FluentFiction - Welsh

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Reaching New Heights: A Journey of Unity and Renewal
    Sep 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Reaching New Heights: A Journey of Unity and Renewal Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/reaching-new-heights-a-journey-of-unity-and-renewal Story Transcript:Cy: Roedd heulwen yr hydref yn llithro rhwng copaon mynyddoedd Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, yn clymu'r tir mewn ymbelydredd ambr, llawn o liwiau llon y tymor.En: The autumn sunlight slipped between the mountain peaks of Snowdonia National Park, wrapping the land in a radiant amber, full of the cheerful colors of the season.Cy: Eisteddodd Eira, Rhys, a Carys wrth droed un o'r mynyddoedd.En: Eira, Rhys, and Carys sat at the foot of one of the mountains.Cy: Roedd eu calonau'n llawn cyffro, yr aer yn galed a'i arogl yn ddwfn ac yn adfywiol.En: Their hearts were full of excitement, the air crisp with a deep, invigorating scent.Cy: "Mae'r cyfnos yn agosáu," meddai Eira, yn dirgrynu ychydig gyda'r profiad annisgwyl.En: "Twilight is approaching," said Eira, shivering slightly with the unexpected experience.Cy: Roedd yn cynllunio'r neidio hwn ers misoedd i nodi cychwyn newydd ar eu bywydau.En: She had been planning this climb for months to mark a new beginning in their lives.Cy: Roedd ei llygaid yn llawn sêr o awydd codi i'r copa.En: Her eyes sparkled with the desire to reach the peak.Cy: "Ond edrychwch," rhybuddiodd Rhys, gan afael ei faner mewn llaw i ddisgleirio ei arwydd.En: "But look," Rhys warned, gripping his flag in one hand to let its sign shimmer.Cy: "Mae cymylau trwm yn pasio'r copa. Efallai y bydd glaw yn dod."En: "Heavy clouds are passing over the peak. It might rain."Cy: Rhagweld, pwyliodd ei galon Rhys wrth edrych tua'r cymylau.En: Foreseeing, Rhys's heart paused as he glanced towards the clouds.Cy: Roedd yn berson o driesoddiad ac ofal, mae adfyfwyd y mynyddoedd yn gallu newid yn sydyn.En: He was a person of caution and care, aware that the mountain weather could change suddenly.Cy: Yn wên agored, a chynddaredd ddisglair yn ei golwg, dywedodd Carys, "Hedran hon yn adeg o adfywiad,En: Smiling broadly, with bright determination in her gaze, Carys said, "This moment is one of renewal.Cy: oes dal i fynd ymlaen yn rhy addawol i ni? Gallem orffen y weithred gyda'i gilydd!"En: Is it too promising an opportunity for us to miss? We could finish the climb together!"Cy: Eglurodd Rhys ei bryderon am y tywydd, ond teimlai falchder ym mywyd newydd yr her.En: Rhys explained his concerns about the weather but felt proud of the new challenge ahead.Cy: Pan aeth awydd a'r ysbryd at ei gilydd, cychwynnodd y tri ar y ffordd wrth iddynt wthio'n uchel i gyfeiriad yr uchelder.En: When desire and spirit united, the three embarked on the path, pushing upward towards the heights.Cy: Dros brenni a rhedyn, pob cam yn datgelu tirwedd lliwgar.En: Over ferns and bracken, each step revealed a vibrant landscape.Cy: Y tu ôl i wynebau clengeth a gwynt oeraidd, daeth sŵn croch o draed a galonau'n curo, gorffwys dim angen byth.En: Behind faces of exhilaration and a cold wind, came the sharp sound of steps and beating hearts, never needing rest.Cy: Aeth Eira yn druan â'r rhagluniaeth, er bod Rhys yn banig â chi Hiaid ar ei du olaf, ac roedd angen iddynt eistedd i baratoi, ond Carys ganolbwyntiodd y breuddwyd a meddianodd bob adnbyddiad at hyn.En: Eira was drawn to the providence, while Rhys panicked with worries at his back, needing them to pause and prepare, yet Carys focused on the dream and consumed each anticipation of it.Cy: A gynigid eiliadau i ffwrdd o feddyliau, rhagolygodd Rhys gynnau cariad wedi clymu'l llawno gyda Carys a'i galonogedd main oni bai y dechreuodd dysgwyliad ei sôn iddo.En: As moments slipped away from thoughts, Rhys foresaw the binding