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- By: CNN Prima NEWS
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Nejvážnější kriminální případy, které v Česku otřásly společností. Vraždy, loupeže, únosy a další činy. Vyřešené i ty, u kterých ještě policie nezná viníka a zůstávají tak záhadou. Příběhy mužů i žen, které už na ulici nepotkáte. Svůj život totiž dožijí za ploty s ostnatým drátem a mřížemi. Pro běžný život na svobodě jsou totiž až příliš nebezpeční. Jak probíhaly jejich samotné činy, následné vyšetřování i dění v soudních síní u téměř zapomenutých ale i nedávných případů. To jsou HLASY ZLOČINU v podání ...
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The Handoff
- By: CNN
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The love viewers witness between CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo in the handoff between their shows each night is real. Now they’re stepping out from behind the anchor desk for a weekly conversation where nothing is off limits. With no broadcast clock to hold them back, Chris and Don talk politics and get personal.
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Ακούγοντας το 2025 | Κώστας Πλιάκος
- By: CNN Greece
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Ποια ήταν τα σημαντικότερα γεγονότα του 2024 και τι θα πρέπει να περιμένουμε στη χρονιά που έρχεται; Στη limited podcast series τού CNN Greece, «Ακούγοντας το 2025», ο δημοσιογράφος Κώστας Πλιάκος συζητά με καταξιωμένους στον τομέα τους επιστήμονες, για τα μεγάλα θέματα που μας απασχόλησαν και θα συνεχίσουν να μας απασχολούν και το 2025: Πολιτική, ...
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Terms of Service with Clare Duffy
- By: CNN Audio
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New technologies like artificial intelligence, facial recognition and social media algorithms are changing our world so fast that it can be hard to keep up. This cutting-edge tech often inspires overblown hype — and fear. That’s where we come in. Each week, CNN Tech Writer Clare Duffy will break down how these technologies work and what they’ll mean for your life in terms that don’t require an engineering degree to understand. And we’ll empower you to start experimenting with these tools, without getting played by them.
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- By: CNN Prima NEWS
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Na hlavách se nosily mullety, v kapsách džínů se objevovaly první mobily, kazeťáky pomalu střídala CD a večery lidé s oblibou trávili u filmů z videopůjčovny nebo si zašli na odvázanou diskotéku. Takhle si mnozí z nás pamatují devadesátky. Bylo to divoké období nově nabyté svobody, radosti, zábavy bez hranic, ale i zlatá éra králů podsvětí. Hosté moderátora Karla Zídky popisují v novém pořadu Devadesátky tehdejší dobu, kdy byla korektnost neznámý výraz, bez příkras a bez cenzury tak, aby si divák mohl názor udělat sám.
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- By: CNN Prima NEWS
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Být v pohodě a cítit štěstí se dá naučit. To je názor, s nímž lze určitě polemizovat. Hůř už, pokud je jeho autorem a zároveň obhájcem Marian Jelínek, populární mentální kouč, bývalý trenér hvězd hokejové NHL Jaromíra Jágra nebo Petra Mrázka a sám někdejší hokejista. Jak mít v těžké době lehkou hlavu? Ať už jsem rodič, či jeho ratolest? Jde to. Věhlasný kouč sportovních hvězd i vrcholných manažerů Jelínek hledá řešení v novém videopodcastu DO POHODY společně s moderátorkou CNN Prima NEWS Lucií Čermákovou.
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Fora do Briefing
- By: CNN Brasil
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ESSE VÍDEO NÃO PODERIA SER UM E-MAILE é por isso que ele virou um videocast! Bora falar das campanhas mais geniais e das empresas mais relevantes na comunicação? Esse é o Fora do Briefing, o novo videocast da CNN Brasil pra falar sobre publicidade e marketing com quem faz o mercado acontecer.E tudo isso apresentado por quem entende do assunto do lado de cá: Mari Cantarelli, diretora de Marketing da CNN Brasil, que vai conduzir conversas sinceronas e descontraídas pra descobrir tudo o que tá fora do briefing dos nossos convidados. Quinzenalmente às segundas, às 10h.
