FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Courage Beyond Camouflage: Facing Anxiety On and Off Duty
    Sep 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Courage Beyond Camouflage: Facing Anxiety On and Off Duty Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/courage-beyond-camouflage-facing-anxiety-on-and-off-duty Story Transcript:Sk: Na námorníckej základni bolo rušno.En: The naval base was bustling.Sk: Jesenný vánok šumel cez stromy, zatiaľ čo ako vojak napol cvičil Matej.En: The autumn breeze rustled through the trees as Matej, a soldier, partially trained.Sk: Veľa neskorých popoludní strávil pozorovaním listov, ktoré menili farbu.En: He spent many late afternoons watching the leaves change color.Sk: Bol to jeho jediný spôsob, ako uniknúť tlaku.En: It was his only way to escape the pressure.Sk: Matej bol dôstojník, fyzicky fit a disciplinovaný.En: Matej was an officer, physically fit and disciplined.Sk: Ale v kútiku duše bojoval s úzkosťou.En: But deep down, he struggled with anxiety.Sk: Matej mal pred sebou dôležitý tréning.En: Matej had important training ahead.Sk: Bol odhodlaný ho zvládnuť, no úzkosť ho stále prenasledovala.En: He was determined to complete it, yet anxiety still haunted him.Sk: Vedel, že by si s tým mohol poradiť ako dosiaľ - sám.En: He knew he could handle it on his own, as he always had.Sk: Lucia, civilná zmluvná zamestnankyňa na základni, pracovala dnes blízko.En: Lucia, a civilian contract employee at the base, worked nearby today.Sk: Bola nezávislá, šikovná a mala talent na empatické pochopenie druhých.En: She was independent, skillful, and had a knack for empathetically understanding others.Sk: Zaujímala sa o Mateja, všimla si jeho napätie.En: She noticed Matej's tension.Sk: Počas cvičenia sa čosi pohlo.En: During the exercise, something happened.Sk: Jeden kolega náhle zasýpal.En: A colleague suddenly began to wheeze.Sk: Rýchlo nabral modrý odtieň a začal dýchať nepravidelne.En: He quickly turned blue and started breathing irregularly.Sk: Lucia sa ponáhľala na pomoc.En: Lucia rushed to help.Sk: Problematika alergickej reakcie vyžadovala jej okamžitú pozornosť.En: The issue of an allergic reaction demanded her immediate attention.Sk: Matej sledoval chaos.En: Matej watched the chaos.Sk: Bol rozorvaný medzi dvomi rozhodnutiami: dokončiť náročný tréning alebo pripojiť sa k Lucii pri poskytovaní prvej pomoci.En: He was torn between two decisions: to finish the demanding training or join Lucia in providing first aid.Sk: Lucia sa sklonila k zranenému, skúmajúc všetko, čo by mohlo pomôcť.En: Lucia knelt beside the injured person, examining everything that could help.Sk: Matej pokračoval v tréningu, myseľ mu ale bola inde.En: Matej continued with his training, but his mind was elsewhere.Sk: Nakoniec preskúmala zranenie a uvidela jasnú potrebu, aby niekto ďalší pomohol.En: She eventually assessed the injury and saw the clear need for additional help.Sk: Musel zastaviť drill.En: He had to stop the drill.Sk: Musel pomôcť.En: He had to help.Sk: Opustil skupinu a zamieril k Lucii.En: He left the group and headed towards Lucia.Sk: Srdce mu bilo rýchlo, ale pevne.En: His heart was beating fast but steadily.Sk: Spolu s Luciou udržiavali kolegu pri vedomí, dokým nepríde lekárska pomoc.En: Together with Lucia, they kept the colleague conscious until medical help arrived.Sk: Matej si sadol vedľa Lucia, obaja zadychčaní, ale spokojní.En: Matej sat down next to Lucia, both breathless but satisfied.Sk: Uvedomil si, že jeho rozhodnutie bolo správne.En: He realized his decision was the right one.Sk: Neskôr, keď sa obloha začala zatmievať, Matej sa Lucii zveril so svojou úzkosťou.En: Later, as the sky began to darken, Matej confided