
  • Cultural demand forecasting: the key to innovative problem solving
    Jun 18 2024

    One of the fundamental tenets of innovation is that it has to solve a problem or need. But what if we were to think beyond the functional and the emotional needs? How can CPG products answer symbolic consumer needs, like belonging, differentiation, status and more?

    In our latest episode, Tamara and Stas discuss why we view cultural demand forecasting as the lynchpin to successful innovation, trendspotting and portfolio advisement.

    Download the free white paper: The Case for Cultural Demand Forecasting

    Over the past decade, demand space frameworks have emerged as a trusted tool to help food and beverage companies identify areas of growth that can shape strategy, marketing and product innovation. However, many in the industry disagree on the RIGHT approach to developing and implementing these frameworks.

    The Case for Cultural Demand Forecasting explores the secrets to success.

    Download white paper

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    27 mins
  • Inside the 2024 food shopping landscape with FMI — The Food Industry Association
    Jun 5 2024

    This week on the podcast we’re joined by our friend and colleague, Steve Markenson from FMI — The Food Industry Association, to talk all about the latest installment of FMI’s U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends report. Listen as we unpack the state of grocery shopping today:

    • Why we might be witnessing “the end of the primary shopper”
    • How shopper habits and sentiments have shifted (or stayed the same) as inflation persists
    • What is driving shifts in the variety of stores shopped, and why the supermarket still reigns supreme
    • How the shoppers’ evolving understanding of value impacts it all

    About the report

    FMI's U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends 2024 series helps food and beverage industry professionals gain a deeper understanding of grocery shoppers’ changing habits and behaviors over the past few years. It explores shoppers’ weekly spend, primary store choice, engagement with emerging dimensions of value and more.

    Explore the report

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    32 mins
  • The dos and don’ts of celebrity endorsements
    May 22 2024

    Despite an oversaturated landscape of brand partnerships, celebrity endorsements remain a hot topic for both consumers and business professionals. Why? Because when those partnerships are done right, they can deliver some pretty buzz-worthy results.

    In this week’s podcast, our Hartman Retainer Services team breaks down everything you need to know about successful brand partnerships in the age of influencers and social media:

    • How younger consumers have changed the conversation around branding and personal/social identity
    • Why knowing your audience (and the celebrity’s audience) is the first step to a successful partnership
    • Common challenges companies face when engaging in celebrity partnerships — and how to avoid them

    Explore the benefits of HRS
    Want on-demand access to these kinds of insights? Let’s tailor an HRS consulting package to your unique priorities and budget. Reach out to Shelley Balanko to learn more: shelley@hartman-group.com

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    13 mins
  • Navigating conflict and consumer trust in the organic marketplace
    May 8 2024

    You may have seen the controversy around Alexandre Family Farms regarding allegations of mistreatment of cows and subsequent details regarding the validity of the claims and underlying motivations of those involved in the reporting. This got us thinking about a larger question: what are the lasting impacts of conflicting media information on consumer trust, and how can discerning organizations combat them?

    Listen to this week’s podcast for a fascinating discussion about how media, brands, and consumers influence public perceptions. We touch on important issues like:

    • The evolution of consumers’ understanding of food production and farm operations
    • How certifications can help (or hinder) consumer trust and decision-making
    • Tips for companies seeking to offer a transparent view of their systems and processes

    And in the spirit of transparency, we’re providing links to the primary articles referenced in this episode:

    • The truth about organic milk, The Atlantic
    • [UPDATED] Report From Animal Advocacy Group Finds ‘Deception, Cruelty and Animal Abuse’ at Alexandre Family Farm in Crescent City, Lost Coast Outpost

    Want to know more about consumer perceptions within organic?

    As consumers become more aware of the nuances within the organic market, issues around safety, health, and sustainability are becoming even more prominent — and animal welfare is a key topic gaining consumer attention. We’ll explore the ins and outs of these issues and more in Beyond Organic 2024: Expanding Distinctions in Food & Beverage.