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The James Brown Mystery
- By: CNN
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A strange phone call reveals a question from the grave – was The Godfather of Soul murdered? Almost 40 years ago, a songwriter found herself in musician James Brown’s inner circle. The relationship would nearly destroy her career. Decades later, she’s trying to solve the mystery of James Brown's death…and her own life. When she makes a call to CNN reporter Thomas Lake, the two stumble into a world of secrets, intimidation, and suspected foul play.
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Downside Up
- By: CNN
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What if the parts of our lives we've accepted as normal were totally different? What if dogs had never been domesticated? Or humans had no sense of flavor...what would've happened to the spice trade? And how would that have shaped the future of the world? Join CNN's Chris Cillizza as he speaks with journalists, experts and forward-thinking futurists to help us envision what might have been — and how even a small shift in the status quo could change our world completely.
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CNN One Thing
- By: CNN
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You’ve been overwhelmed with headlines all week – what's worth a closer look? One Thing takes you into the story and helps you make sense of the news everyone's been talking about. Every Wednesday and Sunday, host David Rind interviews one of CNN’s world-class reporters to tell us what they've found – and why it matters. From the team behind CNN 5 Things.
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Metacast CNN
- By: CNN Brasil
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Em oito episódios do Metacast CNN, a analista de tecnologia Rita Wu aborda as várias faces do metaverso por meio de didática e reflexões com os principais especialistas no tema. Diferentes metaversos, blockchains, NFTs, como entrar neste ambiente, o que as marcas estão criando e metarquitetura são alguns dos assuntos dessas conversas.
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CNN Money
- By: CNN Brasil
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CNN Money é o podcast que ajuda você a tomar as melhores decisões. De segunda a sexta pela manhã, Thais Herédia e Priscila Yazbek apresentam um balanço dos assuntos do noticiário que influenciam os mercados, as finanças e os rumos da sociedade e das dinâmicas de poder no Brasil e no mundo.
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No Lucro CNN
- By: CNN Brasil
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O bate papo sobre dinheiro como ele deve ser: de uma forma simples e leve. A cada episódio do podcast No Lucro CNN, Phelipe Siani recebe um convidado para conversar sobre investimentos, finanças pessoais e negócios. De influenciadores a cantores brasileiros, nossos convidados chegam prontos para contar como gastam e como investem o dinheiro que ganha. E tem muita dica boa!
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- By: CNN
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Does it feel like the financial system is stacked against you? For many of us, it is. Especially if you’re Black or Brown, a woman, or single. In Diversifying, we explore why the traditional rules of money management no longer apply to new generations. Hosted by Delyanne Barros, better known as Delyanne The Money Coach, Diversifying demystifies and humanizes money by examining the culture we make it in and how to make it work for you.
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À Prioli
- By: CNN Brasil
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Um podcast para mostrar que mesmo as pessoas que a gente pensa conhecer são mais complexas do que a gente imagina. Há muita multiplicidade dentro de cada um. Quem disse que o seu ator preferido não pode ser um exímio pianista, ou que o rapper não pode gostar de moda? Quem disse que mulher, para empreender ou discutir assunto sério, só pode se for vestida de preto? Que para ser inteligente a gente não pode consumir a cultura pop? Nós somos muitos em nós mesmos e é isso que Gabriela Prioli vai descobrir com cada um dos convidados de seu programa.
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CNN Nosso Mundo
- By: CNN Brasil
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CNN Nosso Mundo é um programa de entrevistas com personalidades relevantes sobre temas em debate no momento. Com a presença de especialistas e pensadores renomados, o programa constrói um espaço seguro para o pensamento crítico e, sobretudo, para o diálogo.
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- By: CNN Greece
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Το podcast που ενημερώνει και αναλύει τα ζητήματα του περιβάλλοντος. Ειδικοί εξηγούν όσα θέλουν οι πολίτες να γνωρίζουν για την κλιματική κρίση, την ενεργειακή μετάβαση, την υπεύθυνη κατανάλωση.
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