in Lucia about his anxiety.Sk: Už nemohol skryť svoje trápenie.En: He could no longer hide his troubles.Sk: Lucia sa len usmiala a uistila ho, že je v poriadku cítiť sa tak, a požiadala ho, aby sa nebál žiadať o pomoc.En: Lucia simply smiled and reassured him that it was okay to feel that way and encouraged him not to be afraid to ask for help.Sk: Matej sa uvoľnil.En: Matej relaxed.Sk: Naučil sa, že tímová práca a priznať svoje chyby je znakom sily, nie slabosti.En: He learned that teamwork and admitting one's flaws are signs of strength, not weakness.Sk: A pod tým istým jesenným nebom začal svoju novú kapitolu - byť úprimnejší nielen so sebou, ale aj s ostatnými.En: And under that same autumn sky, he began a new chapter—being more honest not just with himself but also with others.Sk: Získal pokoj, keď pochopil, že nie je sám v žiadnom boji, a že jeho úzkosť ho už nebude držať späť.En: He found peace in understanding he wasn't alone in any battle, and that his anxiety would no longer hold him back. Vocabulary Words:bustling: rušnobreeze: vánokrustled: šumelanxiety: úzkosťknack: talenttension: napätiewheeze: zasýpalirregularly: nepravidelnecollapsed: zrútilrushed: ponáhľalaallergic reaction: ...
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    16 mins
  • A New Connection Blossoms Amidst the Autumn Harvest
    Sep 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A New Connection Blossoms Amidst the Autumn Harvest Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-new-connection-blossoms-amidst-the-autumn-harvest Story Transcript:Sk: Jeseň zaplavila malú dedinu, kde sa konal Festival jesennej úrody.En: Autumn had taken over the small village where the Autumn Harvest Festival was held.Sk: Námestie bolo plné farieb.En: The square was full of colors.Sk: Stánky sa leskli pod svetielkami a vo vzduchu sa vznášala vôňa pečených gaštanov a horúceho jablčného muštu.En: Stalls glimmered under the lights, and the scent of roasted chestnuts and hot apple cider wafted through the air.Sk: Medzi týmito sviatočnými aktivitami si našli svoje miesto aj Jozef a Katarína.En: Among these festive activities were Jozef and Katarína.Sk: Jozef sa usmial, keď sa pozrel na námestie.En: Jozef smiled as he looked at the square.Sk: Bol šťastný, že mohol byť súčasťou tejto udalosti.En: He was happy to be part of the event.Sk: Miloval, keď sa ľudia stretávali a zdieľali radosti.En: He loved when people gathered and shared joy.Sk: Katarína však bola iná.En: Katarína, however, was different.Sk: Prechádzala sa medzi stánkami, sledovala ako sa ľudia smejú a rozprávajú.En: She wandered among the stalls, observing people laughing and talking.Sk: Hľadala krásu a inšpiráciu vo všetkom okolo.En: She sought beauty and inspiration in everything around her.Sk: Jozef bol zaneprázdnený, stále robil niečo.En: Jozef was busy; he was always doing something.Sk: Uistil sa, že svetielka svietia, že všetci majú, čo potrebujú.En: He made sure the lights were shining, that everyone had what they needed.Sk: Ale jeho srdce túžilo po tom, aby si aj on mohol užiť ten spevný večer.En: Yet his heart longed to enjoy the lively evening too.Sk: Katarína, hoci malátnym krokom, cítila sa osamelo medzi ľuďmi.En: Katarína, walking slowly, felt lonely among the crowd.Sk: Bála sa priblížiť, hoci dychtila po spojení.En: She was afraid to approach, even though she craved connection.Sk: Keď sa Jozef rozhodol na chvíľu zastaviť a pozrieť sa okolo, stretol Katarínu pri jednom stánku.En: When Jozef decided to pause for a moment and look around, he found Katarína by one of the stalls.Sk: Ich pohľady sa stretli a usmiali sa na seba.En: Their eyes met, and they smiled at each other.Sk: Práve vtedy zaznel mobilný telefón.En: