
  • Interaction Fields with Erich Joachimsthaler
    Apr 3 2024
    In The Interaction Field, management expert and professor Erich Joachimsthaler explains that the only way to thrive in this environment is through the Interaction Field model. Companies who embrace this model generate, facilitate, and benefit from data exchanges among multiple people and groups -- from customers and stakeholders, but also from those you wouldn't expect to be in the mix, like suppliers, software developers, regulators, and even competitors.
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    41 mins
  • Platform Cooperatives with Trebor Scholz
    Mar 27 2024
    Platform cooperatives reimagine a world where domestic workers can double their income by establishing their platform. On this internet, platforms such as Twitch, Twitter, and Roblox are owned by their streamers, users, and creators. What if small fishing communities in Mexico or farmers in Kerala had the power to determine what data they collected about their work and how they utilized that data? Platform cooperatives are not a figment of the romantic imagination, but rather a reality transforming industries today. Collectives that leverage technology offer an urgent and practical solution to shift how businesses are owned and controlled, allowing workers to make decisions together. In this book, researcher and activist Trebor Scholz explores how these new forms of business, powered by peer principles, are paving the way for a more equitable economy that benefits everyone.
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    50 mins
  • Business Ecosystems in Asia with Mark Greeven
    Mar 20 2024
    "Ecosystems represent potentially the best organizational model for the future of organizations." Mark Greeven
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    43 mins
  • Composable process platforms with Michael Perscheid
    Mar 13 2024
    Enterprise information systems (EIS) have been important enablers of business cross-functional processes since the 1990s. Often referred to as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, they were extended in line with electronic businesses for integration with suppliers and customers. Today, EIS architectures comprise, not only, ERP, supply chain, and customer relationship management systems, but also, business intelligence and analytics. We open the discussion piece by discussing how decentralization dynamics impact EIS and how such dynamics must be controlled but also harnessed to make future EIS more efficient and useful.
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    42 mins
  • Cities as platforms with Gesa Ziemer
    Mar 6 2024
    The CityScienceLab at the HafenCity University Hamburg investigates the urban challenges in the era of digitalization in cooperation with partners from civil society, politics, economy, and science. It pursues an inter and transdisciplinary perspective by linking technical issues with social and cultural developments.
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    43 mins
  • Platform power with Robyn Caplan
    Feb 14 2024
    We explore the intersection of platform governance and media policy and examine the impact of inter-and-intra-organizational behavior on platform governance and content moderation.
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    46 mins
  • Connected digital society with Helena Rong
    Feb 7 2024
    We talk about the so-called “Web3” movement that emerges as a reaction against the growing concentration of power to information in the hands of a few and instead proposes an open, trustless, and distributed iteration of the Internet that rests on visions of interoperation, decentralization, democratization, and user-controlled monetization.
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    49 mins
  • Platforms, blockchain, and the law with Primavera De Filippi
    Jan 31 2024
    A conversation about the legal challenges and opportunities of blockchain technology and platform ecosystems, with a specific focus on governance and trust.
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    37 mins