affection with Carys and his innate courage unless expectation reminded him of its call.Cy: Dywed Eira ei chôl unigol ar y sbç oni heidw'r tawel, gweld y copa o'r holl bethau yn ymddangos yn glir.En: Eira uttered her solitary voice into the silence, seeing the peak making all things clear.Cy: "Heiwn yn gweld," murmuriadwy Eira yn falchad.En: "Let's keep going," murmured Eira with delight.Cy: Ar ben y copa, gweddiwyd y pryd.En: At the top of the peak, the time was celebrated.Cy: Heb os, choddai wyneb awr gyda'i agoriadau tawel, oddi wrth y sêr prysur sydd i ddod.En: Undoubtedly, the hour dawned with its quiet revelations, away from the hurried stars soon to come.Cy: Yna, hooddi'r cyfnod a'r gwirionedd yn gyson a chytundeb rhwng y tri.En: Then, the moment passed, constant truth and agreement between the three.Cy: Pellach daeth yr unany.En: Further came unity.Cy: Pérez chlwydfydd Rhys i ddeall pwysigrwydd ffraeth ac o amgylch cam ˆn clymog yr arglwyddiag ystyriaeth yn ôl.En: Rhys grasped the significance of sharp thoughts and surrounded each knotty step with careful consideration.Cy: Cynyddodd Carys prysur ei drysfa o ddiolch egnïau am gryfder eu penowch, roedd yn corddi pawb.En: Carys quickly stirred her gratitude for their combined strength, ...
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    18 mins
  • Painted Paths: An Autumn Journey Between Cardiff and Dublin
    Sep 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Painted Paths: An Autumn Journey Between Cardiff and Dublin Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/painted-paths-an-autumn-journey-between-cardiff-and-dublin Story Transcript:Cy: Ar ôl dydd hir yn ei stiwdio, roedd Rhys yn eistedd wrth y bwrdd, canfas gwag o'i flaen.En: After a long day in his studio, Rhys sat at the table, a blank canvas before him.Cy: Roedd y nos yn symud yn araf i'r nosweithiau byrion, gydag arogli'r haearn yn llanw'r strydoedd o gwmpas Caerdydd.En: The night was slowly creeping into the short evenings, with the scent of iron filling the streets around Cardiff.Cy: Roedd yr hydref yn prysur ddod i'w anterth.En: Autumn was rapidly reaching its peak.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn dawel, yn meddwl am Eira, yn Nulyn.En: Rhys sat quietly, thinking of Eira in Dublin.Cy: Roedd bob amser meddwl amdani, ond yn ystod y dyddiau olaf hyn wrth i'r coed fygwth colli dail, roedd y meddyliau hyn wedi cymryd lle arbennig ynddo - oedd yn meddwl am symud a sut fyddai hynny'n effeithio ar ei fywyd.En: He always thought about her, but during these last days as the trees threatened to shed their leaves, these thoughts had taken on a special significance for him - he was thinking about moving and how that would affect his life.Cy: Eira, o’i rhan hi, roedd yn ddifrifol yn ei swydd.En: Eira, for her part, was serious about her job.Cy: Roedd hi'n caru Caerdydd ac roedd hi’n caru Rhys, ond roedd ei chyfleuoedd gwaith yn Nulyn yn ei haros.En: She loved Cardiff, and she loved Rhys, but her career opportunities in Dublin were calling her.Cy: Roedd y ddinas yn llawn bywyd, yn dechnolegol blaengar, a dyna lle roedd hi'n lletya ei breuddwydion.En: The city was full of life, technologically advanced, and it was where she was sheltering her dreams.Cy: Ond allan o'r holl bryderon, roedd un peth yn sicr: roedd colli Rhys yn rhywbeth na fedrai ddychmygu.En: But despite all her worries, one thing was certain: losing Rhys was something she couldn't imagine.Cy: "Beth os opsiwn arall i ni?En: "What if there's another option for us?"Cy: " meddai Rhys ar y ffôn un noson.En: Rhys said on the phone one night.Cy: "Beth am ti ddod yma am Galan Gaeaf?En: "How about you come here for Halloween?Cy: Gwel anrhegion Caerdydd, profì fy mywyd, a dysgu ohoni.En: See the gifts of Cardiff, experience my life, and learn from it."Cy: ""Ond byddai hynny mewn gwirionedd yn helpu?En: "But