Just then, a mobile phone rang.Sk: Bol to hovor o zmene programu.En: It was a call about a change in the program.Sk: Potrebovali pomoc.En: They needed help.Sk: "Pomôžeš mi?En: "Will you help me?"Sk: " spýtal sa Jozef.En: Jozef asked.Sk: Katarína prikývla.En: Katarína nodded.Sk: Vedela, že je to jej príležitosť.En: She knew it was her opportunity.Sk: Spoločne upravovali plán, rozložili stoly, vyzdobili miesto lampášmi.En: Together, they adjusted the plan, set up tables, and decorated the place with lanterns.Sk: Pracovali harmonicky, slová plynuli prirodzene.En: They worked harmoniously, their words flowing naturally.Sk: Pod svetlom lampášov pocítili vzájomné porozumenie.En: Under the glow of the lanterns, they felt a mutual understanding.Sk: Jozef ocenil Kataríninu citlivosť, Katarína obdivovala Jozefov optimizmus.En: Jozef appreciated Katarína's sensitivity, and Katarína admired Jozef's optimism.Sk: Festival skončil úspechom, no pre nich dvaja bol to len začiatok.En: The festival ended successfully, but for the two of them, it was just the beginning.Sk: Plánovali sa znova stretnúť, možno pri ďalšom projekte.En: They planned to meet again, perhaps at another project.Sk: Katarína odišla s pocitom, že ľudia sú skutočne krásnou inšpiráciou.En: Katarína left with the feeling that people are truly a beautiful inspiration.Sk: Jozef zistil, že vnímanie chvíľ môže byť rovnako dôležité ako pracovitosť.En: Jozef realized that appreciating moments can be just as important as hard work.Sk: A tak, v malebnom námestí zaplnenom listami, sa zrodila nová priateľská kapitola.En: And so, in the picturesque square covered with leaves, a new chapter of friendship was born.Sk: Jeseň bola chladná, ale ich príbeh bol teplý ako svit sviečok v temnej noci.En: Autumn was cold, but their story was as warm as candlelight in the dark night.Sk: Mesiace sa možno menia, ale vzájomné spojenia môžu byť večné.En: The months may change, but mutual connections can be eternal. Vocabulary Words:autumn: jeseňvillage: dedinaharvest: úrodafestival: festivalsquare: námestiestall: stánokglimmer: leskwaft: vznášať saroasted: pečenýchestnut: gaštancider: muštwander: prechádzať saobserve: sledovaťinspiration: inšpirácialively: spevnýlonely: osameloapproach: priblížiť sacrave: dychtiť poopportunity: príležitosťadjust: upravovaťharmonious: harmonickymutual: vzájomnýoptimism: optimizmuspictorial: malebnýcandlelight: svit ...
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    15 mins
  • Romance Rekindled: A Rainy Adventure in the High Tatras
    Sep 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Romance Rekindled: A Rainy Adventure in the High Tatras Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/romance-rekindled-a-rainy-adventure-in-the-high-tatras Story Transcript:Sk: Marcel stál na Hrebienku s výhľadom na majestátne Vysoké Tatry.En: Marcel stood at Hrebienok overlooking the majestic High Tatras.Sk: Farebné lístie sa trblietalo vo svite slabého slnka a vietor mu jemne pohládzal tvár.En: The colorful leaves shimmered in the faint sunlight, and the wind gently caressed his face.Sk: Zhlboka sa nadýchol, cítiac, že je konečne v bode, kde môže predstaviť svoje úmysly.En: He took a deep breath, feeling that he was finally at the point where he could share his intentions.Sk: O chvíľu prišla Iveta.En: Iveta arrived shortly after.Sk: Jej úsmev bol síce trochu neistý, ale radosť zo stretnutia po mesiacoch bola zreteľná.En: Her smile was a bit uncertain, but the joy of reuniting after months was evident.Sk: „Marcel,“ zvolala a objala ho.En: “Marcel,” she exclaimed and hugged him.Sk: Stála vedľa neho, dívali sa na diaľ, kam až oko dovidelo.En: She stood beside him, looking out into the distance where the