• This is the end
    Mar 14 2022
    A final goodbye from Unjabbed Citzien. Its been a blast, I have learnt a lot and met some wonderful people, but the time has come to focus on my new show - Factually Speaking. Please follow the show on Spotify or you regular podcast platform. https://facts.captivate.fm/ (https://facts.captivate.fm)
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    4 mins
  • Matt goes full Socrates and boyhood friends argue.
    Dec 10 2021
    I talk to an old friend Matt about the vaccines, the data and what is happening around the world. Matt is vaccinated and shows his passport when asked. A decent, generally law abiding and compliant citizen. He is well read and intelligent and tries to break me out of my conspiracy theories using tactics first promulgated by Plato and Socrates. Its a bit more tense, a bit more argumentative then usual, thats because we are familiar with each other and happy to clash. Believe me, compared to some of our private conversations this is tame. Enjoy the show. Dont forget to like it or thumbs up. Unjabbed Citizen will be back on January 15. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Artwork: Alisha Campbell
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Pamela; we are at war, starvation is ahead, it's about power!
    Dec 3 2021
    I interview Pamela who puts into words what many of us think but are too afraid to say out loud. She is smart, well educated and well read. Some people will dismiss her ideas but I would encourage you to explore them in more detail, and remember that simply because you do not believe it does not mean its not true. This episode also has a few seconds of your host 'singing', I strongly advise you to block you ears. There is also a fantastic piece by Mishaela Daken titled Time to Rise. Even if you don't listen to the podcast, please view her video here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh4MgbjrryA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gh4MgbjrryA) Other related links include; https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1956/0065/latest/DLM307083.html (Health Act 1956 No 65 (as at 06 November 2021), Public Act 70 Special powers of medical officer of health – New Zealand Legislation) https://www.legislation.govt.nz/bill/government/2021/0078/latest/LMS459636.html (Digital Identity Services Trust Framework Bill 78-1 (2021), Government Bill Part 2 Digital identity services trust framework – New Zealand Legislation) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-29/new-zealand-exploring-possibility-of-issuing-a-digital-currency (New Zealand Exploring Possibility of Issuing a Digital Currency - Bloomberg) Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Artwork: Alisha Campbell
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    55 mins
  • The Loss of Leg Up - Why is the Governement dismantling mental health services during a crisis?
    Nov 27 2021
    This week's guest, Ros, tells an amazing tale of befriending a wild dolphin, and the thousands of at-risk children she has helped through her organisation Leg Up. So why is the government forcing her to close, and what will happen to the vulnerable children that rely on her? Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Artwork: Alisha Campbell
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    38 mins
  • Ivermectin, selective data and why New Zealand is worse than East Germany.
    Nov 19 2021
    In this weeks show we touch on the complicity of the media in stopping the public from knowing the truth about vaccines. We also look at how data and studies are not all they seen, and how Ivermectin has not been debunked as a treatment. Our guest of the week is Mario, who grew up in East Germany and fought against the totalitarian state there, only to make his way to New Zealand and be faced with worse in Gods Own. I also have the last word on a conversation with two friends from a week ago. They wont like it but its my show so tough luck. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Artwork: Alisha Campbell.
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    57 mins
  • Discussion with Diego - A Hero's Journey.
    Nov 12 2021
    Diego is and Italian living in Matakana, on the outskirts of Auckland, New Zealand. Working as a Pizza chef while studying for his masters in phycology, with a partner and and child, life was going ok for Diego until COVID and the vaccine mandates came along. Faced with losing his job, his partner already out of work, forced to quit his studies, life has changed in the last few months. This is a confronting and at time emotional discussion. I am not sure the emotion that was evident comes through the audio, but listen with and open heart and you can't help but be moved. Diego is not a victim. Despite the uncertainty of his future he has developed a programme called a Hero's Journey which he hopes will help children develop gratitude, courage and concentration. My biggest takeout from this conversation was that Diego's son can be very very proud of his father. This episode was taped as 1000's of New Zealanders are faced with losing their jobs, thanks to their kind, caring, compassionate government. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Artwork: Alisha Campbell.
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    55 mins
  • A story of self-realisation, discovery and redemption.
    Nov 5 2021
    This week Nikki shares her heartfelt story of self discovery, what gave her the strength to overcome a self-destructive lifestyle and the path to wellness, explaining how our reality is a perception based, often, on incorrect thoughts. Hers is an inspirational story. Nikki talks about why she has moved away from allopathic medicine to holistic health in a graceful, compassionate and thoughtful way. If you self sabotage and are wanting help Nikki recommends Meredith Wyness, https://www.facebook.com/mwyness (https://www.facebook.com/mwyness) https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fmeredithwyness%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2jE7YnjEk4kspTLjyJptYEh1KpPH9kBaHXVyceYTvIOUPUZO_cxnFAjKY&h=AT2WXywglLZIiLI9g4mD0tHs0TLiMb1Yx6Mp9PbQlOy6LBq0USwLFRYCvXhaQk8g3CGdAlEu71K9Wc_3ceDsxns-D73dhmIltdGk4mEPFFUb2LTIvaPj6FWRxZoAIHjzFYtweQ (linkedin/meredithwyness) https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fchannel%2FUCZYNM6yQRPIsZW1hyrCJhcw%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1MOZ8n06LwCQpKDRosY3S64Z9oJ7wYru6W4_xybwNQ0PxTySxlT1NZFoE&h=AT0c5O1L0ebsg07JjW5_xW8TKOFFiKL8ykzXVofO9luAgsPnXrHfBIcy9H0Tde4xySJ1oayC1w8HaNm_uWPu7822BtI4LhZ_7aHqZzcJ0JgzqKg72wddNz6UiZwVmkPiqcFf3Q (YouTube) Don't forget to subscribe and you can provide feedback and questions to admin@unjabbedcitizen.com Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Artwork: Alisha Campbell
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    44 mins
  • Unjabbed Citizen - An Introduction
    Oct 29 2021
    An introduction to the show and your host. This podcast will have weekly episodes and is available on all major podcast platforms, at www.unjabbed.locals.com and www.unjabbedcitizen.com Please subscribe to hear the latest from the unjabbed world. Artwork by Alisha Campbell. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com
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    3 mins