• Letting your wild side out! Do life your way with no apologies with Amee Triscari
    Sep 15 2024

    Errrrbody got a wild side waiting to be unleashed.

    It’s the side of you that’s much more care free.

    It’s the side of you that speaks your truth without fear of judgement.

    It’s the side of you your heart is nudging you to listen to.

    The side where the grass is actually greener.

    If you’re done with holding onto that version of you who you’ve been told you have to be then today’s episode is going to help you let your wild side out so you can do life your way.

    You can find more about Amee at: Instagram @afuckyeslife_

    Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.

    If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)

    HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page

    Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business. https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients 10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails. https://go.lukepage.com.au/sales_scripts

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    54 mins
  • The #1 Marketing Mistake Stopping You From Growing Your Audience
    Sep 8 2024

    In this week's episode, we're going to unpack the golden rule in marketing - when it comes to attracting an audience, we need to first focus on what our potential clients want before talking about exactly what they need. This is a very common mistake that so many coaches are making, which is screwing up their entire marketing strategy and stopping people from ever pushing follow in the first place because their approach is back to front.

    I’m going to share with you this simple shift you can make with the language that you are using, which is going to make all the difference in attracting your audience.

    Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.

    If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)

    HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page

    Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business. https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients 10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails. https://go.lukepage.com.au/sales_scripts

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    32 mins
  • Stop Needing More, You Already Have Everything You Need to be Happy With Rowan Allan
    Sep 1 2024

    If you’re anyone like me then you’re someone who is really led by a future vision that you always think about and are super excited about.

    And chasing goals and a vision is great for focus but it can have its downside…

    Which is, you can become someone who is always chasing the next thing.

    And no matter what you get or achieve in life, it’s never enough because you’re wired to need more and more.

    And you trick yourself into believing that if you can just get the next thing (ei. Make a certain amount of money, get a certain amount of clients, get married, have kids, etc) then you can finally be happy and fulfilled.

    Here’s the trap though, if you can't find happiness where you’re at now, you won’t find it when you end up getting that thing you’re wanting.

    In today’s episode, Fitness, Performance and Mental Health Coach Rowan Allan explains that we already have everything right now that we need to be happy. He’s got a really simplistic, uncomplicated way of looking at things and you’re going to walk away from the episode feeling refreshed about where you are at in your life and the future that lays ahead.

    You can find more about Rowan at: Instagram @rowanallanfitness

    Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.

    If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)

    HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page

    Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business. https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients 10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails. https://go.lukepage.com.au/sales_scripts

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    48 mins
  • How to Get Your Mojo Back When You've Lost Motivation to Work/Create
    Aug 25 2024

    So you’ve fallen into a bit of a heap?

    You’ve woken up late, you’ve started your day slow and now you’ve got work to do.

    You’re sitting at your desk, laptop in front of you and no matter how much you try and pump yourself up, you just can’t be f*cked today.

    You give yourself a break and decide to take the day off and take it easy, after all, you deserve a break right?

    You promise that you’ll get back on the horse tomorrow.

    Tomorrow comes…

    You wake up late.

    You start the day slow again.

    And you still find yourself struggling to get to work on the stuff you promised you would.

    The ideas aren’t flowing like they normally are.

    You’re now second guessing yourself.

    And that’s making you want to hide as opposed to showing up like you know you’re meant to be.

    So what’s happening exactly?

    What is going on?

    Why are you feeling this way?

    Well….You’ve lost your mojo love.

    And until you get it back, you’re gonna stay in the pit of procrastination.

    The couch is going to be your new best friend.

    And you’re gonna be beating yourself up until the cows come home.

    But all is ok because today’s episode is going to help you get that inspiration, drive and momentum back!

    Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.

    If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)

    HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page

    Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business. https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients 10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails. https://go.lukepage.com.au/sales_scripts

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    30 mins
  • Injecting Fantasyland Thinking Into Your Business to Hit Goals You Never Thought Was Possible With Jess Williamson
    Aug 18 2024

    If you’re heavy into self development and you’ve set goals before then you might’ve heard of S.M.A.R.T Goals.

    It’s an acronym giving a goal setter a framework on how to set goals the right way (or apparently)

    I won’t go through what each letter means, you can Google that if you’re interested but the R in S.M.A.R.T stands for Realistic.

    Basically meaning that when you set a goal, it should always be realistic.

    But here’s the HUGE problem about setting realistic goals…

    Setting realistic goals means that you are creating the goal from the view point of who you are now in this moment and not of the person you can become.

