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Sleep Meditation for Kids

By: Sleep Meditation for Kids
  • Summary

  • Penny the Panda is sooo too? Come join her as she drifts off to a peaceful, deep sleep with a soothing sleep meditation for kids. For years, your guide Katie has been creating meditations for her kids…meditations that had important messages she wants them to hear or are fun, calming visualizations she knows they will love and will help them sleep. Here on Sleep Meditation for Kids, she’s sharing them with you too and she hopes you love them as much as they do! Guided by Katie Krimitsos and brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network.
    Women's Meditation Network
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  • Meditation: Sailing on a Petal
    May 30 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Take in a deep breath, a breath that you inhale slowly and deeply so that the rich air fills you. LONG PAUSE And, as you breathe in, feel the breath expanding through you, creating healing energy and connecting all of you. LONG PAUSE Keep inhaling and exhaling and envision the breath gently touching all of your body. LONG PAUSE Now, as you continue breathing, bring your thoughts to the present and feel yourself in the now. PAUSE In the present, feel your body comfortably connecting with your bed, sinking into it with deep relaxation. PAUSE And as you deepen your relaxation, imagine the cozy covers of the bed separating and transforming into the softest petal of a flower. PAUSE The petal has a gentle aroma that calms the soul with each breath. PAUSE After a moment, the petal safely lifts you into the air and suspends above your bed before gently sailing out the door. PAUSE You nestle into the petal and its luscious comfort and enjoy the sensation of flying slowly out into the world while wrapped in the petal. PAUSE The moon shines brightly, lighting your way, as the petal rises in the air. PAUSE Slowly, the petal continues to rise until you’re surrounded by a playground of stars. PAUSE Each star shimmers in the inky sky, and you feel their energy resonating with you. PAUSE You take a moment and notice that the stars seem to play with one another, shining messages and dancing in the night sky. PAUSE You imagine dancing with the stars, waltzing slowly through the cosmos, lights trailing your every move like a shadow of diamonds. PAUSE Then, the stardust gathers beneath the petal and ever-so-gingerly moves it along. PAUSE Gently, like the rudder on a rowboat, the stardust guides the petal back into Earth’s atmosphere. PAUSE The petal floats downward until you’re surrounded by mountains standing tall with the glimmer of the moon. PAUSE As the petal wafts toward the ground, a tiny brook catches your eye. PAUSE The brook is small and filled with stones that sparkle like jewels in the moonlight. PAUSE As the petal descends, it makes a cushioned landing in the stream and begins gently moving with the water. PAUSE Along the banks, fireflies twinkle and tease one another as the petal continues to float in the brook. PAUSE A bullfrog sounds a mating call, then splashes in the water. PAUSE A symphony of cicadas sing their songs while the great horned owl’s hoots cut through the dark with their own music. PAUSE Now, imagine a warm breeze cradling the petal, carrying it out of the brook and taking it away. PAUSE You feel comfort and trust as the breeze steers the petal. PAUSE After a few moments, the petal sails back into your room PAUSE The soft petal unfurls and melts into your luxurious bed, leaving you a calmness that wraps around you just like the petal. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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    27 mins
  • Meditation: You Are the Master of Your Fate
    May 28 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Close your eyes and stop the buzz, The constant, inner chatter. Though your mind is doing its best to help, There’s a time when your thoughts must scatter. PAUSE… Night time is that sacred time, A chance to pause and rest. We all need a break from the give and take, A block of hours away from the stress. PAUSE… Even when we love our lives, The to-do list can be a tsunami. An overpowering cascade of tasks, That batters both mind and body. PAUSE… What’s more, we have expectations, Strict requirements for perfect completion. Little do we know, we’re chasing a myth, Harming ourselves for no reason. PAUSE… Perfection is a room with no door, A cold, unreachable place. We spend years of our lives seeking it out, To then be humbled when our efforts go to waste. PAUSE… Nothing in life can be perfect, When each eye has its own view. There is no ideal to suit every mind, And no perception that’s truly true. PAUSE… We end up driving ourselves crazy, As we chase what we think others want. But just like us, they’re racing in circles, Paying no mind to what we are or are not. PAUSE… Things feel so life-or-death sometimes, Like the world will stop if we fail. But failure is as unmeasurable as everything else, So it’s useless to allow fear to prevail. PAUSE… Instead, we need to change our view, To decide on our own kind of perfection. It needn’t make sense to anyone else, A bit like looking at your own reflection. Breathe in and see yourself as only you can, your strengths, your quirks, your magic. Breathe out and set that essence free, let the world know who you really are. LONG