would that really help?"Cy: " gofynnodd Eira, ond yn y bôn roedd hi'n barod i roi cynnig ar y peth.En: asked Eira, but she was essentially ready to give it a try.Cy: Wrth i'r dail coch a melyn gwympo, a calan Gaeaf hyd agos, fe wnaeth Eira deithio i Gaerdydd.En: As the red and yellow leaves fell and Halloween approached, Eira traveled to Cardiff.Cy: Roedd y dref yn fyw gyda phobol yn cerfio pwmpenni a derasau yn strydoedd Gothig.En: The town was lively with people carving pumpkins and decorating porches in Gothic streets.Cy: Roedd arddangosfa Rhys yn Theatr Newydd.En: Rhys's exhibition was at the New Theatre.Cy: Wrth iddynt gerdded trwy'r dorf, dechreuodd ychydig o drafferthion ddwysáu.En: As they walked through the crowd, a few troubles began to intensify.Cy: Rhoddodd pob dim o’r maen nhw wedi dal eu taenu yn lledrith y noson.En: Everything they had held was scattered in the enchantment of the evening.Cy: Fe deimlwyd awyrgylchoedd y cyni, ond a'i syniadau'n dalien, ystyriodd Eira: "Beth petawn i'n symud yma am gyfnod, neu ti'n symud i Ddulyn am ddarn bach?En: Apprehension was felt, but with her thoughts holding on, Eira considered: "What if I move here for a while, or you move to Dublin for a short period?"Cy: "Ar lwybr prysur a llawn pobl gyda faint o bwmpenni a siocled ar eu dwylo, roedd y mizêgoriaethau hyn wedi troi i'w llais mewn gwirionedd a dadleuon, hyd nes y cafodd popeth ei glir yn syniad eu dyfodol.En: On a busy path bustling with people holding pumpkins and chocolate-covered hands, these discussions turned into actual voices and arguments until everything became clear in their vision for the future.Cy: Gwelon nhw gallai cyfnewid rhwng bywyd artistig a chyfyngder gwaith fod yn her, ond ni fyddent byth yn gwybod heb roi cynnig.En: They saw that balancing between an artistic life and work constraints was a challenge, but they would never know unless they tried.Cy: "Rwy'n barod i ddod i fyw i Ddulyn am dri mis," meddai Rhys, gan wneud ei ben fyny am y tro cyntaf.En: "I’m ready to come and live in Dublin for three months," Rhys said, making up his mind for the first time.Cy: Gwyliai Rhys ei luniau glas ar y wê, tra oedd bywyd Eira yn ei ddwylo, welodd Rhys symud oedd yn foddhaol iddyn nhw ill dau.En: Rhys watched his blue sketches on the screen, while Eira's life was in his hands, and Rhys found a move that satisfied them both.Cy: Cafodd y nos Calan Gaeaf ei gloi, wrth iddo ddysgu bod hyn o leiaf yn agored i newid a dyfu tu hwnt i ofnau.En: Halloween night concluded, as he learned that at ...
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    17 mins
  • Harmony in St. David's: A Choir's New Dawn
    Sep 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Harmony in St. David's: A Choir's New Dawn Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/harmony-in-st-davids-a-choirs-new-dawn Story Transcript:Cy: Bore clir oedd hi yng Nghadeirlan Tyddewi, ac roedd yr awyrgylch yn llawn sŵn ymarfer y côr.En: It was a clear morning at St. David's Cathedral, and the atmosphere was filled with the sound of the choir's practice.Cy: Roedd golau'r haul yn lliwio'r ffenestri gwydrau lliw gyda arddangosfa o liwiau hyfryd.En: The sunlight colored the stained glass windows with a display of beautiful hues.Cy: Wedi ei leoli yng nghanol y lliwiau melyn a chochion o'r coed hydrefol, roedd y cadeirlan yn lle arbennig a hudol.En: Nestled among the yellows and reds of the autumn trees, the cathedral was a special and enchanting place.Cy: Ymhlith y lleisiau a glywir roedd Dylan, athro cerddoriaeth brwd a oedd yn gyfrifol am drefnu ymarfer y côr ar gyfer y Ffôrdd Cynhaeaf.En: Among the voices heard was Dylan, an enthusiastic music teacher responsible for organizing the choir practice for the Harvest Festival.Cy: Dechreuai Dylan ymarfer gyda ei gangen benodol a oedd yn cynnwys amrywiaeth o aelodau newydd y côr sy’n