• The Body and The Beast Ep93- 8 THINGS FOR A GREAT LIFE
    Jul 5 2024

    Strap in and hold onto your hats—Jamie and Dan are at it again in this cracker of an episode

    This time, they're chatting about the eight essentials for a smashing life.

    • Healthy Lifestyle: Why eating greens and dodging kebabs might just save your bacon.
    • Supportive Community: It's not about finding people who will bail you out of jail; it's finding those who will join you in the cell!
    • Family and Friends: Because who else will honestly tell you when you’ve got spinach in your teeth?
    • Financial Stability: Money might not buy happiness, but it sure pays for the yacht to sail you there.
    • Meaningful Work: Finding the job that makes you want to jump out of bed (and not just because your alarm clock is obnoxious).
    • Adventures and Experiences: Because life’s too short for always watching telly and doing the washing up.
    • Reflection and Creativity: Sometimes, you’ve got to sit quietly and realise… yes, perhaps you did need a receipt for that.
    • Having Fun: Remember, laughing at yourself counts as abdominal exercise!

    And here’s the icing on the cake: our upcoming 100th episode on the horizon!

    Jamie and Dan are fishing for your barmiest ideas on celebrating this belter of a milestone.

    Live show? Your shout—send us your daftest and most brilliant suggestions.

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    47 mins
  • The Body and The Beast Ep92- ALL GIVE NO TAKE
    Jun 28 2024

    Tune in as Dan and Jamie tackle the somewhat awkward but totally necessary art of asking for help in this must-listen episode.

    They dive into their own cringe-worthy tales of trying to do it all alone, and the face-palming moments that followed.

    It’s all about embracing the squirm of vulnerability and why it’s actually a superhero skill in disguise.

    Get ready to learn why saying "please help me" can be more powerful than any self-help book stacked on your nightstand.

    Dan and Jamie don’t just chat about the challenges; they're also dishing out encouragement to lean into the discomfort, spill your guts about what’s bugging you, and allow others the chance to lend a hand.

    Plus, they remind us all to not just take help, but to give it freely—turning every thank you into a chance to pay it forward.

    So, if you’ve ever felt like a lone wolf or struggled to reach out, this episode will be your guide to becoming a gratitude-filled, help-accepting champion.

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    28 mins
  • The Body and The Beast Ep91- HOW TO BE F**KING HAPPY
    Jun 21 2024

    To grab Dan's New Book Click Here

    Tune in as Dan Meredith spills the secrets to happiness and success in his new page-turner, "How to Be F**king Happy."

    In this episode, Dan doesn’t just open up about his adventures in the pursuit of joy—he takes us on a wild ride through his life journey's ups, downs, and loop-de-loops.

    I want you to please prepare to learn why clarity is your new best friend, why self-awareness should be your new mantra, and why risk-taking is the unexpected party guest who turns a dull evening into a legendary story.

    Dan reveals how squaring up with your inner demons can actually lead to bliss (who knew?).

    He also champions resilience and bravery—not just the type needed to skydive, but the kind that pushes you to chase your dreams, even if they’re sprinting faster than a cheetah on a treadmill.

    As Dan and Jay dissect the world of personal and business growth, get ready for an honest discussion about manifesting your desires (it’s not just for wizards), the underrated art of curiosity, and why connecting with others can turn into the golden ticket of your life’s Willy Wonka factory.

    They also tackle the not-so-sunny side of things, like those dark days and the importance of asking for a helping hand (because sometimes life doesn’t come with a manual).

    It’s happiness, it’s heart, it’s a little how-to guide for living your best life—served with a side of humor. Don't forget to tune in!

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    49 mins
  • The Body and The Beast Ep90- BIRTHDAY BEAST
    Jun 14 2024

    It's Dan's birthday, and in this episode, we stroll down memory lane, reflecting on a year chock-full of growing older but not necessarily up.

    They dive into the art of gracefully accepting the ungraceful aspects of ageing and uncover the secret joys of embracing the odd creak and wrinkle.

    Our daring duo shares the wisdom of 'thinking gargantuan'—why settle for small growth when you can aim for a 10x leap?