PAUSE… What might you do if you wouldn’t be judged, If no one waited to rate your performance? Would you find a new passion or take a new risk, Or perhaps reassess your importance? PAUSE… The truth is, you can do those things. You can chart a new path right this minute. For the eyes you feel upon you all the time, Only exist when the mind overruns your spirit. PAUSE… Freedom is the antidote to perfection, The path to your own ideal world. You can create your own utopia, When you let your anxieties unfurl. PAUSE… Though it’s hard to know where they come from, These fears show up in us all. We want to fit in, to feel worthy and admired, But instead end up scared and small. PAUSE… It seems so counterintuitive, To go against the grain, To throw out years of effort and worry, In an attempt to relieve the pain. PAUSE… But that’s exactly what it takes, To find your own perfection. Adjust the bar to fit you best, And set out in your own direction. PAUSE… Your life is indeed a marathon, But in truth, there’s just one runner. You’re forever poised to take the prize, When you’re racing to steal your own thunder. PAUSE… You are your only competition. You’re also your very best fan. You have nothing to prove to anyone but you, And you’re the only one in charge of the plan. Inhale and think about what it means to be the person in charge of you. Exhale and know you’re up to the task, that you can make your dreams come true. LONG PAUSE… Things can be different from here on out, Old patterns can be changed. You just have to agree to stop the chase, To let expectations be rearranged. PAUSE… Imagine how liberating it will feel, To step out of judgement’s way. Each day can be measured with your heart’s ruler, With no fear to lead you astray. PAUSE… 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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    33 mins
  • Meditation: Magical Library
    May 23 2024
    Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Close your eyes, gently turning inward, and allowing your energy to focus just on you. LONG PAUSE Take a deep breath and snuggle up so you’re cozy and comfy. LONG PAUSE Now, just allow your body to let go, to completely melt into your bed in total relaxation. LONG PAUSE As you relax, your mind and body find that space where you can just be… and it feels wonderful. LONG PAUSE Imagine standing on the black and white marble floor of a mysterious and magical library. PAUSE And in the library are countless books– floor after floor of books– as high as you can see. PAUSE Pockets of sun stream through the library, illuminating hidden collections of ancient books. The books pique your interest with their secrets of life and secrets of the past. PAUSE As you stroll through the shelves, titles of thousands of leather-bound books reveal themselves, beckoning you to take a closer look. PAUSE After a few moments of combing the stacks, an elevator with an iron door appears, and safely, you step into it. PAUSE Inside the elevator you’re struck by its beauty– all brass and white marble with no buttons to push for floors; the elevator just knows where to take you. PAUSE The elevator stops on a floor, and the doors open. Curiously, you exit and begin perusing the stacks, eager to learn what wisdom they hold. PAUSE Walking through the shelves of books, a light energy buzzes in you, the energy of learning fills your soul. PAUSE A thick, brown leather book with gold lettering and yellow, dusty pages calls to you, and as you reach for it, the book magically lifts off the shelf and opens on a table where you can read it. PAUSE The yellowy pages hold elaborate calligraphy with vivid color images of royalty and faeries and everyday men from the sixteenth century.. PAUSE Now, imagine the images spring from the pages and holographic characters begin talking in Olde English right in front of you. PAUSE Magically, you understand everything: two sets of lovers quarrel, a king complains about his daughter, and a group of everyday men try to put on a play that is so bad, you have to laugh. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream comes to life before your eyes. PAUSE After a few moments, the images dissolve back into the book, and another book flies off the shelf to you. PAUSE Before your eyes, Galileo rises, telescope in hand, as he gazes at the stars. PAUSE Galileo is silent at first, looking deep into the cosmos that unfolds around you with twinkling stars and swirling galaxies. PAUSE You see exactly what Galileo sees: the full moon shining, Venus aglow, and Jupiter with its moons. They all light up before you. PAUSE Then, Galileo puts down his telescope and feverishly scribbles something in a notebook. PAUSE Fascinated by his every move, you try to read Galileo’s notes and understand his calculations. PAUSE Then something tells you sit back and breathe, and while breathing, you absorb Galileo’s knowledge naturally like you were given a new lens to see the world. PAUSE The pages close, and the astronomer disappears back into the magical book, leaving you with a joy from learning. PAUSE As you walk to the elevator, you feel your soul collecting the knowledge from all the texts, all the books in the library. PAUSE 💗💗💗 Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> 💗💗💗 Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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    30 mins

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