the strength within to encounter these things, to interact with them. To let them wash over us and be part of us. Sometimes the strongest thing we can do is stand up and say “I don’t know.” But we do have the heart to show others what we have learned. To be the source of learning, the unseen pathways through the world that others can follow. Ultimately, what’s true and what’s known are not always the same thing, but trying to interact with them is the journey we must all take.

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    57 mins
  • Episode 7: Jealousy
    Aug 24 2024

    Dean and Jack start with confronting jealousy and describe the process of washing clean of these emotions as a way of redirecting wasted energy inward toward one’s own growth. Jealousy is the combination of emotions and connection turned into an out of balance negative focus. Instead we need to name it and learn from it. Dancing on the shoulders of the one we so focused. Step 1: Wash away your jealousy and become clean at your core. Step 2: Just do. It’s time to take that action that you’ve been saying you should, but never have. Get that fire back inside where it belongs and fire up your kiln. It’s time for action. Step 3: Trust the deep intuition and creativity that flows from your root up through your body. In the end, find gratitude for the person you had jealousy about. Thank them, specifically and intentionally. With that you are free.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Episode 6: Maturity
    Aug 17 2024

    Dean and Jack look at how important it is to constantly refine oneself. The brain ages, the body ages, our spiritual self must age and grow as well, constantly refining itself. Listen as much as you speak, play both sides of the board, let others disagree. It is only through the interaction, the intentional interaction with others that you can grow and refine yourself. Some are better at some things, some are worse, you must challenge yourself to grow, not just to win. Sometimes you have to still yourself, not allowing emotions to erupt and cause you to act out of fear. We are gravity babies, the stillness precedes the action, and you must be intentional about that action. There is deep information in others that warms and supports us from without so that we can feel the heat needed within. Heat changes things, it changes us. Not all heat is comfortable, but through heat we reach change. I love touches I see, the heart and the third eye. Be aware of who is feeding you information, who you are honing yourself against. What are you allowing into yourself, what are you challenging yourself against?

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Episode 5: Shared Energy
    Aug 3 2024

    Dean and Jack explore how the diffusion of energy is a way of sharing spiritual wealth with those who surround us, love us, and interact with us. Share without sacrificing, receive without taking. To do this you have to be aware of your resources and your needs. You don’t own the winds and the storms that come and go, storms that water the land but also upheave things in their wake. It is not yours to fight for them. Be aware of whether you are at the top of the wave, or the bottom, and be intentional about how you navigate. The universe will send messages through the emanations of others, through their piercing light, but you must be intentional about receiving them, being open to them. The messages of the universe, the emanation of others, is a process. To be intentional is a process. We refine our ability to interact in a healthy manner with other people. The more we learn, the better we can act. Once we understand intention and the way that the emanations of others interact with our own, we can be the source of the storm, the calm center from which all winds blow. Taking in only what we need, and handing out only want is needed.

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    1 hr