• Sermon on the Mount – Judge Not
    Sep 24 2024

    Preconceived notions and bias are difficult to avoid, but Jesus does not beat around the bush. In this episode, Matt and Tim talk about judging and how the application is right in the first verse. Confrontation about sin is different because of the desire for repentance and reconciliation. Judgment negatively assumes guilt with no chance of making the situation better, so don't do it.

    Passage – Matthew 7:1-6

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    35 mins
  • Sermon on the Mount – Worry vs. Trust
    Sep 17 2024

    "Do not worry about anything" is a difficult command to follow. There are so many uncertain parts of life that cause many parents to constantly be afraid about the future, but Jesus is pretty clear. In this episode, Tim and Matt encourage parents to consider how great and good God is in light of anxiety. God is in control of all things, meaning that nothing happens without Him knowing about it. If this is true, then trust that He is doing what is best for you, your family, and all who believe.

    Passage – Matthew 6:25-34

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    38 mins
  • Sermon on the Mount – A Theology of Things
    Sep 10 2024

    This world is very materialistic. People want things and live their lives trying to get the most things, but ultimately, there is no joy or satisfaction in the things of this world. In this episode, Matt and Tim talk about what believers should treasure (after an eight minute breakdown of a depressing weekend of football). If your whole heart is set on Christ, then your parenting and other actions will reflect that. Depend on God because He made us to desire Him.

    Passage – Matthew 6:19-24

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    33 mins
  • Sermon on the Mount – Do-Gooders
    Sep 4 2024

    There's a lot that is going on for Matt and Tim this time of the year. Football season is upon them, but that will not detract the whole episode (up until around the nine minute mark) because they will talk about the difference between doing good and being a do-gooder. Our actions reflect our hearts, and if our hearts are not right with the Lord, then our actions will fall short of God's standard set in the Bible. Let goodness flow from a heart changed by the Holy Spirit for the benefit of your children and so many others.

    Passage – Matthew 6:1-4

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    34 mins
  • Sermon on the Mount – What Is Love?
    Aug 27 2024

    There are a lot of challenging things that Jesus talks about on the Sermon on the Mount, and His talks on love really show how far believers need to go in order to love like God does. In this episode, Matt and Tim want to press parents to love better and show that love to their kids. We have not been given ordinary love from God because His love is extraordinary, so take that extraordinary love and give to everyone (even though it's really hard to do).

    Passage – Matthew 5:38-48

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    36 mins
  • Sermon on the Mount – Yeses and Nos
    Aug 20 2024

    "Let your 'yes' be 'yes' and your 'no' be 'no.'" This phrase is spoken frequently when parents talk to their kids, but what are the implications? In this episode, Tim and Matt break down this phrase and other similar phrases to show that God takes delight when we do what we say we will do or do not do what we say we will not do. Simply put, parents must teach and model the fact that our words carry meaning. Listen to how this plays out practically and what parents should do when they break their promises.

    Passage – Matthew 5:33-37

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    31 mins
  • Sermon on the Mount – Adultery and Divorce
    Aug 13 2024

    Honestly, this is a topic few people like to talk about. Not only is divorce a rampant problem in the world today, but adultery can be committed in a lot of different ways. It is easier to just avoid the issue and move on, but if Jesus felt the need to teach on it, then we should not hide this issue from our kids. In this episode, Matt and Tim talk about how adultery plays itself out in our lives and how parents should respond to protect themselves and their kids.

    Passages – Proverbs 5:15-22; Matthew 5:27-32

    Resources – God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation by Andreas J. Köstenberger
    Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace by Heath Lambert

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    41 mins
  • Sermon on the Mount – Anger
    Aug 6 2024

    We're back at it in Matthew 5 talking about anger. Now, Matt and Tim have talked about anger before, but they surprisingly did not use this passage. So in this episode, they break down the implications of anger and parenting. There is a lot of baggage when someone mentions anger, but Jesus is very cut and dry about how sinful anger should be dealt with. Live a life of repentance in front of your family and see how your example can change the lives of your kids.

    Passage – Matthew 5:21-26

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    35 mins