May 3 2024

    On this week’s episode I am inviting you all into a conversation about putting yourself back on the list. Oftentimes we get so caught up in things we have to do, people we have to care for, or even the way we must show up in spaces that we forget about ensuring that we, the individual, are good first. We have prayed and asked God to increase our capacity, level us up, and show us more. But have we truly met God halfway preparing for Him to give us access to the very thing we’ve been praying for? You may have to ask yourself these things: how are you caring for yourself? What are you doing for yourself? What are the things you need for the new season you’re in? God is faithful to do anything He wants, but He desires you to care about yourself too. Don’t just tap into new levels, tap into new love for yourself.

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    39 mins
    Apr 26 2024

    On this week’s episode, brace yourself for part 2 of a life-changing conversation we kicked off last week on what it means to be emotionally healed. Pastor Nikki is absolutely amazing as she continues to pour out wisdom and practical tools to invite you onto this journey of finding God, loving God, and Him teaching you to love you. It’s never too late to start your healing journey. We are going deeper into the topics of emotional freedom and healing, so get rhetty. Be encouraged to take inventory of your life and start where you are. You can’t be emotionally free if you’re not emotionally alive yet. You have to invite God into every area of your life. Ask yourself, are you doing this with God? He’ll give you all that you need, and the thing is He’s already with you. Get Rhetty to become the best version of you.

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    1 hr and 9 mins
    Apr 19 2024

    This week is loaded with laughter, love, gems, and joy. This episode is Part 1 of a conversation that was life-changing for us and I hope it is that for you. It will unlock a lot of emotional freedom and provide you with guidance as you journey through life. I sat down with the Shani ‘Nikki’ Moore. She has walked with me through premarital counseling, post-marital counseling, and many seasons of my life where I learned how to love myself. She is a pastor, an entrepreneur, a discipleship coach, a leader, and so much more. It is still a journey we still embark on to this day, and we will share some of the tools that helped us get started and what has helped us remain. Take a seat as we dive into conversation to help you begin to see you the way God sees you and how you can begin your journey to become an emotionally healthy woman.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
    Apr 12 2024

    Hey Rhetty Family! On this week’s episode, I sat down with my girl, Kionnie, and we dove into the importance of money management. We know how to spend money but oftentimes we don’t know how to steward our finances to prepare for what’s to come. Join us as we talk about saving, spending, investing, and giving. While you’re getting yourself rhetty, be sure to get your money rhetty. It’s never too late to start gaining discipline in your finances and in this episode you’ll learn some practical ways to start. And She’s Rhetty is back with another giveaway, and you won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to win a copy of Kionnie’s “Girl Stop Wasting your Money” 6 months Budgeting Planner.

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    56 mins
    Apr 5 2024

    Hey Rhetty Family! On this week’s episode, I sat down with my best friend, my twin, my big sister, Destiney, we dove into a conversation about trusting God and His instructions to jump and jump again. Has God ever given you an instruction to jump and things didn’t seem to go as you thought they would? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Have you ever hopped out of position striving to do your own thing, but God had to put you back in the position He desired for you? We've all been there and God is so gracious that He waits for us to get back in alignment for us to see His purpose and His plan. If you've felt stuck or you've needed an additional push, this conversation is just for you. Get rhetty to laugh with us, learn about us, and jump with us.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • RHETTY TO LIVE | Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, & Fear | Living Yes to Yes
    Mar 29 2024

    Hey Rhetty Family! For this week’s episode, prepare your tissues and open your heart to what God is calling you to. I want to give a disclaimer, as I will be talking about depression and anxiety, but I will be encouraging you throughout this conversation. I’ve always been big on being transparent on my journey, as God has carried me through a lot. This is not one size fits all, and I am not saying that I have all the answers. But I can point you in the direction of someone who does, and His name is Jesus. One thing I can say is, you won’t always be in this place and I encourage you to seek God to identify the areas where you started giving God a “NO”. God has so much more in store for you, and you’ll see it more the more you are Rhetty to Live.

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    36 mins
    Mar 22 2024

    On this week's episode, I had the privilege to sit down with the Keisha Bass to discuss the journey of marriage. She has an amazing marriage ministry, Her Dope Marriage, and she shares how the ministry was birthed through her marriage. She and I shared how we have and continue to navigate the journey of marriage and the beauty that comes when we invite God into every area of our lives. God never placed us here to do this life alone, so be sure to check out Keisha Bass' Her Dope Marriage ministry to join community as you walk through married life. So my question to you is, ARE YOU RHETTY FOR A DOPE MARRIAGE??

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    1 hr and 22 mins
    Mar 15 2024

    This week I talked about a word that everyone loves to hate as it comes with a double connotation. The word is discipline. Trust me, I know when we hear that word we think of all the stipulations that come along with it, but discipline is a good thing. Discipline is a kind thing to have for yourself. I heeded God’s instruction for me to establish discipline in the areas of my life He was calling me up in, and it has been a life-changing experience. With that being said, I want to invite all of you to join me on a 75 Kind Challenge starting March 31st. I will coach and encourage you throughout this journey, and you’ll be part of an amazing community where everyone involved is seeking to gain more discipline. I highly recommend you pray and ask God for the area(s) He’s calling you deeper in discipline. Your list may be different from mine, but I encourage you to invite God in. I don’t have all the answers, But He does.

    The guidelines for the challenge are: read daily Bible plan, drink 64oz of water, read one chapter of a book, eat healthy meals, 45 minute workout, and spend 45 minutes working on your craft.

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    28 mins