    And the same thoughts create the same results so if we create a goal thinking the same way we always have then we will just continue to repeat the same results we’ve always got (or lack there of)

    In today’s episode, serial entrepreneur Jess Williamson talks about what she calls “Fantasyland thinking” and how being delusional about your future and goals is a way to bypass your fears and limiting beliefs that keep you playing small.

    You can find more about Jess at: Buy Jess’s Book “Unstoppable Success” on Amazon Instagram @jess.williamson8 Podcast Jess Williamson Podcast

    Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.

    If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)

    HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page

    Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business. https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients 10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails. https://go.lukepage.com.au/sales_scripts

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    55 mins
  • Engagement is Down, Economy Problems + Game of Thrones
    Aug 11 2024

    On today’s episode of my podcast I talk about a bunch of topics: Engagement being down: Engagement across Instagram has been down for a lot of people including myself. I’d say our engagement atm is the lowest it’s ever been. Economy Problems: If you watch the news or talk to your local cafe owner there’s a good chance you’ll be hearing that the economy isn’t looking good. It is a bit of a lie though. My podcast show is now 5 years old! I launched my podcast back in July 2019 and across almost 200 episodes I’ve learnt alot. I recall a bit of the journey and the great lessons I’ve learnt along the way. Updating my messaging: I’m going to be changing my messaging slightly to start attracting a different audience. I share my thinking and execution plan behind this. Transitioning from a winter season of life to a spring season: If you’ve been following me for a while you might know I went through a tough period of life where alot of areas in my life broke down. This year I’ve noticed a transition into a spring season which I’m very excited about. My acting career: I just did my 73rd commercial which is insane! I’ve always been into performance arts since a kid and this side passion has taken off so easily and quickly. Game of Thrones: I’m rewatching Game of Thrones for the 2nd time. It’s as awesome the 2nd time round but if you’re watching House of Dragon then it makes the viewing a little more interesting. Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.

    If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business. https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients 10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails. https://go.lukepage.com.au/sales_scripts

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    46 mins
  • Supercharge Your Sales by Building Natural and Authentic Relationships With Harriet Mellor
    Aug 4 2024

    So you want to make more sales right?

    And you wish more people would just reach out and message you asking to work with you…right?

    Well even though this can of course happen, it’s not a strategy.

    Selling doesn’t have to be hard and if it doesn’t feel natural and authentic to you then you’re doing it wrong.

    In today’s episode, I chat with sales expert Harriet Mellor about a specific strategy that you can use across your socials, email and even in person that will supercharge your sales by simply building natural and authentic relationships.

    You can find more about Harriet at:

    Instagram @harrietsalescoach LinkedIn Harriet Mellor

    Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week.

    If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :)


    Instagram: @luke_page

    Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets

    HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business. https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients

    10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails. https://go.lukepage.com.au/sales_scripts

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    58 mins
  • When Someone Says…”You’ve Changed”
    Jul 28 2024

    Have you ever had someone come up to you and say “You’ve changed”?

    Maybe it’s a friend, family member or just someone who’s in or been in your life?

    And the way they say it, is like you have a problem.

    Like by you changing, it’s not right.

    And if you love this person or have had some sort of relationship with them in the past, it’s not the nicest thing to hear.

    Because what we’d love is for the people around us to be encouraging and supportive of our growth and change.

    But for the person who chooses entrepreneurship, growth and change is required to build their dreams.

    So it’s inevitable that you’re going to have people tell you that you’re not like you used to be.

    So today’s episode is all about dealing with the situation when people say “You’ve changed”

    Make sure you subscribe to my podcast to stay up to date with episodes I release every week. If you loved this episode, I’d be super grateful if you could leave me a review which helps me spread this podcast out to more amazing people just like you :) HERE’S WHERE YOU CAN FOLLOW ME: Instagram: @luke_page

    Join our 6 Figure Coaches Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/coachingbizsecrets HOW TO SIGN NEW CLIENTS EVERY WEEK MINI COURSE - FREE mini course sharing the specific strategy you can use to start signing new clients every week and build a $15k per month coaching business.

    https://www.lukepage.com.au/clients STRUGGLING TO GROW YOUR FOLLOWING? A FREE Workshop showing you the best way to set up your Instagram profile so you can attract a ton more followers + clients


    10 (VERY NON SALESY) SALES SCRIPTS - 10 FREE, 1 liner scripts you can use to ask your audience to get more leads and clients. Perfect for your stories, posts, DM’s and emails.


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    20 mins