• Careers, Babies and Botox: Pressures On American Women To “Do It All”
    Sep 4 2013
    Careers, Babies & Botox is about the trajectory of American women to “do it all”. Women today are expected to get an education, have children, a successful career, manage a household, while staying fit and looking youthful. In 2004, my guest Jennifer Wallace-a Holistic Nurse Practitioner spearheaded The Holistic Wellness Program at NYU Fertility Center to address the stress of Infertility & IVF. In 2008, she became a mom and returned to her home state of MA where she presently works in Aesthetic Dermatology. Jennifer believes, “We are bombarded with icons like Angelina Jolie, who have a full career, raise a big family and remain stunningly beautiful. This isn't a realistic existence for most women. Yet Jolie has become the standard marketed image of a truly “successful woman”. Jennifer has also seen the pressures to “doing it all” rob women of their self worth when the “goal” isn't achieved. Can having it all sometimes mean letting something go or being open to doing it differently
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    57 mins
  • The Link Between Our Physical And Emotional Pain- How Do We Heal?
    Aug 28 2013
    Our muscular skeletal structure is like a shield of armor, protecting us from physical and emotional hits experienced in daily life. What if TMJ, sciatica or heartburn is our body’s way of expressing emotional ache? My next guest, Mackenzie Chambers- Pilates teacher and body coach with over 25 years of experience, will help us understand how today's stressors create a myriad of physical symptoms. Mackenzie’s believes, “Stress is a vague word but any time we feel we must defend ourselves, run away, or feel any tension at all, our muscles will clench. When we freeze up repeatedly, we create our very own pain map or body's stress landscape. I've developed techniques that anyone can learn to undo these habits that may show up as back pain, headaches, strain, bad posture and even fibromyalgia. We'll discuss how to discover your own stress landscape, as well as tips for undoing it! Tips you can take into the workplace, sitting on a plane, or even into your own fitness regimen.
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    56 mins
  • Tapping Into Your Passionate Life!
    Aug 21 2013
    My upcoming guest, Alina Frank is considered the leading EFT-Matrix Reimprinting trainer and coach in the United States. I've studied with her and as a practitioner, I found Alina's work exquisitely profound and life changing. She will be sharing in her knowledge by showing you the mystifying connection between your libido, health, and having an outrageously passionate life. Alina believes, ...many women experience lack of interest in physical intimacy at various stages in their lives such as after childbirth, or during menopause. What if that were only half the story? What if their hormones followed their emotional states and not the other way around? What if there are some easy and effective tools that can light up the circuits in that part of a woman's life? And, what if those tools could positively affect their ability to make money, follow their dreams, reverse aging, and enhance your mood? This is WHY, I am so excited to have Alina on my show!
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    57 mins
  • Just… Girl Talk!
    Aug 14 2013
    I thought it might be fun to switch things up a bit on Food For Thought! Over the years, I’ve had the honor or working with extraordinary clients. Their issues ranging from “unexplained infertility”, adrenal burn-out, hormonal imbalances, including disordered eating. The outcome for many of these women, resided in the awakening and birthing of a new-self. Their way of “being and self-nurturing” became pivotal in how they continued to move through daily life. These clients were no longer spinning their wheels, but steering through life’s ups and downs without crashing. They could experience a calm within a stormy world! These women understood self-nurturing as a way of creating optimal health- body, mind and soul. My upcoming guests, Ana Tucker and Lisa Tornell are two of these extraordinary clients. They'll be sharing personal stories about their hormonal health and challenges along the way to becoming working moms while navigating today's world!
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    57 mins
  • The Causes of Recurrent Miscarriages, Repeated Failed IVF and Unexplained Infertility With Jonathan Scher, MD
    Aug 7 2013
    Anyone working in the area of infertility- whether it’s a physician or some one, like myself – our every intention is to help women or couples, achieve their dream of having a child. I believe it’s important to consider various perspectives and avenues, while addressing the challenges of infertility. Frequently, it’s a combination of practitioners setting a woman along that path to become a mother. My upcoming guest, Dr. Jonathan Scher, MD, is one of those extraordinary individuals. He believes much of unexplained infertility is explainable AND treatable. Accord to Dr. Scher, “ Women and men need to know what these treatments are: what questions to ask their doctors; and how to ensure that they are being offered the most appropriate treatment, rather than being told to keep trying again and again... Repeated Failure of IVF treatments in particular may have an immunological cause. It's not just about age and chromosomal issues!
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    57 mins
  • Can Gluten Sensitivity Provoke Learning and Behavioral Disorders?
    Jul 31 2013
    Something as seemingly innocuous as a child’s bowl of cereal can trigger fidgetiness or acting out at school. 18 million people have gluten sensitivity (protein found in wheat, barely, rye, spelt, kamut and oats). The link between gluten sensitivity and problems with brain function- learning disabilities and behavioral issues such ADHD, are rising. My guest, Ron Hoggan, Ed.D., was diagnosed with Celiac in 1994- his subsequent research brings deep understanding to the gluten crisis. Dr. Hoggan says it best, “I am fascinated by the way gluten induces illness and impedes learning while it alters mood, behavior, and a host of other facets of human existence. Mood disturbances, learning disabilities, and the loss of quality of life due to psychiatric and neurological illness are even more tragic than the plethora of physical ailments that are caused or worsened by gluten. The further I go down this rabbit hole, the more I realize that grains are a good food for ruminants - not people.”
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    57 mins
  • Has Your Libido Lost Its Luster? Meet Tierney Salter- Seattle’s “Herbal Queen Of Mojo”!
    Jul 24 2013
    Do you feel like your sex drive is stuck in low gear? Are you feeling tired and a bit frazzled around the edges? According to a recent survey published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, more than one in three women admitted to experiencing low sexual desire in the past month. That translates into 40 million, not so happy goddesses. Many factors can influence a woman’s libido and age is NOT the only deciding one! My next guest, Tierney Salter is one of the leading Herbalist in the U.S. For the past 12 years, she has been my go to “herbal consultant” for many patients. Tierney and I will take you on a journey to clarify WHY present day stressors, lifestyle and dietary choices are directing women’s hormones down the path to a low libido. Tierney will share how specific herbal formulas and strategies can women help women feel their best- body, mind, soul... and mojo.
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    56 mins
  • The LInk Between Mental and Physical Health: Can A Saliva-Based Genetic Test Bring Us Closer To Treating The Whole Person?
    Jul 17 2013
    Psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar disease or autism are complex- environmental and biological factors are part of the picture. These biological factors include genetics, neurotransmitter and receptor activity, as well as medical conditions mimicking psychiatric disorders. Imagine having tangible and specific bio-markers in psychiatry as clinically useful as any standard tests. My up coming guest, Dr. Jay Lombard believes we’re almost there! He is the Chief Scientific Officer and Medical Director of Genomind- a trusted partner to clinicians keeping them informed of the rapidly changing landscape of personalized medicine. The Genomind’s saliva-based genetic test can help clinicians understand their patients’ genetic and biological profiles. In turn, helping them make more informed treatment decisions. The test can be used to avoid the current “trial and error” approach. Dr. Lombard will discuss this panel and share case studies from clinicians using the test.
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    56 mins