eye could reach.Sk: Zuzana, ich spoločná priateľka, stála trochu ďalej, dávala im priestor, no bola pripravená pomôcť.En: Zuzana, their mutual friend, stood a little further away, giving them space but ready to help.Sk: Bola mostom medzi nimi, podporovala ich vzťah, ale aj ona cítila, ako sa veci medzi nimi menia.En: She was a bridge between them, supporting their relationship, but she too felt the changes happening between them.Sk: „Je tu krásne,“ povedala Iveta a obdivovala paletu farieb, ktorú jeseň priniesla.En: “It’s beautiful here,” Iveta said, admiring the palette of colors that autumn had brought.Sk: „Áno, nič sa nevyrovná tejto kráse,“ odpovedal Marcel a srdce mu bilo rýchlejšie.En: “Yes, nothing compares to this beauty,” Marcel responded, his heart beating faster.Sk: „Iveta, mám pre teba prekvapenie.“En: “Iveta, I have a surprise for you.”Sk: „Prekvapenie? Aké?“ Iveta zdvihla obočie, jej zvedavosť jasná.En: “Surprise? What kind?” Iveta raised an eyebrow, her curiosity clear.Sk: Marcel naznačil smerom k chodníku.En: Marcel gestured toward the path.Sk: „Chcem ťa vziať na jedno zvláštne miesto.En: “I want to take you to a special place.Sk: Tam, kde sme boli minulý rok.En: The one we visited last year.Sk: Pamätáš sa?“En: Do you remember?”Sk: Iveta si spomenula.En: Iveta recalled.Sk: To miesto bolo symbolom ich zblíženia.En: That place was a symbol of their closeness.Sk: Po chvíli váhania prikývla.En: After a moment of hesitation, she nodded.Sk: Vedela, že toto je jej šanca urobiť rozhodnutie, či sa riadiť srdcom alebo rozumom.En: She knew this was her chance to decide whether to follow her heart or her mind.Sk: Cestou hore sa ich rozhovory niesli vo veselej nálade, no temné oblaky sa začali schádzať nad vrcholky hôr.En: As they climbed, their conversation was cheerful, but dark clouds began gathering over the mountain peaks.Sk: Zrazu sa spustil náhly dážď.En: Suddenly, a sudden rain began to fall.Sk: Marcel a Iveta našli úkryt pod skalným previsom.En: Marcel and Iveta found shelter under a rocky overhang.Sk: Tam boli nútení hovoriť o svojich pocitoch.En: There, they were forced to talk about their feelings.Sk: Marcel hovoril o tom, ako ho vzdialenosť trápila, a navrhol, že možno musia viac plánovať spoločný čas.En: Marcel spoke of how the distance troubled him and suggested they might need to plan more time together.Sk: Iveta zdieľala svoje obavy o budúcnosť a neiste rozprávala o svojich snoch.En: Iveta shared her worries about the future and spoke uncertainly about her dreams.Sk: Rozhovor bol úprimný a napätie sa rozplynulo.En: The conversation was sincere, and the tension dissolved.Sk: Dážď ustal a ako opatrne zostupovali do doliny, slnko znova osvetlilo zasnenú krajinu.En: The rain stopped, and as they cautiously descended into the valley, the sun lit up the dreamy landscape once more.Sk: „Marcel, dám tomu šancu,“ povedala Iveta potichu, ale rozhodne.En: “Marcel, I’ll give it a chance,” Iveta said quietly but firmly.Sk: „Budem pravidelne prichádzať a uvidíme, kam nás to zavedie.“En: “I will come regularly, and we’ll see where it takes us.”Sk: Zuzana ich počkala dole, s úsmevom sledovala, ako Marcel a Iveta opäť nájdu spoločný krok.En: Zuzana waited for them below, smiling as she watched Marcel and Iveta find their pace together again.Sk: Obaja vedeli, že ich čakajú ťažké časy, ale teraz mali odhodlanie a nádej, ktorú potrebovali.En: Both knew challenging times lay ahead, but now they had the determination and hope they needed.Sk: Napokon sa rozlúčili, rovnako ako podvečerné slnko ustupovalo noci.En: Finally, they said their goodbyes...
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    16 mins

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