    Pre-purchase the report

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    10 mins
  • Future of Snacking 2024: Balancing Intent with Indulgence
    Apr 10 2024

    Want a deeper understanding of the topics covered in our new Future of Snacking 2024 report? Hear directly from our lead researchers as they give a sneak peek of some interesting insights we uncovered, such as:

    • How needs around Nourishment, Optimization, Pleasure and Distraction highlight a shift toward more intentional snacking choices
    • Why taste goes beyond just flavor, and how different dimensions of taste play a role in the overall snacking experience
    • What consumers look for in terms of snack packaging and how it underscores the importance of convenience

    About the report

    Future of Snacking 2024 – Balancing Intent with Indulgence explores the culture of snacking and how snacking is integrated into our daily lives. Built around our proprietary Modern Snacking Framework, this report provides a foundation for identifying opportunities in product development, brand positioning, and marketing. It also examines eight major snacking categories and the attributes consumers consider most important for each.

    Purchase your copy today to secure preferred pricing (valid through April 15, 2024).

    Purchase Future of Snacking 2024

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    8 mins
  • Knowledge on Demand: Inside Hartman Retainer Services
    Mar 27 2024

    You’ve probably heard us talk about Hartman Retainer Services, or HRS, quite a bit. But you might still be wondering what kind of questions we can answer — and how detailed we can get (spoiler alert: very detailed!).

    On this week’s podcast, Rob and Alissa from our HRS team are breaking down some examples of recent client requests and the resulting deliverables, ranging from a deep dive on functional mushrooms to an analysis of evolving consumer needs within meat and seafood occasions.

    Listen now for a behind-the-scenes look at how we tackled these unique requests, and how this on-demand consulting service could help your organization.

    Explore the benefits of HRS

    Want to pick Rob’s and Alissa’s brains some more? Let’s talk about how we can tailor an HRS consulting package to your unique priorities and budget. Reach out to Shelley Balanko for a demo call: shelley@hartman-group.com

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    17 mins
  • What’s driving demand: Inside “Futurecast 2024”
    Mar 13 2024

    Plus, what the Kroger-Albertson’s merger says about pricing, accessibility, variety, labor and more

    Businesses face significant pressure to predict market trends accurately — almost like having a crystal ball. Although seeing into the future is impossible, you can come very close with the right insights and cultural understanding.

    Hartman Group’s Futurecast 2024 helps guide you through discussions on major changes affecting consumer behavior so you can pinpoint trends and pockets of demand for sustained growth.

    This week’s podcast offers an inside look at this strategic exercise, using the ongoing Kroger-Albertson's merger as a case study of the intricate challenges that Futurecast can help your business navigate.

    Ways to engage in Futurecast 2024

    This customizable exercise can be done either in-person or virtually:

    • Ideal for strategy setting with small groups and executive teams: Our team can facilitate an engaging interactive session focused on specific topics noted in Futurecast that are most relevant to your business. Ability to customize for larger groups (10+ participants) with breakout groups or a series of sessions.
    • Ideal as inspiration for large teams or divisions: Our team can give a dedicated Futurecast presentation (with or without Q&A) to inform and inspire further internal discussions and initiatives.

    To learn more about Futurecast and to schedule your session, reach out to Shelley Balanko: shelley@hartman-group.com

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    15 mins
  • Fermentative medicine: Trend Trekking with Firefly Kitchens
    Feb 28 2024

    We recently had the pleasure of hosting our friend Julie O’Brien, owner of Seattle-based Firefly Kitchens, for a Trend Trek at Hartman Group’s offices. Julie shared an impressive spread of gut-loving sauerkrauts, kimchis and tonics, and taught our team more about the delicate fermentation process behind them.

    In this week’s podcast, Robert and Melissa break down (pun intended) highlights and key learnings from the Trek:

    • Our favorite bites and recipe ideas from the tasting
    • The benefits of fermented foods, immunity to digestion to microbiome health
    • Challenges faced by fermented food producers, like pasteurization requirements

    Plus, get our take on how the growing consumer interest in fermented foods ladders up to other trends we’re seeing in both the health and wellness and sustainability spaces.

    If you like these insights, subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter where we share data-packed infographics, insightful articles, food & beverage industry trends and more.

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    17 mins