• 29. Retrain Your Metabolism, using the "Rhythm Method"
    Mar 6 2024

    Is a slow metabolism caused by "bad genes".... or being over 40? The answer is No.

    If your metabolism is lagging and dragging, you've got yourself a RHYTHM problem.

    In this episode, we'll retrain your metabolism, using the "rhythm method".

    I'll teach you how to establish a healthy food-rhythm in order to work with your body, not against it, and you will boost your metabolism as a result.

    It can be so easy and enjoyable. Learn with me today!

    Are you ready to dig deeper and solve your gut, hormonal and anxiety issues naturally?

    Click ⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠ to book a zero-pressure Free Holistic Chat, and tell me what you're working on. I love hearing from you!

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    26 mins
  • 28. Top 4 Hormone Tips, part 2
    Feb 14 2024

    Here's part 2 of our Hormonal deep dive! Your hormones can be your best friend instead of your worst enemy.

    In this episode you'll learn how blood sugar balance and self-talk directly influence your estrogen and progesterone, and what you can do to feel better in your body now.

    As bonuses, you'll earn about my favorite (kind of hilarious) technique to flip my mental space from toxic, negative vibes, to "I'm amazing, and it's gonna be alright." Also, I'll give you a sneak peek into my former days of being a hangry vegan (remember the blood sugar balance piece, mentioned above?)

    I hope you enjoy our hormone talk! Speaking of which:

    Are you ready to reboot your gut, metabolism, and hormones, and melt away anxiety naturally, to live your best life? 

    Learn about my signature 3 month program: Beautifully Balanced ⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠! Or click ⁠⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠⁠ to book a zero-pressure Free Holistic Chat, and tell me what you're working on. I love hearing from you!

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    32 mins
  • 27. Top 4 Hormone Tips
    Feb 7 2024

    Hormones.. that word doesn't have to make you shudder with dismay. Our hormones can be our best friends, not our worst enemies. Today, we'll talk simple tips to make that shift.

    Every aspect of your life influences your hormonal health- from genetics to gut health, to your job, relationships, your self-talk, your home and personal care products, and more.   

    As women in our culture – and with our doctors – we are often dismissed or told that our discomfort, pain, fertility issues, mood and energy fluctuations are all normal, no big, deal, “just buck up” etc…

    We currently have an epidemic of hormonal imbalance… that manifests as painful periods, conditions like PCOS, endometriosis, fertility issues, slow and daunting perimenopause, filled with weight gain and hot flashes, and so much more. But it does not have to be this way!

    We can reconnect with our bodies, tune-in and listen compassionately, and solve many of these hormonal issues ourselves, without the PILL or hysterectomies as our only options!

    In episodes #s 27 and 28, I’ll empower you with my top 4 tips get more aligned with your body’s wisdom and rhythms, and help your hormones work FOR you not against you.

    Are you ready to reboot your gut, metabolism, and hormones, and melt away anxiety naturally, to live your best life? 

    Learn about my signature 3 month program: Beautifully Balanced ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠! Or click ⁠⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠⁠ to book a zero-pressure Free Holistic Chat, and tell me what you're working on. I love hearing from you!

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    27 mins
  • 26. Intermittent Fasting, the Ayurvedic Way
    Jan 17 2024

    Make Intermittent Fasting (IF) work for your unique body in a way that is sustainable, sensible, and effective.

    When done correctly, IF can have countless benefits. But when done incorrectly (ie the mainstream way) it can spike anxiety, cause weight gain, and worsen all digestive issues. You deserve much better than that!

    In this episode we'll break down IF in a way that is easy to digest... pun intended!

    We'll dive into:

    • What is IF?
    • Its incredible health benefits, when done correctly (from cognitive health to weight loss)
    • Top IF mistakes I see clients make ALL time
    • Why that approach will not work longterm
    • What to differently and why

    Then, we'll cap it off with the top 4 Tips for successful Intermittent Fasting.

    Are you ready to reboot your gut, metabolism, and hormones, and melt away anxiety naturally, to live your best life? 

    Learn about my signature 3 month program: Beautifully Balanced ⁠HERE!

    Or click ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠ to book a free chat, and tell me what you're working on right now. I love hearing from you!

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    26 mins
  • 25. Fight Off a Cold Quickly with These 3 Home Remedies
    Jan 3 2024

    Are you and your family catching every cold and virus that comes along? Try these 3 simple home remedies for quick relief.

    In this episode I'll share:

    1) A super effective Aromatherapy Steam, using White Thyme essential oil, which has powerful natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties. This is an easy, 5-minute technique that will loosen mucus and act as a natural expectorant.

    2) The easy, delicious recipe for Agni Tea - an ancient Ayurvedic remedy that will kick your immune system into full gear to shorten the life of a cold or sinus infection.