perfformio.En: Dylan began practice with his specific section, which included a variety of new choir members.Cy: Roedd un newydd-wedi-cyrraedd yn arbennig sef Carys, sef merch ifanc oedd newydd symud i'r ardal.En: One newcomer was particularly noteworthy—Carys, a young woman who had just moved to the area.Cy: Roedd hi'n gobeithio gwneud ffrindiau newydd a dod yn rhan o'r gymuned drwy'r côr.En: She hoped to make new friends and become part of the community through the choir.Cy: Ond roedd Dylan yn ansicr.En: However, Dylan was uncertain.Cy: Roedd am gadw cydbwysedd yn y côr a pharchu'r sŵn traddodiadol roedd pawb yn ei garu.En: He wanted to maintain balance in the choir and respect the traditional sound everyone loved.Cy: Roedd y newydd-ddyfodiaid yn anodd iddo ddod i arfer gyda nhw.En: He found it challenging to adapt to the newcomers.Cy: Yn y pen draw, ar ôl meddwl, Dylan a benderfynodd rhoi cyfle i bawb oedd yn awyddus i dreialu, yn cynnwys Carys.En: Ultimately, after some thought, Dylan decided to give everyone eager to try a chance, including Carys.Cy: Cynhaliodd Carys ei hun gyda phryder, yn wynebu ei hofnau wrth baratoi i berfformio darn unigol.En: Carys held herself with nervousness, facing her fears as she prepared to perform a solo piece.Cy: Roedd yn dewis un o'r alawon heriol.En: She chose one of the challenging melodies.Cy: Bob dydd roedd hi wedi ymarfer gyda ffydd a brwdfrydedd, er bod ofn yn palu.En: Every day, she practiced with faith and enthusiasm, even though fear lingered.Cy: Mae Dylan yn ei galw hi ymlaen i ganu.En: Dylan called her forward to sing.Cy: Wrth i'r sain llifo drwy'r cadeirlan, dechreuodd ansicrwydd Carys ddiddymu.En: As the sound flowed through the cathedral, Carys's uncertainty began to dissolve.Cy: Roedd ei llais yn adleisio ar draws y nenfwd uchel.En: Her voice echoed across the high ceiling.Cy: Roedd pawb yn dawel, wedi eu swyno gan safon perfformiad Carys.En: Everyone was silent, mesmerized by the quality of Carys's performance.Cy: Yn sydyn, teimlai arwahanrwydd Dylan yn cymhathu i ddathlu talent newydd wrth iddo glywed y gain yn llais Carys.En: Suddenly, Dylan's sense of isolation faded into a celebration of new talent as he heard the beauty in Carys's voice.Cy: Pan darodd y nodyn olaf, siaradodd Dylan gyda Carys, gan gydnabod ei bod hi wedi creu argraff fawr.En: When the final note struck, Dylan spoke to Carys, acknowledging that she had made a significant impression.Cy: Roedd heddiw yn ddiwrnod arbennig.En: Today was a special day.Cy: Datblygodd eu perthynas fel athro a disgybl, ond hefyd fel cyfeillion yn rhannu diddordeb o ganu.En: Their relationship developed as teacher and student, but also as friends sharing a love of singing.Cy: Yn y diwedd, teimlodd Dylan gyffro wrth sylweddoli pwysigrwydd croesawu'r newydd, gan adael i amrywiaeth o leisiau ddod â bywiogi a newyddiant i'r côr.En: In the end, Dylan felt excited as he realized the importance of welcoming the new, allowing a diversity of voices to bring vitality and novelty to the choir.Cy: Roedd Carys yn teimlo'n fwy hyderus ac yn falch ei bod yn rhan o'r gymuned.En: Carys felt more confident and proud to be part of the community.Cy: Roedd dathlu’r Cynhaeaf yn addo bod yn siwr-deilliant i’w hymdrechion oll.En: Celebrating the Harvest promised to be a culmination of all their efforts.Cy: Fel hyn y datblygodd ffrindiau newydd ar ddechrau antur newydd, gyda dwy fyd a ddaw'n un.En: This is how new friends were made at the start of a new adventure, with two worlds becoming one. Vocabulary Words:cathedral: cadeirlanchoir: côrstained: gwydrau lliwhues: lliwiaunestled: wedi ei leolienchanting: hudolenthusiastic: brwdharmonious: cydbwyseddnewcomer: newydd-wedi-cyrraeddimpression: argraffmelody: alawonperformance: ...
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    15 mins

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