    They advocate for the underestimated power of admitting 'I don't know' and the strategic finesse needed to 'stack the decks'—because sometimes life is just a fancy card game, and you need that ace up your sleeve!

    Ever thought of saying 'yes' more? According to our hosts, that’s the golden ticket to never-ending opportunities.

    Remember, it’s not just about the destination but also the merry misadventures you have along the way.

    Key takeaways include:

    1. Say 'yes' like your life depends on it, and stack those decks like a Vegas pro.
    2. Build your personal board of directors with folks who’ve got the smarts.
    3. Ditch the Debbie Downers and ride the waves with the Sunny Sallies.
    4. Keep it light, keep it fun—nobody gets out of here alive anyway.
    5. Value your mates and family; they’re your crew in the grand voyage of life.

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    52 mins
  • The Body and The Beast Ep89- THE WELLNESS GAME
    Jun 7 2024

    In this episode, Jamie and Dan will spill the beans on how they keep their zest despite the years, and why your sofa might be your biggest frenemy.

    Expect tales of their own escapades into health hacks, including why daily stretching could make you feel like a nimble ninja and how stepping away from your gadgets might actually save your sanity.

    We’ll explore every nook and cranny of well-being, from the peculiar joy of counting every crumb (yes, we're talking about macros) to the profound art of deep breathing and why picking up a hobby might be the best thing you've done since binge-watching your last TV series.

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    54 mins
  • The Body and The Beast Ep88- THE ONE ILLNESS TO AVOID...
    May 31 2024

    Welcome to this episode of “The Body and the Beast,” where we dive headfirst into the murky waters of “comparisonitis”—the sneaky bug that has everyone secretly convinced their neighbour’s grass is, like, the greenest ever.

    Today, we dissect the perils of scrolling through highlight reels on social media that leave you feeling like your life is a series of unglamorous outtakes.

    Our chat explores the dark art of assuming everyone else has their act together, the critical art of actually listening (not just waiting to talk), and why understanding the whole saga behind someone’s ‘perfect’ life is crucial before you cast yourself as the perpetual sidekick in your own story.

    We’re spilling our tales of envy and the ah-ha moments from realising that hard work and discipline are not just for show-offs on Instagram. We discuss how consistency is your not-so-secret weapon and why those limiting beliefs are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

    Strap in for a rollercoaster ride of insights and, let’s face it, some good old-fashioned venting, all designed to arm you with the tools to quit the comparison game and start focusing on your own highlight reel.

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    44 mins
  • The Body and The Beast Ep87- DARE TO BE DAFT
    May 24 2024

    In this latest episode of Body and The Beast, we dive headfirst into the often embarrassing but utterly essential world of looking like a complete muppet!

    all in the name of growth!

    This week, we spill the beans on our cringe-worthy moments of not knowing up from down, proving that sometimes, you’ve got to wear the dunce cap to win the crown.

    We dissect the importance of being open to looking foolish and the liberating art of asking, “Sorry, what does that even mean?”

    We chat about our journey from feeling like imposters in a sea of experts to becoming those experts themselves and never shying away from a daft question.

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    39 mins
  • The Body and The Beast Ep86- MAN UP!
    May 17 2024

    In this thought-provoking episode, Jay Alderton and Dan Meredith delve into the controversial phrase "man up" and discuss its complex implications.

    They explore how words wield power, shaping perceptions and behaviours differently across various contexts and individual experiences.

    Jay and Dan share their personal encounters with the phrase, highlighting moments when it served as a catalyst for resilience and times when it felt dismissive.

    Key Discussion Points:

    • The Dual Nature of Words: Understanding how the same words can empower some while isolating others.
    • Personal Narratives: Jay and Dan recount specific instances where "man up" had a significant impact on their actions and mental health.
    • Navigating Responses: The importance of gauging what to say based on the nuanced needs of the moment—balancing toughness with empathy.
    • Action and Growth: The duo emphasizes the necessity of stepping out of comfort zones to foster personal development and achieve success.

    Please tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of motivational language and its effects on personal growth and emotional well-being.

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    32 mins