    3) The food group to AVOID when you feel a cold or respiratory virus coming on. Yes, this food can make sinus and bronchial conditions worse, creating more mucus, inflammation, which prolongs the duration of a cold or virus. We do NOT want that!

    Are you ready to reboot your gut, metabolism, and hormones, and soothe anxiety naturally with me? 

    Explore my signature 3 month program: Beautifully Balanced ⁠HERE

    Click ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠ to book a free chat, and tell me what you're working on right now. 2024 can be your best, most NATURALLY healthy year yet. Let's do it together!

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    26 mins
  • 24. Could You Have a Mineral Imbalance? Most of Us Do...
    Dec 6 2023

    They are the spark plugs of life! They tell us about our metabolism, vitality, thyroid, adrenals, and so much more.

    In this short, sweet episode we focus on HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis) testing. This simple test (just a little snip of the hair) can give us profound insights into what is happening in your physiology and driving your symptoms.

    I share my own eye-opening experience with HTMA, in treating my adrenal fatigue and rebalancing my electrolyte (another word for minerals) system, and how I'm using it with Beautifully Balanced clients, with amazing results.

    Also, it's open enrollment, to start Beautifully Balanced in January! I only have 10 slots, and I like to give BB podcast listeners top priority!

    Beautifully Balanced is ~ 3 months, 7 steps to heal your gut, hormones, and anxiety, to live your BEST life. We can do it together, using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and the moderns science of Functional Medicine.

    Hop over HERE⁠⁠ to book a free chat, and tell me what you're working on right now. I love hearing from you!

    Show More Show Less
    15 mins
  • 23. 4 Tips to Recover Quickly from Holiday Overindulgence
    Nov 29 2023

    Did you enjoy a little too much food and drink last night - and now you've got the gut troubles to prove it? Heavy stomach, nausea, sluggish bowels, heartburn?

    No worries! In this episode I'll teach you 4 simple tips to feel better and get your metabolism and energy back on-track quickly.

    This topic is super-relevant to our time in the calendar year: Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, holiday gatherings of all kinds. Evenings, filled with more wine, desserts, rich foods, dairy (extra cheese and butter, anyone?), meats, more inflammatory cooking oils, and even fried foods.

    These tips are also helpful for anytime you may have unintentionally (or intentionally) eaten more than usual, and been left feeling heavy, sluggish, nauseas – directly afterwards, or even the next day.

    I even used these tips last week, after eating out at a restaurant renowned for its fried chicken (whaat?). Needless to say, I felt terrible the following day. But, I had these tips up my sleeve, so I recovered quickly!

    You can get back on track quickly by doing a few simple smart things!

    Listen and try them this holiday season - or anytime you need to boost your metabolism, energy, and reboot your gut health.

    Getting back on track quickly is helpful because you and your body deserve it. It is also especially important if you have:

    • Digestive issues - like IBS, GERD, constipation, food sensitivities, etc.
    • Hormonal issues like PCOS, PMDD, perimenopause, or fertility issues, or if you are
    • Overweight and/ or trying to lose weight – the holidays can be a big trigger time and a slippery slope.

    But don't worry, I've got you covered with these simple tips. Here, you are seen, heard, and loved!

    Want to dive deeper, together?

    Get your personalized plan, and be lovingly walked step-by-step through a transformative and fun holistic journey with me as your guide.

    Click ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠ to book a free chat, and tell me what you're working on right now. I love hearing from you!

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    26 mins
  • 22. How to Use Lab Testing to Finally Get to the Bottom of Your Symptoms
    Nov 15 2023

    My medical-mind has been absolutely blown by what we're uncovering for clients (and myself!) using Functional Medicine Labs.

    "Test, Don't Guess" is a saying in Functional Medicine. It means that we need data to truly get to the root cause of persistent, mysterious issues.

    I was a skeptic for almost a decade. Afterall, lab testing can be prohibitively expensive. Not to mention, I have helped hundreds of clients experience healthy success, break-throughs, and big benefits without running pricey labs.

    But now we are taking holistic treatment to new level and labs are a piece of the puzzle! In this episode I'll tell you:

    • Who is lab testing for? Who can it help?

    • What kinds of symptoms and issues really necessitate this kind of data for appropriate (and outstanding) holitsic treatment?

    • Which labs do I run, and how do I do it more affordably?

    • What was my experience with urine hormone testing and HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis)? Spoiler alert: I had several HUGE light-bulb, "Aha" insights with getting this data on myself!

    • What can you do to get this kind of data, and how could it change your life?

    So get ready for a really fun, illuminating episode!

    Want to explore your own labs as part of your healing process?

    Get your personalized plan, and be lovingly walked step-by-step through a transformative and fun holistic journey with me as your guide... Sign up for my signature 3 month program: Beautifully Balanced ⁠HERE

    Or click ⁠⁠HERE⁠⁠ to book a free chat, and tell me what you're working on right now. I love hearing from you!

    Show More Show Less
    29 mins