• Spare No Expense - Your Profit Center Bank
    Sep 26 2024

    Raymond and John Ward discuss control, access and value versus the idea that an IBC-based policy is an expense or cost center. This was a fun one, we hope you enjoy it.

    John Ward - 603.479.2511 or john@nashcashflow.com

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    40 mins
  • There Must Be Some Misunderstanding About Life Insurance
    Sep 18 2024

    Phil Collins was correct when he sang these words so long ago. Well, he wasn't singing about life insurance, though these title lyrics certainly do. Raymond and John touch upon just a few of these misunderstandings and limited world views about the richness of whole life insurance policies. There's much more to them than just income protection love ones receive upon the insured's death.

    John Fox Ward



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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Lack Of Transparency and Awareness
    Sep 11 2024

    My brother and fellow authorized Infinite Banking practitioner, Raymond Ward, and I have a conversation around the obstacles to one taking the "leap of knowledge" to start a policy with this concept in mind. Namely, the marketing rhetoric around the need for people, that have access to one or more, take advantage and fund the various Qualified Retirement vehicles (aka, 401Ks, 403Bs, IRAs, etc.). The lack of transparency from the financial administrators regarding all the potential gotchas of these retirement savings/investments programs and the public's lack of awareness to them due to the accumulation marketing focus of the Wall Street machine ...often leads to disappointing results for the consumer/taxpayer.

    For the video version of this podcast, click here: https://youtu.be/AzhZ6HWh82g

    Also, here is the link to the Truth Concepts (software) video that we mentioned in the podcast: https://youtu.be/GP2d3BhzWB0?si=kGgzp1oDvsrbQqOG

    John Fox Ward



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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Confessions Of A CPA - The Capital Equivalent Value of Life Insurance
    Aug 27 2024

    With so many folks focused on accumulation and the rate of return (ROR) they earn, Bryan Bloom created a new metric to determine what you need to accumulate and receive as a ROR with alternative investments (stocks, mutual funds, real estate, etc) to have the (same) capital equivalent value (CEV) you gain with a specially designed and engineered whole life insurance contract. Though this book seems to just focus on this CEV concept, Bryan makes a strong case for combining your (uninterrupted) savings with the borrowing other people's money (OPM) to grow wealthier than you thought possible. IMHO, this is the essence of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC), pioneered by R. Nelson Nash.

    Though, remember, Nelson, took it one step further in his book, Becoming Your Own Banker. He said to capitalize this personal bank big enough, not to just be your own banker, for the financing needs of others :).

    John Fox Ward



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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • What's The Problem?
    Aug 19 2024

    As it is said, if you don't have or see the problem, the solution doesn't matter. Please join my brother Raymond and I as we share the numbers behind the phrase "why does it seem I am always running low on money."

    The answer resides within the power of combining the saving and borrowing we do. In others words, combining uninterrupted compounding growth with leveraging other people's money (OPM). We share examples of this powerful combination.

    John Fox Ward




    Raymond Ward



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    49 mins
  • Living An Abundant Life with Infinite Banking
    Jun 7 2024

    A heart felt thank you to all of our listeners over the last year. Doug will be stepping away from the show as life has gotten abundant with work and children. We have thouroughly enjoyed this opportunity to grow together as friends and talk about our favorite subject on air with a wonderful and engaging audience.

    Please feel free to reach out to either John or Doug at any point with any questions on the Infinite Banking Concept. Although the podcast is no longer continuing in its current form, they will both be continuing to work to help others better their lives by breaking free of the traditional banking system and of wall street.

    God Bless!

    Connect with Doug MacKenzie:

    Website: Control Capital Solutions

    Email: dmackenzie@controlcapitalsolutions.com

    Connect with John Fox Ward:

    Website: Nash Cashflow - The Nash CashFlow Group

    Email: John@nashcashflow.com

    Show More Show Less
    33 mins
  • Friendships Are Priceless - Cherish Each and Every One
    May 31 2024

    Join us as John shares a touching storing about the passing of his close friend while tying in the importance of having life insurance. Regardless of what happens in life, this story outlines why having additional protection for your loved ones is always a good thing.

    Connect with Doug MacKenzie:

    Website: Control Capital Solutions

    Email: dmackenzie@controlcapitalsolutions.com

    Connect with John Fox Ward:

    Website: Nash Cashflow - The Nash CashFlow Group

    Email: John@nashcashflow.com

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    20 mins
  • Special Guest: Jackson Pemberton - As Quoted By Nelson In Becoming Your Own Banker
    May 24 2024

    In episode 54 titled "Your Right To Choose Free Will", we discussed a passage from Becoming Your Own Banker where Nelson quotes the work of Jackson Pemberton. It just so happens John was able to track Jackson (Jack) down and bring him on our show. Jack has a storied history and it was a pleasure to discuss that as well as his foray into Infinite Banking. We hope you'll enjoy the conversation as much as we did.

    Please see below for some links to Jack's work:



    Connect with John Fox Ward:

    Website: Nash Cashflow - The Nash CashFlow Group

    Email: John@nashcashflow.com

    Connect with Doug MacKenzie:

    Website: Control Capital Solutions

    Email: dmackenzie@controlcapitalsolutions.com

    Show More Show Less
    42 mins